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Everything posted by Ross90

  1. There were a few snow showers overnight here but they were short and left barely anything noticeable. Motherwell really has had some boring weather this past year, storms have all pretty much missed it as have any snow showers. The winter can pretty much be summed up as breezy, mild and usually cloudy.
  2. The one in Jan, not sure how other people would count it but if the snow is almost completely gone by late afternoon it's not really worth counting.
  3. That'll be watered down to a breezy day, stormy spells showing beyond 5 days very rarely materialise.
  4. Going back to the tree damage I think some/most of it might just be down to the fact that there were no notable storms in some areas for a couple of years. Trees that would otherwise have blown over earlier in an average storm were left standing for longer. Add to that the weakening effect that northerly winds from Arwen had I think there were a lot of trees that were one good gale away from being downed.
  5. Central belt has passed the peak now and nothing above about 45 mph, another tame one down here.
  6. Very dull for a while then the heavy rain started, breezy but not really windy at the moment.
  7. Probably more down to the fact that it's so soon after the last one and there's still a lot of damaged trees and people without power. It looks weaker than yesterdays storm.
  8. I thought they only named storms if an amber warning was involved...
  9. I'm sure everywhere in Scotland other than Lanarkshire has seen a decent storm this year. Just the typical 45-55 mph windy day here.
  10. Quite calm here at the moment, occasionally gusting into the 30s. The mets predicted winds tomorrow morning are the highest i've seen here in a couple of years so it'll be interesting to see if it actually reaches that level.
  11. Surprised there isn't a yellow warning out for Saturday morning yet, 50-60mph being forecast through the central belt and 70mph + across the north.
  12. Does the plume height alone change the VEI rating? How does it work if the material released was a 5 but the height was a 6?
  13. The plume probably puts it as a 6 but it was quite short lived, i'd be surprised if it ejected more than 10km³ of material.
  14. Godzilla has awoken... you wouldn't be surprised if the conspiracy theorists jumped on that one, i'm surprised nobody has suggested nuclear testing yet.
  15. I'm sure I read somewhere a few months ago that yellowstones magma chamber is only about 15% full and not all of that is molten. Unless there was a huge increase in filling then it'll be hundreds if not thousands of years before it's ready to erupt. The chances of a vei 8 eruption in any of our lifetimes is very small.
  16. Does anyone know where we are in terms of average rainfall totals for this winter? The reservoirs in Strathclyde were unusually low over the summer and early autumn and rainfall so far seems average at best, if there's a dry spring and summer there could be some problems...
  17. It's hard to compare when there's little (no) videos from nearby. Probably a good thing as anyone within 10 miles or so would likely have been killed.
  18. 1 day of lying snow so far up here and only a handful of frosts, it has been a poor winter everywhere so far.
  19. Motherwell barely 2cm, everywhere around here did well but the showers just avoided the lower parts of NL.
  20. Hard to put them in order but the 5 that spring to mind would be... Jan 3rd 2012 - The strongest winds i've ever experienced, gusting over 90mph for a short time. August 12th 2020 - The best and longest lasting thunderstorm i've seen with strikes every couple of seconds for over 2 hours and torrential rain at times. Dec 26th 1998 - The second most severe wind storm I remember with about 5-6 hours of 80mph gusts and quite widespread damage. Dec 2009 and Dec 2010 - It's hard to say which was better. I remember more snow days in 10 but a more prolonged cold period with snow on the ground for almost the whole month in 09.
  21. Seems a bit more windy than the forecast suggested yesterday. Gusting to around 40-45 here.
  22. Motherwell Max. 4c Min. 1c Cloudy with a couple of showers early on, clear and cool at night.
  23. Personally I don't think yellow warnings should be in effect unless gusts of 50mph + are expected and clearly most parts in England didn't get that. I think they're becoming more cautious/warning happy this year...
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