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Jemma Croton

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Posts posted by Jemma Croton

  1. We’ve had some fall in Swindon but literally only enough that I can see a slightly paler path than usual and maybe .5cm on the top of fences etc. Poor show.

    Also, I’m currently helping a local feral cat. Couple weeks before Christmas I found he was sneaking in my window at night (windows open all year in my bedroom because I have brittle asthma and the airflow helps at night) and setting off my asthma. We’ve made him a waterproofed outdoor bed (enclosed box waterproofed with bags hot glued to it to keep wet out and filled with straw) and trying to build some kind of friendship so I can get close enough to try and grab and get to a vets for scanning and a check over etc. Anyway, I took the mesh screens off my windows last night because I feel so bad about this cat who hates humans but gets so desperate for warmth he comes in my bedroom window at night. 

    so now there’s hardly any snow today AND I can’t breathe. Good one Jemma.

  2. Been back and following the model discussion and charts with all fellow cold hunters since October but haven’t posted this season yet.

    Shame for my first post of the season to be a moan but so be it. It’s just SUCH an annoyance when you have cross model agreement for so many days of runs showing promise only for it to all slip away. 10+ years of doing this every darn winter and you’d expect to be used to it but it’s no less gutting every time. It’s hard even to get excited, outside of a major split SSW, for a decent snow event when it seems almost every one slowly slips away.

    I’ll still do it, of course I will. But today I’ll moan.

    It’s nice to be back doing this with you lot even with such disappointments.


  3. 14 minutes ago, pinball wizard said:

    Understandable, I volunteer at a special needs school and know they can have sensitivities to things like that. That said, i'm not overly keen on snow falling on my face either, love to watch it falling and love to go outside in it once it's stopped though


    My son in particular really struggles. Especially after Feb last year we went out and the snow started up again and felt like hail pellets stinging your face... so now he thinks snow will hurt. Bless him. 

    Luckily though with it looking likely to continue this afternoon and hopefully little chance of thawing overnight they get to play in it tomorrow 

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