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Everything posted by Turnedoutniceagain

  1. Watching hockey this afternoon. Can't believe how quickly temps dropped off. Massive windchill tonight :cold:
  2. +Latest+ METO update http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=warnings&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1422662400&regionName=em
  3. rain, sleet, snow - rain, sleet, snow.......repeat until bored
  4. The Polar Low appears to have tracked South over Ireland. Choker....
  5. And another update. Do they know what's happening?? http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=warnings&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1422576000&regionName=em
  6. METO have just sunk their Warnings further South for tomorrow http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=map&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1422576000
  7. On and off snow/sleet showers at Castle Bromwich and on the M6 heading in
  8. Considering we're 48hrs out, I'd have thought the METO would've upgraded by now??
  9. Slushy, sleety nonsense in Rugby......*boo*
  10. METO have just upgraded the Midlands tonight > http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=map&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1421712000
  11. ...and here we go> http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=map&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1421712000 #METO
  12. It's the same every year, all those shiny little faces, full of hope and anticipation. 24hrs later - "I hate Winter....*sobs*". "Winter's over...etc etc"
  13. -4c on the M6 at 6am. Great to see some light in the sky to the SW at 7am.
  14. Many NW members are still receiving counselling after the 'Beasterly that disappeared' in Feb 06
  15. Right now is pretty much about as warm as it's going to get for about a week. Enjoy !!
  16. Looking nippy across the region from next Monday
  17. Temps fluctuating between -1 and +1c on M6 from J1 to J6
  18. Tornadoes in Haverfordwest > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-30805054
  19. A decent covering home in Rugby, but a lot more at work in Birmingham
  20. Sun's out again in Castle Bromwich. Damned cold though !!
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