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Everything posted by Vikos

  1. not at all, I love your excitment, but -8 in 850hpa near sea is not -8 on ground....
  2. No snow at pos dewpoints and pos 2m .. there where alot of posts here for possible snow, so I find it legitim to mention, that the parameters don't talk for snow... or am I wrong? It's been a bit too enthusiatic... but thtas just my opinion, I may be wrong... I don't know your microclima in surtain parts of UK, but I see those +°C, those are rookie numbers for snow... In Germany we normaly need min -8°C in 850hpa for snowfall wich will deploy a durable snow cover... If hours lasting snowfall in morning hours is you goal to reach, than don't take me too serious... best regards
  3. I feel sorry for you guys, but I wouldn't expect any serious, longer lasting snow-events looking on this EC-Chart for lower mainland and coast-side Too much west'ly stuff, on low grounds this would be around 5-8°C... just wrong pattern...
  4. Hmm, nah... much more N to NNE, hitting MidEu... UK too close to High on Atlantic....
  5. Again, those meteociel-charts 500mb aren't very good... Could end up in a very southern west (Ws) scenario
  6. This chart shows the altitude for the 0°C-Line btw, so 200m could be a bit too low. it maybe snows but i wouldn't expect a snow layer lasting for too long
  7. Signals are still good for a colder spell in late January, but we should keep in mind, that the tropospheric forecasts for a period like +10-14 days isn't a very logical thing in a chaotic system... Ever had a closer look at a bubble?
  8. @Kirkcaldy Weather you are welcome, I also want to suggest http://wxcharts.eu/?panel=default&model=gfs,gfs,gfs,gfs&region=europe&chart=2mtemp_anom,850temp,wind10mkph,snowdepth&run=12&step=384&plottype=10&lat=51.500&lon=-0.250&skewtstep=0 for even more infos... and https://weathermodels.com/index.php?r=site%2Fpreview&mode=animator
  9. I think UK has to wait a bit more... Coldest day so far but then... MidEU stays under cold, maybe snowcover producing cold ground air
  10. I'd rather use https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=gfs&region=eu&pkg=mslp_pcpn_frzn&runtime=2019010912&fh=6 over meteociel... more info + better charts + better menu
  11. And EC is flooding N-America/Canada with cold air and plenty of low GeoPot... will be mostly cold and rainy in MidEU...
  12. Hello friends, been following this Thread for quite a time... thumbs up! I would like to ask you, if those GFS runs can be taken very serious because of the shutdown problem...specially focused on possible missing "human"-error correction (GFS Strong Atlantic Bias) And are there any EC-Charts for t850pa/2m Anomaly avaible for 20.1.+ ? EC looks good for ME my regards from Germany
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