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Everything posted by dubmuffin

  1. As much as I hate a snow to rain event - I can't say I'm not looking forward to seeing snow fall - I've been waiting patiently since just after Christmas. Temp -1.8c here - what time should I set my alarm for?
  2. Agree really - a snow to rain event is so depressing after the initial excitement
  3. 1.3 out there now and rain fading, the latest BBC forecast showed rain Saturday with warm southerly air
  4. I've just been in to the Yorkshire thread to feed off of some of the excitement, great pics and videos. It is a long, and depressingly grey and damp wait to see if we get a few flakes. Who knows, we could get a surprise fall, but I'm trying not to look too hard at the moment as there has been so much disappointment. At least if Norfolk get some, the whole SE thread can share the joy! Temp and Dew point 4c here
  5. Just wanted to share my good news with people that might understand the excitement. Being stuck in the UK over Christmas, instead of up a mountain somewhere snowy, lead us to reinstate our old weather station. I bought a second one of these when the display on the first one failed, and we found all the other parts in a box under the sideboard. So, batteries in the display and garden gauges replaced, I installed CumulusMX on my PC, plugged in the USB lead, and we were up and running again in time for the storm, and we could check the garden weather wirelessly from our phones any time of the day and night. Now, having the USB plugged in permanently on the laptop is not ideal so time to revisit the Raspberry Pi. It's been 5 years since the set up last worked - how time flies. I decided not to update the hardware as I was certain it should still work well enough to process the station data, so set about updating Cumulus. All got way too hard with stuff like Mono, which I had no idea was a thing until now, so went onto the helpful Cumulus forum, and downloaded the image file to update the operating system and install CumulusMX all in one go. I am pleased to say that I now have the USB plugged into the Pi for convenient, permanent running, (albeit with the occasional lock up which was to be expected but yet to be investigated). The station now sends date to the Met Office WOW, PWS and from today, Twitter, as a lucky Cumulus1 back up, on an old USB drive, still had the authorisation tokens that Twitter will no longer authorise. The next project will be a website Thanks for reading Met Office WOW PWS Twitter: @Foresters_D
  6. Early Feb is often good for us but it is a long, and depressingly grey and damp wait. Who knows, we could get a surprise fall later this week, but I'm trying not to look too hard at the moment as there has been so much disappointment
  7. -1.6c here after a low of -3.9c. Not much in the way of frost today. I'll be squinting with my highly trained eyes today for any hint of snowflakes. Chances are dwindling. Love all the funny comments, powders days, lol. Need more reaction emojis
  8. There's green on the radar but can't tell where because the overlay hides the locations. One thing I do know is that it's not here. I heard reports of snow this morning in Banstead
  9. There seems to be little sign of an escape from this weather - just above freezing and grey for the foreseeable, and no chance of a quick break in the canaries to alleviate the misery. Sorry - just looked at eh met office forecast in search of relief
  10. Just endless 2c drearyness here. We got a slight sniff of snow and now were are desperately clawing at any slight chance. Let's face it, if we hadn't been wound up by the hysterical outpourings of the MOD thread, this thread would have been far quieter! However, on a positive note, it is good to be sharing our weather hopes and disappointments, and other life experiences to fill the gaps between outputs, especially now we are all locked down
  11. Watching the painfully slow decrease in temp and dewpoint today - 0.1c/hr - both at 2c after a high of 2.7c this morning. They are going to have to get a move on if I'm going to see any snow
  12. Just dropped in to express my disgust. At least WFH means I didn't have to cycle into the office for 9am - that would have been even more depressing.
  13. Completely uninspiring Countryfile Forecast - no mention of the S word - just cold rain streamers for us this week. Not a hint of uncertainty there to give us one iota of hope. "Temperatures cold for the time of year" - yeah - whatever
  14. I'm off out for a walk to enjoy the cold drizzle. Hoping if I walk up the hill there will be a sleety mix to enjoy
  15. Reassuring to see that everyone else is reporting an ice day today. My newly restored weather station hasn't gone above -0.5c. I've been out paddleboarding and can report is damn chilly and rather grey. Just refreshed and got 0.6c so not quite an ice day after all
  16. You would think I'd be used to the disappointment by now, but I was hoping this year would be different. I haven't been able to go skiing this Christmas which, I realised 5 years ago, is the only way to get my snow fix, and the models were looking so much better than previous years, I really thought we were on to something. Nevermind, I have spent the last couple of days reinstating my long forgotten garden weather station just in case - so I have got some satisfaction getting my old RaspberryPi and CumulusMX working together. This means I can watch the temp and dew point rising just as the precipitation arrives
  17. Afternoon all, going to be exciting in here over the coming week. Good to see some old familiar names popping up. No rain in Wallington this afternoon, spent a few hours moving logs, chainsawing and chopping in readiness for the weeks ahead. My revamped garden weather station is saying 1c at the moment down from a high of 3c. Dew point 0.9c so any precipitation would have been cold drizzle. Here's to seeing some snow to cheer us up after a difficult year for many.
  18. Freezing cold and rainy - stood on the front door step shivering, staring at the lamppost and trying to convince myself there is a flake or two mixed in
  19. Hello Wales! We are visiting next week and I have just had a look in the model output discussion. Looks like we could be escaping a South East heatwave and enjoying some very pleasant conditions on the welsh coast - here's hoping I haven't jinxed things by posting in here!
  20. Can't see my postcode on the netweather zoom as it is the same colour as the echoes! Good time to check out what bits of guttering need attention
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