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Everything posted by dubmuffin

  1. Still snowing heavily in Wallington and now settling on the wet pavements too. Going to be tricky out there tomorrow morning!
  2. Camera: 43184 - M4 118/4A J14-J15 showing some snow settling...
  3. Snowing in Wallington now, quite heavy, but very wet out there
  4. The lamp post was exaggerating - on closer examination, just a cold rain sleety mix
  5. Just remembered it was supposed to snow at rush hour, so had a quick look out the back door at work here in Croydon, then straight onto the SE thread for updates of course! Nothing here yet...
  6. Giant snowflakes this morning as I was getting ready for work - bright sunshine now
  7. Happy Xmas Eve from Fieberbruun! We skied to Salbaach yesterday and had sun at lunchtime which made if feel more like March than December, with soft snow on the sunny slopes but by the end of the day and throughout the evening we had heavy rain in resort. I was concerned as to how the snow would hold out, but imagine my joy at opening the curtains this morning to see heavy snow falling. I'm hoping the cold air has arrived sooner than expected?️
  8. I'm sure there will still be snow, just not quite so keen on skiing on it in the rain I always get a little worried if the forecast isn't perfect, but haven't ever been disappointed when I get there!
  9. Hi everyone - off to Fieberbruun for Christmas week - it was all looking good, but according to Bergfex now it seems it will be warm and wet in town when we arrive on Saturday - bit like Christmas at home! I'm hoping for the sudden cool down shown for the big day comes to pass and I get a white Christmas after all:). I'm sure there will still be some snow up the mountain!
  10. Well, if we have to have a day of rain, let's hope it's a good one. Gives me an excuse to do all the indoor jobs I have been neglecting all summer!
  11. That wind today is mad! We've got loads of 10ft Sunflowers, some in pots, spent most of the day tying them to anything solid, fences, window hooks, each other! The tomato plants were flattened overnight, and the chillies are at risk of overturning, and tomorrow looks worse! At least it has been generally sunny and warm today, even the wind hasn't been too cold. Can't wait for summer to return
  12. Settling snow at the tail end of a cold spell is never quite as exciting as snow on the first day, but on the plus side, my car has never looked so clean
  13. Been out to do the bins, snowing, feels a bit warmer than earlier, although that could be the roast chicken and cava combo
  14. I measured 5cm on the garden table this evening,1cm of it probably fell late this afternoon.The snust (love this term - couldn't wait to use it!) is leaving a sugary coating on the pavements which doesn't melt when you walk on it, unlike yesterday
  15. Decided to walk to the shop to make the most of the heavy burst, lovely out there, winter wonderland, proper snow falling, managing to settle on some pavements and even the driveway in places. I felt very optimistic, like when snow first starts to settle and you get that sense of the possibilities to come. Shame it's eased off a bit now, but felt blizzardy whilst we were out.
  16. Would be quite funny if we ended up with a Thames Streamer tonight
  17. Just back from our trip to Box Hill, no sledging for us but a lovely wintry walk nonetheless. Nice to see some more snow showers due tonight, and seeing reports of snow in Croydon, I was about to say none here, when sure enough, it has started snowing in my back garden here in Wallington. Shame it didn't start a little earlier, snow falling in the Surrey Hills would have rounded off that walk nicely..... .....snowing briskly now, might have to pop out again
  18. Just us big kids?. It does look busy now and a little muddy, too old to sledge on mud ?but happy to just have a wander about
  19. We're on our way there now as Farthing Downs has failed to deliver. Bit more than 15mins for us, but it would be nice to see some deeper snow.
  20. Snizzling again here, but not feeling inspired to get out of bed and go sledging. Guess we'll have a long drive to find a decent slope. Listening to traffic reports to guage the best spots, sounds like the Guilford area has done well
  21. Morning all. I was lucky enough to wake up at 4am and see heavy snow falling and a perfect, untouched covering on the pavement outside. Had a quick inspection of the back garden, and saw my earlier footprints had been covered too. When I woke again at 7am I tried not to get my hopes up as I peered out the window. Lucky I didn't. Snow patchy on the pavement and driveways, and holes appearing in the back garden grass. It's very windy, but weirdly doesn't actually feel very cold.
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