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Everything posted by legion_quest

  1. Models really, really want to bring some of that heat up to us, or at least to the South/South East, using the same set up as early September for early October. They could be right, or they could have learnt a pattern and are just looking to repeat it as a solution. With the amount of energy in the Atlantic, it wouldnt take much to throw up a new storm and put a spanner in the works, but currently the signals are there for an October heat up and colloquial Indian Summer.
  2. It's literally changing from output to output. Doesn't seem a good time to model watch at the moment unless you like posting corrections to your own posts over and over as we get nearer to reality each time!
  3. Not to mention the warm seas. There is a post in the Winter thread showing just how warm, and in some places 'hot' the seas are in comparison to what they should be, along with the stark statement "The oceans presently have, and are expected to retain, a configuration without modern analogue." So what that does to the weather will be anyone's guess with no truly comparable data for the models to compare and model against.
  4. Feeling lovely out there this morning. Barely 10C and a brisk breeze. Sun's out, but not really doing much.
  5. We've never been through a warm period like this as a civilisation, so that isn't really correct. And as someone who lives on the coast, I'd rather not be flooded due to rising sea levels. Money saved on heating bills isnt much cop if my house is underwater!
  6. Yeah, I know some people have a preference for warmth, but it's not 'right' to keep having so much heat around in to October. We shouldn't be happy about it, we should be worried. A warming world is going to cause us so many issues, and not just us, but animals and plants as well. Granted super cold would also cause issues, but we almost never get that these days, it's record breaking warmth on the rise.
  7. I'd really rather not have another blast of Southern, humid air. Going to continue to hope that the Jet drops and takes the ECM by surprise. I do think it's modelling based on what just happened, rather than what will happen, and there are still too many things between then and now that can impact on it being settled or not. But I also accept I'm definitely hope casting!
  8. The ECM trying to find that heat, but I'm going to stick with the Jet Stream forecasts and the strengthening polar vortex in the charts at the top of the page keeping the heat pushed back. Mainly because that's what I want, but hey, doesn't hurt to 'pick a side!'
  9. Quite nice here today, 22C, nice breeze, some hunidity starting to creep in, but comfortable out there. Very nice lunch time stroll before the humid blast for the weekend
  10. They also have really powerful venom, but their 'fangs' cant pierce human skin as they are too small.
  11. I do also think that Alderc 2.0's metaphor of the meal is a fair one though. The temps being above average dont mean much if it's wet and raining out. Everyone has their ideal of what a summer should be, and this summer has certainly not met that for many when considering that for most, that would mean sunshine and brightness, not just temperatures.
  12. That's why my point very clearly states "it would be scientifically wrong to say this was a below average summer temperature wise" so as to not include those other things. If we did, then yes, it was wetter than average. Im not sure about sunlight totals, but the point being made above was temperatures were higher than average.
  13. Those saying the temperatures have been above average are right, scientifically. Those saying that the summer was poor, due to a lack of blazing sun, are right objectively. Haven't we already had this debate ad nauseum? The world is warming, and temps are almost always above average on the mean - but that doesnt mean people experienced the sunny type of summer weather they wanted/mentally associate with a good summer - but it would be scientifically wrong to say this was a below average summer temperature wise regardless of how it felt to you/your preference.
  14. Another day of insane humidity to look forward to. Only expected to hit 23C, but with a feels like of 30C due to the persistent, oppressive humidity. I've said it a hundred, thousand times but that is what I hate about our warm set ups, they almost always come with this muggy, oppressive, dirty air.
  15. Models starting to pick up on another heat blast for next weekend, nothing over the top temperature wise, but the jet stream dips low in to North Africa, then fires a jet of - you guessed it - hot and humid air right at us for next Sunday/Monday. Indeed, with all that hot air to our South, the humid air mass along the South Coast and South East corner never really leaves all this week. Suggestion of a little blow through Tuesday/Wednesday, but the minute the wind direction turns South/South East, we just get humidity blow back up at us. The sun seems to be going away, but an air mass North/South divide is setting up for at least another week. On saying that, only yesterday the models were showing a Northerly taking hold for next weekend, so it may yet go the other way!
  16. Had to come home from boozing due to the humidity. Couldnt hack it. Hopefully next weekend will be cooler!
  17. Not so much me, but my granddad is really struggling. It's just watching him get so bad as the humidity rises, it makes me sad. Nothing can really be done about it, it's his age, but humidity is just no fun. And yes, the air quality isn't so bad usually as being coastal usually means we have a decent breeze going, but in this still weather that's hardly moving, it really builds up.
  18. Oh, I know lots do like it, I shall simply never understand why or how. I love a sunny day with a nice cool breeze; dry heat and a pub garden will do me well, but the muggy humidity we tend to get when heat builds for any length of time here, I just will never 'get it!'
  19. It's been like this since Wednesday down here in the South. How anyone can describe this sort of humidity as 'usable weather' is beyond me!
  20. I will simply never understand people who enjoy this kind of humidity. A nice sunny day with some dry heat and a cooling breeze is lovely, but humidity in an urban based population zone where the air is just stagnant and dirty and hot, I will never, ever 'get it'
  21. Yes, but equally not being able to go outside because the air is so humid you can't move without sweating or find yourself struggling to breathe because your lungs can't take that oppressive, dirty, polluted air is also an issue. There is a difference between a nice sunny day and this muggy heat we've had here since Wednesday.
  22. Some warm and sunny weather would have been nice. This humid air mass is not nice, however.
  23. Far too far away for anything concrete, 10 days is bad enough, but with two big storms in play, you wont be getting clear predictions for that week for a bit yet
  24. It was only poking fun, hence the winky face. Do try and have some fun from time to time, might make the day even brighter!
  25. Couple of 'definitelys' in there though...hard to measure doubt with a definitely.
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