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Rufus Butterfield

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Everything posted by Rufus Butterfield

  1. Really is a perfectly useable day where I am. 22 degrees with warm sunny spells and pockets of cumulus passing by. Good weather to be working in.
  2. I’m doing it by my iphone, when I press ‘add files’, it gives me the option to add from my photo library or choose files. From photo library it just attaches it directly, from ‘choose files’ it uploads it as a file to download. Not sure if your device isn’t allowing from a photo library, or you’re using desktop in which case it’s a bit different
  3. From how many I’ve seen, they’re not that rare. A lot of shower and storm clouds produce them under the anvil, usually most visible when the storm has passed. The ones in your photo are quite pronounced, which I think the more pronounced ones are rarer. Most pronounced I’ve ever seen were from June 2019.
  4. Very lucky there because I almost gave up recording. Just one strike, but with some very moody skies.
  5. Wow just seen a rouge bolt come out of that storm to my south east
  6. I’m chilling at my mates house and a lightning strike literally hits a couple houses away. Thunder was deafening
  7. I’ve got more but they’re buried in like 30 mins of footage
  8. Literally constant rumbles from another storm to my south west. Caught a few bolts as well so that was a nice treat. I'll sort through them and share later. Nice mammatus as well
  9. Heard a few rumbles from these beasts that erupted to my south east
  10. Wow, just shows how localised this stuff is. Not a drop of rain on my side. Hopefully the next batch to the south west continues throwing out bolts and catches up to us. It’s still only midday so stuff can easily change in the next few hours
  11. Literally missing us by a few miles, couldn’t even hear thunder because it’s so windy.
  12. I’ll make a highlights video once I string together the clips from friends and family and get chance to edit. This was from last weekend (8th July), very close strike. 28b7dd16-d19f-45b4-b37c-d2161d880386.mov Obviously I wasn’t there (I return back from Spain tomorrow).
  13. Wow incredible shots guys. Really enjoying Barcelona at the moment, but seems I missed out on 2 decent events back home. Got caught out in a thundery shower in the mountains near Manresa though with some scary loud thunder. IMG_8960.mov My friend caught a bit of lightning in Doncaster yesterday as well 221d2bf1-bc9a-450f-91b9-9ff6ff985f5f.mp4
  14. Parents currently near Sheffield telling me they’re having a cracking storm over there. I might take a peak at my ring door bell camera later on while I’m in Spain
  15. Missing out at home while in Barcelona. Glad I can see the photos and clips from other people.
  16. Fantastic lightning but very infrequent unfortunately. Seen several cgs.
  17. Currently on the outskirts of Barcelona and there’s a decent storm incoming
  18. I’ll join in here and admit that I was petrified of storms as a kid. Was only in the last 5 years I guess where once I got over the fear, and began to understand how it worked, I became fascinated by them.
  19. I’ll be in the Barcelona area for the most part, thanks!
  20. I’ll be in Spain early to mid July, so hoping I might see something convective during that time, while also skipping the cool spell for the first half of July here in England. Does anybody know of decent radar imagery for Spain/South west Europe?
  21. Hope those who got a storm enjoyed it, storms looked mad on radar. I literally kept missing everything by a few miles, hearing thunder here and there and that’s it . There’s still rest of summer to go through at least.
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