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Everything posted by TheOgre

  1. We still haven’t had much frost here. Colder days yes but only light frosts. This weekend looks really chilly though just 3C on Sunday! I hope we do get a dusting of snow! Looks boring again next week though.
  2. I don’t mind the November we’ve had. It’s been mild and quite sunny often here (by November standards). Next week is looking frosty and cold with a chance of snow so it will be an interesting mix and not cold and grey.
  3. We had a frost this morning although I don’t think it actually touched freezing. I got 0.4C.
  4. Happy Halloween Very seasonal day today with dark spooky skies and heavy rain followed by cold sunshine and strong winds. Looks as though we could have our first touch of frost next week.
  5. Has there ever been a widespread white Halloween? It would be extremely difficult for it to happen so early but I wonder if it ever has?
  6. Loving this bright sunny and cold few days. Feeling very seasonal
  7. There was a week of near constant fog here in November 2015 I think it was. Can’t remember any other time with so much fog.
  8. Why are lows so much milder in the autumn compared to in the spring? You’d think it would be the other way round considering the fact that the nights are longer in the autumn!
  9. I’m finding the benign cool to mild weather quite boring now. Just been cool and cloudy today and the forecast is showing similar weather all week.
  10. I’m not surprised by the cloudiness on what was supposed to a sunny day. That is the theme for 2021 after all I think 2011 is quite iconic for the warm sunny April and the hot end to September and early October. I don’t remember the summer weather but the spring and autumn were very memorable. It also stands out as a warm year compared to 2010, 2012 and 2013 which all featured prominent cold periods.
  11. Despite being a summer person, there’s lots to like about October, November and December. Colourful leaves on the trees , Halloween , Bonfire Night and Christmas are exciting aspects of the upcoming time of year. The real depressing time is January, February and March.
  12. Enjoyed the warm September but ready for the cooler weather now. I like a cool showery October.
  13. Turned out to be a nice day today. It was forecasted to be a washout and it’s been mostly sunny, not as warm as yesterday but mild. Tomorrow’s forecast is sunny all day
  14. Nice day today with plenty of sun. It’s looking quite tepid for the next week which is quite typical for mid September to mid October.
  15. Another sunny and hot day today. I think this will be the last one for 2021 as mild weather returns tomorrow and onward. I’m hoping that cloud stays to the southwest and doesn’t roll in until this evening at least??
  16. Glorious afternoon walking in the late summer meadow. Gone up to 27C with bright sun after the cloud earlier.
  17. Yesterday was a beautiful day with the sun out all day and 24C. It’s cloudy today unfortunately.
  18. There’s a chance it could get warm again by next week, maybe up to 27C It just came out of nowhere!
  19. Meteorological Summer 2021 for south Derbyshire June - warm dry first half, cool wet second half July - mixed; thundery wet early, hot dry middle, cool wet end August - dull mild (least variable I’ve ever known)
  20. Worst May I’ve ever known, worst August (maybe 2014 was just as bad) and now heading for one the worst starts to September (after 2015). When does this end? The short end of March heatwave is about the only impressive weather event of 2021.
  21. How long are these leaden skies going to last? Give me anything other than this. It’s been day in day out.
  22. The weather has been so predictable this summer! Every day is the same: cool - mild, overcast and mainly dry
  23. It’s been a nice day today but with quite strong high pressure why is it so cool this and next week? You’d think high pressure in summer would produce at least some heat.
  24. Yesterday was a beautiful day with sun all day. But today: I reckon it will be like this for the next fortnight or so. Depressing for summer.
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