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Everything posted by edinburgh_1992

  1. Even snow on the Alps could be possible below 1000m near the Swiss/Austrian border over the weekend. But across northern italy, night time temperatures should dip well into single figures under clear skies.
  2. Very hazy for most of the day in Edinburgh with plenty of high cloud partially weakening the sun. Skies cleared up around 4. Quite chilly in the wind. Tomorrow probably a bit sunnier and warmer? We’re now on “high” UV levels according to the metoffice.
  3. Tomorrow looks quite cloudy with some hazy sunshine at times. Saturday and Sunday bright, but looking very wet next week and beyond into mid-May even... Models are all over the place, so whilst the transition to wetter conditions seems certain, it isn't clear how long it will last. GFS has been hinting that high pressure could return reasonably soon
  4. I thought February was quite exciting during the gale force winds as blizzards rolled in from the west. Definitely had quite a few days with snow falling at some point here in Edinburgh. Even thundersnow in parts of Scotland. And it's not often that you get heavy snow showers moving in across the whole country on a western wind... Coming back to today, more glorious sunny weather in Edinburgh. Unusually clear for an eastern wind.
  5. Suddenly all the clouds disappeared around 6 this evening. No doubt they'll be back around dawn just to make sure we don't get any sunshine
  6. Horrible day in Edinburgh, just 9C, overcast and cold easterly winds. The low clouds just keep rolling in. GFS cloud cover forecast got it wrong this time, today was supposed to be a bit brighter than yesterday, but it isn't. More of the same tomorrow. Maybe Sunday will be a bit brighter?
  7. Horrible day in Edinburgh. Overcast, easterly winds... Still a lot of uncertainty about cloud cover over the coming days. Some sunny spells could be seen tomorrow
  8. Started off like yesterday, not a cloud in the sky. Low cloud has rolled in from the west since. Looking at the satellite images, seems very foggy/low clouds over the Atlantic. No significant spells of rain anytime soon. Finally the ground can dry up after the washout winter
  9. Yep, great morning. I see high cloud moving in from the Forth now, although hazy sunshine should hold on for most of the day. Tomorrow looks somewhat sunnier and warmer as well. I’m finding the GFS cloud cover forecast to be quite accurate.
  10. Happy Easter! Still a serious lack of rainfall in what is one of the wettest months for parts of northern italy...
  11. Turning out to be a lovely afternoon in Edinburgh, unexpectedly so. Hazy sunshine, light winds and feeling warm despite the 12C temperature. If GFS proves to be right, we could be expecting a very long period of dry, often sunny weather over the coming days and weeks. There is a risk that low pressure does manage to push further east bringing an end to the nice weather by next weekend, but only time will tell.
  12. Temperatures struggling to get to 10C with overcast skies. The high resolution gfs was right when predicting the temperatures today. I have the heating on. Next week could also be very cold. GFS showing temperatures as low as 4 degrees around Edinburgh for midday Tuesday
  13. Miserable day as expected in Edinburgh. For tomorrow, GFS is showing temperatures struggling to rise above 7-8C in a very localised area near Edinburgh on the map, very strange.
  14. Glorious morning and afternoon in Edinburgh, 17.5C at the moment. Here is a pic from my daily exercise today. Bright blue skies. The best April day we’ve had so far, at least in terms of sunshine. Last sunday was warmer, but the sun was often hazy with lots of high cloud around...
  15. Yes, amazing afternoon and evening. Just before sunset I had all the windows open and it felt properly like summer.
  16. Grey and miserable in Edinburgh. 12 degrees now. I don't expect it will get much higher than 15 with all the cloud cover. Much sunnier tomorrow and Tuesday
  17. I can't see high pressure properly establishing itself over the UK anytime soon. Those low pressures always pushing from the west on the models... however the outlook seems rather changeable with some sunny spells and mild temperatures in between the longer wet and windy periods. Sunday could be the warmest day of the year so far. 16C predicted for Edinburgh.
  18. Decent sunday in Edinburgh, much lighter winds and some sunny spells, although cloudy for most of the day. Yesterday was freezing in the wind.
  19. After the miserable week ahead, looks like some very significant rainfall could be heading our way in the longer term. Low pressure blocked from moving east, with south-westerlies over the UK, in particular scotland. As if we needed more rain.
  20. I agree, i’m sick of this miserable non-weather. Don’t look at the met office forecast, never seen so many black clouds on the forecast for days and days to come
  21. Starting to think next week will be less bright that i anticipated...a great deal of cloud around according to models, often around midday too, despite the high pressure. Possibly some wintry showers on saturday/sunday?
  22. Wet and miserable in Edinburgh :( and more miserable weather tomorrow. Weather should hopefully brighten up over the weekend and into next week, although still a lot of cloud around at times
  23. Weather has been nice the past few days. Back to windy and wet from tomorrow, although still unclear just how far SE the fronts will push. At the moment next weekend is looking very bright as the winds turn from the north, but cold. Until then, damp, miserable and windy for us all. Hopefully it will put off people from going out.
  24. Nature woke up early this year due to the exceptionally mild winter and spring, so these temperatures could still have an adverse effect. Models are still very undecided on where the cold air is heading, just yesterday it was meant to halt over the balkans and sink into greece. Could even end up over the UK after warming up and crossing most of europe (GFS 12)
  25. Quite a significant cold spell looking increasingly likely, especially for the Adriatic coast and northern italy. Whilst snow along the coasts is currently looking unlikely, if confirmed light snow would be possible on low ground along the Prealps due to stau effect as the winds turn east.
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