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Everything posted by legion_quest

  1. Wouldn't worry to much. All this excess heat will soon create a lot of extra water. It'll just be salty.
  2. "Best summer" is such an objective term. While the press still report on hot and sunny weather and prolonged periods of it as a super positive thing that involves beach days and fun, no one will ever take the changes to climate seriously. "It's just a few nice days, get over it" says Margaret, standing in the 7 extra inches of water that was once the front room of her sea side town house.
  3. Right, so if it isnt at least 100/red it wont be having much of an impact? Cos the yellow and orange the model has sat over the whole UK for early next week seems to be doing very little, unless you're in the red area to the North?
  4. I'm confused by the Jet Stream chart on the front of the main website. My understanding was that if the stream was strong and right over us, generally, winds would be stronger, the weather more unsettled. Yet, when it has the stream basically right on top of the UK next week, the front page weather forecast suggest it'll be settled and warm, if not feeling hot. Am I misunderstanding the jet stream chart, or is it not up to date, or do the models know something about the jetstream the jetstream model doesnt? There is a set up in the Jet Stream model for a splinter of it to head south and drag some hot air up on us, before a very strong stream seems to be aiming right for sitting over us by mid-August, yet that would again be my understanding unsettled weather would show up, yet again, it looks warm and settled in the other models above.
  5. Quite enjoying the cloud to be honest. Gives a respite from the intense heat the sun is kicking out. It isnt warm, it's genuinely hotter feeling this year to me this year. Maybe it's psychosomatic, but the sun feels warmer than it ever used to.
  6. Right, I'm sick of all this hot weather. Where do I need to nuke to make the heat go away? That's how it works, isnt it?
  7. What I've had this weekend, which was lower than the models suggested I would get, has been great. 23-24c with a stiff breeze. 6 weeks of that would do me fine, and the models seem to suggest that's possible, with the odd warmer spell chucked in.
  8. I guess I meant washout August over washout Summer. Still working to school time where Summer is just the 6 weeks holiday!
  9. Lovely bright day, wall to wall blue, but a stiff breeze has come up which is keeping the temps suppressed and making the day perfectly good to get out and do things. Perfect summer weekend for me. Two solid days of 23c with a cooling breeze.
  10. I think it's that after the last few weeks and the continued threat, and indeed actuality of fires, many are wanting it to be cooler. I dont think anyone is asking for a washout summer, just had enough of the constant high temps that can just be draining when you have stuff to do. The idea of a shift lower, maybe a spot of rain between some nice but 'usable' days is what people are hoping for and thus, when some charts show that, are jumping on it as much as those that want the soaring temps jump on those that show that.
  11. I hope the models continue to overshoot the heat as they did for this weekend. I'm moving house next weekend, a nice day like today, 23c with a decent breeze is what I need for that. So, let's go GFS with that settled but sensible highs.
  12. Apologies for the possibly dumb question, but how does the Atlantic Hurricane season end up impacting on us? Does it disrupt the heat over Europe, or make it worse? I'm a complete novice at any of this, just trying to learn by asking!
  13. The charts thread is already getting excited about a return to high 20s and low 30s at the weekend and in to next week for the South/South East. Despite what the pros on TV are saying, the charts that predicted this latest spell of heat long before they started talking about on TV are suggesting the heat isnt going away for long (though nothing as extreme as the last few days, just an above average summer).
  14. 28.5 inside, 19c outside. WIndows have been open wide since about 7pm, but the house just isn't cooling down. Stupid insulation.
  15. Southampton now falling, wall to wall cloud and lost 5c in 2 hours. But the wind is gone. Not even the hot wind. It's totally still.
  16. And the charts are already showing a repeat, albeit a less extreme performance, is coming down the pipes.
  17. I'll take a humid night if it comes with a storm! Get that lightning striking!
  18. 30c here in Southampton, and the breeze has definitely picked up. Can't quite tell if the wind is cooler than yesterday or im just more sweaty and so it's feeling cooler due to evaporation! Either way, 30c at 11am is too hot for me, I don't know how you folk in 35+ are coping! Roll on that front to blow this all away!
  19. Gear up for beating 42c - probably by 2030 at this rate.
  20. If it wasn't for that hair dryer/oven breeze out there, it would actually be quite pleasant. If that front pushes in a cooler breeze as predicted tomorrow afternoon, as the heat is pushed away, I think it will be pretty lovely to sit out in tomorrow PM. As long as it doesnt turn humid instead.
  21. They announced it, and frankly, even if the record doesnt go officially, unofficially, those temps might be hit somewhere. Better to warn people and keep the warning up than people see them back track and think it's 'just a hot day' and get themselves in a mess.
  22. Wonder where they are getting that 26c in Southampton? Maybe at the airport? It's 22c here according to my trusty back door (facing the sun if we could see it) thermometer with some pretty cover all cloud cover.
  23. Pouring with rain here. Big fat drops, definitely hitting the ground.
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