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Rufus Butterfield

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Everything posted by Rufus Butterfield

  1. I’m might see something today, just hoping not get another 3rd thunderless June in a row.
  2. UKV showing storms further east and more scattered on Sunday so some of us may get a surprise
  3. Also just wondering why the GFS is showing the highest cape values in the east on Sunday, but weather warnings are placed further west. I know it’s still a couple days away and there’s a lot of uncertainty but I’m just curious?
  4. The potential for us looks best on Sunday, but they look like they’re going to be quite isolated. I’m not going to get my hopes up until I know something is coming my way.
  5. Yippee! 16 degrees tomorrow for the first day of summer, what a scorcher!
  6. Reasonable forecast for the near future. Assuming cloud cover breaks up.
  7. Had 2 thunder days this spring, which is double what I had last summer, so I’m not complaining. September really carried last year with 4/5 thunder days.
  8. Same for my a levels too. Impossible to revise when distracted by storms.
  9. In recent times I’d probably say 31st July 2020 was a decent one, especially during the daytime. Came after a very hot and humid day. Lots of cg lightning I recall and some very strong wind gusts. Another contender was definitely 24th July 2019 during early hours. But I do remember a while ago, (must’ve of been around 2014) in October, there was a strong storm while we were on a family walk, but still in the Doncaster area. Blackest sky I’ve ever seen and lots of lightning. We had to sprint back to the car as the rain was torrential. I was quite young so this might’ve been exaggerated from memory, but I know it definitely happened.
  10. Only 16c here! Complete change from yesterday’s 23c.
  11. Unfortunate to hear it being so mediocre down south, but up here it’s glorious sunshine and 21C!
  12. It’s difficult to win an argument against a stupid person. No point even talking to these people.
  13. YouTube’s now processed the video of the storm (5th May) to HD so I’ll share it here.
  14. Proper pileus earlier over that cell to my south which is now in Lincolnshire.
  15. Very hazy viewing though. Dan’s convective outlook did mention the possibility of a couple funnel clouds but unless the storm is very close, you can’t see much.
  16. Really hoping something develops soon as I’ve managed dodge everything so far.
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