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Weather Enthusiast91

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Everything posted by Weather Enthusiast91

  1. Going by the models and the forecast for the next couple of weeks, I am changing my C.E.T. and EWP guesses to 18.2c and 70ml.
  2. Shops in my area are already selling 2021 diaries and calendars. Christmas is coming.
  3. The short lived hot spell will be a welcome change, and I actually don't at all mind hot weather as long as it doesn't go on for too long. Hopefully, we will get a thunderstorm at some point before the end of summer. Though I shan't be holding my breath.
  4. I have a feeling that this August will end up being bang on average. If that's the case then it will end up being the best out of the summer months this year, though it isn't saying much. Quite similar to August 2012, which was the best summer month that year but was still nothing to shout about.
  5. I'm so jealous. You are getting some weather, and a very interesting kind at that.
  6. It wouldn't be able to cope. Would most likely explode. I imagine there'd be quite a few arguments too, if those two were living together.
  7. The Midlands northwards has not managed to reach 25C so far this July, and there is nothing in the forecast either. I can't remember the last time we have had a July that failed to reach 25C. Even 2012 had a hot spell that July.
  8. Oh yes, I see it now. Think I've been in lockdown for a little too long.
  9. Even July 2012 managed to deliver a hot spell towards the end of the month. But apart from that, the summer that year isn't really all that different to the one so far this year temperature wise.
  10. No thunderstorms, no heatwaves, no decent rainfall. Nothing remotely interesting about this month at all, and the rest of it doesn't really look much better.
  11. I have a feeling that August is going to be no better then July. 14.6C and 97mm
  12. Good evening During this time of the year we do begin to see very gradual changes which remind us that autumn is our next season, and there are already signs of autumn out there if you know where to look, though these changes seem to speed up a bit from around mid to late August when you really start to notice the sun slowly decreasing in strength and the nights gradually becoming longer. I certainly understand what you are saying about November. The beauty of autumn diminishes during that month as we head into winter. And despite me favouring long nights over long days, by the time we get to February, I start looking forward to spring.
  13. It does certainly appear to be more socially acceptable to love spring and summer as opposed to autumn and winter. I know that I'm in the minority here, but I much prefer long nights over long days. I have always been more of a night person. A lot more peaceful and just overall a better atmosphere. I do like to see the beauty in all 4 seasons however.
  14. It may have been posted before but I have certainly never seen it up until now. Thank you for making me laugh.
  15. Roll on my favourite season: Autumn. Barring last year's, that season usually brings us many kinds of weather. Whether it be warm sunny days with cool misty nights, good storms, showers, you name it. In the meantime though, let's hope that August ends up being more interesting than this July.
  16. Over here, we haven't as of yet managed to reach 25 Celsius this July, and the highest temperature in the forecast for the next couple of weeks is 23 Celsius. That is quite astonishing for the middle of summer.
  17. Over here at least, I find this July to be reminiscent of July 2012. Perhaps not quite as wet, though temperature wise certainly.
  18. Ah, autumn: My favourite season. Here are my predictions for autumn 2020: September: Mostly settled with temps in the late teens to early 20s along with some cold nights. Starts to become unsettled towards the end of the month though (similar to last year). October: A short lived warm spell around the beginning of the month. We also see the last 20 Celsius of the year at this point. Following this, the rest of the month will be low pressure dominated resulting in the first storm of the season. November: The stormy weather during October continues into the first week of November. After this, an anticyclone will result in a few sunny, cold and crisp days which is when we will get our first ground frost of the season. From mid to the end of the month will be a bit of a mixed bag, with temperatures gradually continuing to drop as we head into December. I love these kind of threads where we are to predict the weather.
  19. If it's mentioned in the Express then it MUST be true right?
  20. Hard to believe that we are almost half way through the meteorological summer already. Time sure flies.
  21. With the exception of a few days here and there, I have a feeling this is going to be the main theme for the rest of the summer seeing as weather blockages seem to be coming more and more common nowadays. And going by past experiences, dry and sunny springs quite frequently lead to poor summers for some reason. Whilst I admit that I did get bored of the dry and sunny weather we had during the spring, I certainly do not want a poor summer either. Why can't we just have more changeable weather? That is part of the beauty of our climate, and also keeps things interesting.
  22. It is the exact opposite for me. The first half of this year has been dragging and I can't believe we are still only in June. This whole corona business and the lockdown made the last few months feel like more of a drag than usual, whereas a normal year would feel as if it's flying by.
  23. I have overall quite enjoyed June 2020. It hasn't been ridiculously hot throughout and it hasn't been like 2012 either. It has been a fairly changeable month which I find to be part of the charm of our climate. More changeable weather and less blockings please.
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