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Everything posted by legion_quest

  1. You would hope, but it doesn't take much to see people who are seeing these charts and celebrating, or even hoping it happens every year. Climate Change is downplayed constantly, or seen as something for the far future to worry about. This will be looked at as an outlier and sold as 'a glorious Jubilee Summer!' rather than the wake up call it should be.
  2. It's still 24c here outside, and 27c in my living room. Going to get worse, just going to give up sleeping for the next week at least, it seems!
  3. More deaths occur because that's the dominant weather pattern for most of the year. If this type of weather comes off, there will be excess deaths because of it, because extremes of heat are just as bad, but it wont seem as much, because the period is currently shorter. However, given trends worldwide, it seems unlikely it will be short periods for much longer, and sustained heat likely is coming more often. This isn't a competition, it's a moan about heat in a thread for moaning about heat.
  4. I dont ever remember seeing consistent charts of heat temperatures over 35c. 2018 was hot, but not that hot compared to that level. And as I said 'if they come off.' The other two are outside my frame of reference. If you dont think it being that hot for long periods is a problem, fair play to you, but I shall continue moaning about it being so in the moans thread. Because it is a problem. Getting on with it or not.
  5. No, not really. When it's too hot to actually do anything safely, that isn't enjoyable. It's not just a slice of sunny weather, it's actively dangerous because, as I say, we dont have the infrastructure for it. It's debilitating when it gets that hot, just as it would be if we had a blizzard and snow storm. Warmth doesnt need extremes. Extremes are no fun to actually try and work/sleep in (though granted you can snuggle up and sleep in the cold, but still). If we had the infrastructure, if we had air con as standard in homes and offices, then I'd care less. But we dont, so I do. You feel differently, but to come in to a Summer weather moans thread and not expect moans....
  6. Because everything in our society is built for that weather. We dont have the infrastructure for that kind of heat on any sustained level. Out houses/offices are built to retain heat, on the whole, so when we get sustained heat, it becomes very difficult to practically do things. Air con isnt standard like it is in other places where that level of sustained heat is the norm. We have the tube, that is hot at the best of times, but in that level of sustained heat? It's a very different proposition from a few hot days to sustained heat. That's the difference for me. I don't mind some nice sunny weather, but when I look at models showing several weeks of it - at levels I dont remember ever seeing, even if there are chances it wont turn out that way - it worries me, because we literally aren't built for it. We're built for the 8-13c.
  7. Fair enough if that's your thing. I obviously cannot say the same if it's a sustained thing for weeks on end at those temps. A few days, a week - lovely. A few weeks, a month - death.
  8. Those outlooks are just too hot. I dont have any aircon, either here or at the office (sold off out lovely air conned office during lockdown and the new one doesnt have any!), so I shall just die.
  9. Too warm. Far, far too warm. Disruption and deaths warm. If you don't work, or can take annual leave for it, I can see why this might be amazing. But for the vast majority, sitting in cars, using public transport, sitting in offices or shops with no air con - and then trying to sleep when you get home - is going to be simply unbearable. A few days, that's a nice spot of weather. Sustained for a few weeks, that's too much. Those dark spots of heat, should they come through for that long.....time to move to Stornoway!
  10. I'm genuinely scared by the sight of some of those temperatures, and what's worse, no end point on the models. It could sit on us, and we just aren't built for that. How do you stay cool in 40+ degrees in insulated brick buildings built for warmth retention!?
  11. I have been a lurker on these forums and the site for a good few years now, but on seeing these charts I just had to join in order to say how absolutely shocking those temperature runs look. 40+ degree heat, should it actually come, is going to cause utter chaos. It's genuinely scary. We're just not infostructurally built for it. If this becomes a new norm, we're going to have to invest heavily and seriously in air con, making things even worse thanks to energy use pumping global warming and thus, those temperatures!
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