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snow raven

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Everything posted by snow raven

  1. Did you hear thunder around 15 mins ago? Not sure if its wishful thinking on my part!
  2. I already have two birthdays. My actual birthday is on the 9th November. Mr Raven seem's to think it's on the 2nd!
  3. So, the August bank holiday is set to be a wash out... as usual
  4. we've just lost our sky signal too! Bring back the days of 4 channel TV!
  5. Rumble of thunder here in Bexleyheath - started to rain heavy too. So much for our BBQ this afternoon!
  6. Both Mr Raven and Mini Raven have seen flashes of lightning here. Oh, and now I have seen a flash. No thunder heard though...
  7. Looking more promising though - I reckon we must be in for a direct hit soon? Nice and dark clouds on it's way... surely we won't miss out?! Oh yes! The thunder is getting louder! Lightning at last!!!
  8. Feels like there are storms rumbling all around me at the moment. Surely one of them will be a direct hit?!
  9. Distant rumbles of thunder here in Bexleyheath. Not sure from what direction it's coming from as there are ominous looking clouds in all directions!
  10. Just came back from shopping at Lakeside (Thurrock, South Essex) - had a cracking thunderstorm around 1.5 hours ago, lightning, thunder and hail. Now back home in Bexleyheath - sun is out, but plenty of stormy looking clouds around too LOL, I was there at the same time! We couldn't hear ourselves speak while walking around!
  11. cloudy in London - do you think this will hamper any possible home grown storms later this afternoon?
  12. Nothing wrong with complaining about the heat AM. I feel the same as you. However, I am enjoying the blue sky and sunshine, just knock 6-7 degrees off the temperature!
  13. Well, thanks to a signal failure last night, it took me 2 hours to get home (normally journey 40 minutes) via the useless South-Eastern trains - roll on the London Olympics when the real fun and games begin... If it was chaotic last night, we haven't seen anything yet! Anyway, as for the weather, I am off to work in an air conditioned office later this afternoon, so it can get as humid and hot as it likes! Edit - well, that is until it gives SE trains another excuse to cause chaos. Usually it's buckling train tracks in the summer...
  14. Nice..! actually, the thought of sitting in a pub garden in this weather does suddenly sound appealing! I think it's just because I am boiling hot at work, with a hot, packed train journey home ahead of me that has given me the grumps! Enjoy this evening
  15. Have to admit, I am loving the sunshine. However, (and I hate to moan after the weather we have had since April) but..... It is a little bit too hot for me to enjoy and I wish the weather wouldn't go from one extreem to the other. Clear blue skies, 23c, a light cool breeze is my idea of perfect summer weather. And you just know any prospect of a storm/storms as a reward for putting up with this heat and humidity won't materialize or will break out over Newcastle or something Sorry to sound like a moaning minnie but I am too hot at my desk at work and am feeling a little grumpy!
  16. A lovely sun tan if the lovely weather this weekend is anything to go by!
  17. Torrential downpour here in Bexley - 1 flash of lightning and now 2 rumbles of thunder heard!
  18. Wow, torrential downpour in Bexley - with one flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder thrown in!
  19. been raining for a while here, got a bit of clear sky and looks like some CB's trying to build?
  20. I'm in Bexleyheath and we just seem to have normal looking clouds (sorry, not v technical I know!)
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