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Everything posted by Rayth

  1. Let me finish ! Followed by a crushing left hook ! ? Northern correction by the ecm ?
  2. Could be that the GFS has snapped out a stiff jab , and the ECM is winding up a huge haymaker ! Time/Runs shall tell as always
  3. Think some balance is needed! Iv only recently in the past couple of years took up this rollercoaster as a hobby and I have the thirst for knowledge ,and Iv never seen charts like this before , any cold fan would love to be in this position ,with a good hand at this table , if it doesn’t work out , cruel maybe , but then you get to learn why it didn’t work out , and if you get what you want , lucky us being around for something potentially historical ! Point being , we are messing with Mother Nature , she will give us what ‘she’ wants
  4. When you said you were going to pray this morning , you didn’t tell us it was to steal our uppers Mr @nick sussex
  5. Interesting to see where this ECM run sits when the ‘clustered’ bearded man does his sterling work later @Man With Beard
  6. The GFS is giving us a European wide slider , now measuring the snow in mass ( tonnes) not height (cm)
  7. A recurvature of the jet on the GFS @ 180 and my pipes have burst at home and my heating bill is now measured at 10hpa ! Could be on the cusp of ‘remember 2018’
  8. This a reflection of the retrogression that the models have been hinting at ?
  9. Crikey ! The NAO going lower than the AO would be something to remember in itself Nick ?
  10. Bang on there ! I was honestly expecting some watering down off the 00z , the only thing that’s watering is my eyes in disbelief and joy ! We are actually getting upgrades from run to run
  11. Well we are having nearly every other eye watering winter synoptic heaven ! Why not add some retrogression too ! Heavens above ! You get to the point where you don’t have any more superlatives !
  12. Someone’s knocking on the door , someone’s ringing the bell open the door ... and let them in
  13. Given the ens spread of both the ECM + GFS this is kind of *inevitable* ,got to put caveats in as we just don’t know , I mean could we even get upgrades ? I don’t even know what an upgrade would look like after today’s output ,this SSW has been incredible from all manner of perspective , from when it was first modeled to then actually verification , to now watching models ‘deal’ with its trop response , be interesting to see in the afternmath which model handled it best
  14. If we get something anywhere near historical out this then there will be some amount of data to analyze after ! And keeping balance , if it goes the way of the pear , the same as to why it did
  15. Hope the snow gets in at day 6/7 @Catacol Iv never seen a Calcutta cup played with an orange ball ! Didn’t follow this crazy hobby in 2010 , but I quite imagine this was what it was like !
  16. Super Post from @Singularity on the op thread bravo
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