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Everything posted by legion_quest

  1. One set of results from one model seems to be suggesting that, but too far out to be confident. It'll depend on cut off lows and all sorts to hit just right, but that would be a nightmare for me, so hoping it doesnt come off that way!
  2. I think that's the thing, people don't realise what they are saying. On the whole, we've never really experienced that level of extreme heat in this country, and certainly not for any length of time even when we do have 'good' heat waves. If we came close to what Europe is having now, every year - heck even for a week or two, this thread would be much, much busier. People don't really want that level of heat, they just want to be able to say they had a summer, likely remembering how they used to be able to spend summers as children lounging about or playing and having fun - ignoring the reality of what working/travelling/living with that level of sustained heat would really mean, especially in a country not built for it. We just like to complain and have very ingrained notions of what seasonal weather SHOULD be, regardless of the reality of what we get each and every year.
  3. If the longer range models are right for August seeing a change, as long as wind direction stays away from dragging up humid air, I'm all for it. But if the change means Southern humid air, and a heat pump dynamic bringing anything from that blistering Euro-heat wave, I hope the Jet Stream stays where it is. The start of June was my ideal, nice warm sunshine, but with a good, cooling breeze and cool evenings for sleep. I want nothing to do with humidity and heat pumps, even after the dross of the last few weeks!
  4. An ice box at 18?! You must be wrapped in 72 blankets come October 1st I can live with it being warmer than early June as I say, as long as it isnt humid - humidity is what ruins warm weather for me.
  5. I'd like it to go back to how it was at the start of June. Nice and warm in the sun, but a decent easterly breeze keeping it comfortable for working or just sitting in the pub garden - and keeping the humidity away. Keep the humidity away and I'm more than happy with some sun. I just want to be able to sleep properly!
  6. Nope, nor will it go on until it is actually cold. Turn it on too early and you dont get used to it and then feel it more. It's the same with me in the summer, I wont turn a fan on for two weeks or so so my body has time to slowly get used to it being warmer. That way, when I use either, it feels like a need. Obviously everyone will be different, and this year I will be trying to last longer so as to avoid the higher bills, but I do think with cold especially people have much more of a 'desired preference' than an 'actual need' - though granted if you can afford that, knock yourself out, I dont pay your bills and while there can be arguments about overuse of energy for preference contributing to global warming etc. realistically you will never change people once they're used to something, so better to treat the wound than the cause at this point with that sort of thing and focus on switching energy generation types over use.
  7. Those charts are disgusting, I will have nothing to do with them for this time of year. I shall be rooting for the earlier charts with the much cooler weather, more normal temps for this time of year. Though with storms able to pop up at any point, who knows what the next few weeks could bring.
  8. Can the Jet Stream just collapse if this weakness is all it can manage? Bring on the next Ice Age! Seriously though, if the charts are suggesting a rebuilding of the heat, does that mean more wind from South/South East, meaning hairdryer warm air? Sunny days with a nice cooling breeze would be much better for the BH imo, but if we're heading back to another heat wave of sorts, I'm assuming a cooling breeze is not on the cards and we remain in a warm air flow?
  9. Humid, sticky and airless down here. Looks to be set in for the rest of the week like this until some wind blows up over the weekend. Then the heat is back again next week and through the end of the month seemingly, again down here at least. I'm getting to the Trumpian point where I want to nuke the weather in the hope it might change something. Nuclear winter sounds pretty good to me right now....
  10. Couple of showers overnight, but the day has started cloudy and humid and airless. This is the worst kind of summer weather. The sun is behind those clouds just boiling the rain away, so no help for the garden and no comfort for us.
  11. It's not raining up through the forest, just head a little bit East.
  12. These are the sorts of chart views I like to see, all over the place and changing with broad strokes patterns being seen - but the charts cant make up their minds where thing will fall. After a summer of such settled patterned weather, even with the extreme heat, I like a bit of 'oohhh, but, what if...' to add some excitement to things.
  13. Nothing here. Just the sun. The horrible, hot, warming sun. Not even a breeze today either. Just calm. Hopefully the calm before....but that looks unlikely now, rain and storms are off the forecast
  14. This neverending summer genuinely wants to kill us all. Covid couldn't do it, so mother nature is just going to try and cook us. Or at least bore us to death with the same pattern over and over.
  15. This is what's doing it for me. Hot temps with a coastal breeze I can do, hot temps with no breeze, or a hot breeze making it worse, no thank you. And that has been this summer.
  16. It really would be, but mentioning that just gets you looked at dirty because 'we always have rain' and 'the sky is always so grey' and you get told to make the most of the 'lovely weather.' People dont care until it's too late, then they blame others for not warning them 'properly.'
  17. Now there is a chart I can get behind, and I don't even have to go to the Faroe Islands!
  18. A bit of freshness is all I'm after. Humidity is no good. Warm air is no good. Just sunny days with a nice cooling breeze!
  19. Yeah, seeing the model thread getting all excited about even more dry and warm to hot weather, while the south/south east is facing hose pipe bans and fire risk just raises my blood. I know, I know, it's a weather forum and people like extremes and blah blah, but being interested in weather doesnt make you immune to having some empathy for areas facing genuine risk because of this prolonged dry and warm period. It certainly feels like we're going to be facing this weather for a good while yet, and potentially beyond when we'd expect it, in to Autumn.
  20. Any indication of what the wind might be doing during this new warm up? I dont mind warm weather as long as their is a fresh breeze to go along with it. Muggy, humid no wind situations, or hot wind that just burns you like an oven alongside the sun is just no fun to do anything in.
  21. And with the continued lack of rain, things will be even drier this time round, fires will be an even greater risk. Plus, the south is already going to be under hose pipe ban from Friday, so this summer really wants to burn the garden.....and the house.....and the car......
  22. Some people are just stupid. Some people are just selfish. Some people refuse to accept something scary because it feels so big and out of control it's easier to pretend it doesnt exist than something scary happening. And some people are all three.
  23. Models showing another possible plume event coming down the tracks. Lovely. ...
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