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Everything posted by Devonian

  1. Interesting. I found the university and their 'Global centre for clean air research' but I can't find any data. Where did you get the data from?
  2. Was there? According to who/what? I'm not aware CO2 is monitored in such a way in London.
  3. I'm amazed it's 19% but, not amazed most don't give a flying... This is a wild guess, but maybe most people think a sparrow is a type of crane hire (and fewer know a crane can be a bird too).
  4. I'll stop asking you for proof, if you stop asking others for said. Deal?
  5. Beyond our means? Example. Is it 'BS'? I don't buy cornucopian gumpf, sorry but I don't.
  6. It's all a little bit Mr Micawber isn't it? We're living beyond our means but we're happy because we think were are not. How long can you take 'twenty pounds and six pence' (and take more each year) from a 'twenty pound' planet?
  7. I'm (to my amazement!) 61 yrs old . I'm just too young to remember winter 1963, but I just remember the fear in my mother during the Cuban missile crisis... All I can do is do what I think is right, live as well for the planet as I can, vote how I think is right and write /be active in favour of what I think right. I don't favour violence or worse so what more can I do? Perhaps terrorism is the way? No, I don't think so!! But, the solutions are simple and have been known for along time - de-carbonisation. We need to help that along but encouraging alternative power, by not encouraging consumption of things that are unsustainable - both via the taxation system. The NuLab and coalition govts achieved a little in that direction, this govt stopped such things in their tracks - but a taxation policy that encourages us in the right direction is (IMO) fairly straightforward. That's what I would do, but I'm not in power, nor will I ever will be. Look, were there two Earth's I'd be entirely happy for people to go and wreck one, to fly about it as they wished, to heave plastic everywhere into it, but there aren't two Earth's and at some point we've (not us in the UK, humanity) got to realise that or will end up living on an ever more and more degraded planet. This is the only Earth! It's our home. When people glibly say 'oh, well, wa can't solve this, we've had it' they don't mean that, no one want us as a species to have 'had it'. What they mean is they're not ready to do what in their hearts they know we (again, humanity) need to - stop treating our home are a dump, and start caring about it. Humanity needs to become adult.
  8. What is an 'ordinary' person? Aren't we all people?
  9. Ok, I understand you position wrt the atmosphere. I think what you're saying is if it's as bad a XRers think they should stop being peaceful and get tough - but shouldn't you be doing so, because you don't seem to be taking the 'sceptic' line? I don't think that 'get tough' is the answer but I do think for some it might come to that. If XRers are right, then right will be more and more on their side and the job easier.
  10. Prove your previous points please and also please prove that you are dispassionate. Or, stop asking other people for proof. Your bluster isn't an answer.
  11. Humm? Is it you 'couldn't care less' about anthro climate change? Or is it you do care and you think 'we are standing on the edge of disaster' and need to 'look at Venezuela'?
  12. People undoubtedly said similar when it was said that the state of the Thames was a sanitary emergency and we needed to build sewers. For years, decades, nothing was done...
  13. To do as you do: Prove it. Prove you are dispassionate. Prove you have found the truth.
  14. Would your view be that more humans is always beneficial? I have, you'll note, left you the opportunity to attack me as anti human - lets see what you do.
  15. C'mon, the point they were making isn't difficult to grasp - surely? You must just feel the need to jeer.
  16. That's a bit harsh. I mean I don't know the figures but the 'embedded carbon' in a bike must be vastly less that than in a car? And, yes, I have a car...But I'm not going to criticise someone who bikes to work as not trying hard enough.
  17. Humm, so if I say I haven't flown since the early 1990s, I drive a tiny, old, 110k miles done, car, I'll get accused of virtue signalling Ok,I better say I do nothing then. Oh, but can I put a good word in for pure (or as near a damn it) wool socks? They're brilliant, much warmer than cotton and they never fall down in wellies and end up by your toes like all other socks do. No more cotton or plastic socks for me! Oh, and any drinks I buy are in glass bottles (damn, I'm virtue signalling again...).
  18. I don't think anyone suggest you shouldn't have you say? I welcome your views. Mostly you're polite too (see below tho) Anyway, it's good your eyes are improved Wrt prediction, if you think they are unreliable, why might they not underestimate warming? Wrt Peter Ridd - aiui his specialism is corals. Your description of XR is noted. I have to say someone close to me has been to the XR events in London - she, and afaict they, don't do diatribes. My god, some of the criticisms of XR I've seen - now they ARE diatribes, and the best 'quality' ones too!
  19. She gets it, my god she gets it!
  20. I've replied to two of you questions with my views Wrt population, well I see there is a big football match on. Say 50, 000 are at that match. If each person there had a stadium of their own with 50, 000 in it that would (if my maths is good) be 2.5 Bn people. That's about 1/3 of the global population. My conclusion is human population is both significant and their consumption must be having an effect on the planet.. Wrt climate change, I'm still surprised snowflakes can be over aggressive. Btw, what 'simple mistakes'?
  21. Ok, then I suggest your views, highlighted, are supposition. I don't know what the generality of people on the XR events know, and neither do you. The might be snowflakes, the might be stupid, they might be intelligent. My supposition is (knowing one well, and having met a few others) is they are, in general, as smart as you or me. XR leaders? Erm, we all have political views don't we? Are you political? Of course you are. What they want, aiui, is their three demands. As to data, again, where are you getting your walrus data from? I think I might have a guess
  22. Interesting. Do you have some references for your claims? Secondly, I wear the label 'snowflake' with increasing pride but, more important to me is, do you think I'm intelligent?
  23. Again, I think this is a marginal effect. Obviously some panels can be on building, and big solar farms here can still have animals grazing around the panels. In the future solar farms are likely to be in places with abundant sunshine - the deserts. IMO.
  24. Humm, I'm guessing not. UHI is about concrete, stone and tarmac absorbing solar radiation in the day and then reradiating it again at night? Warming up and then cooling down. There isn't much of a heat sink ( mass I guess?) in a solar panel, there is in a concrete, block, or stone building, or road? Also solar panels tend to have grass not concrete under them. Finally, solar panels are taking something like 15% of the solar energy and moving it elsewhere as electricity.
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