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Everything posted by A.J

  1. To Alan & ffO On behalf of the NetWeather community, I have but one question.. "Do you speak English??" (Just joking chaps, thought provoking stuff indeed, for those that understand, that is....)
  2. Must admit, I'm looking forward to some warmth the next few days, hopefully living near Brum it should be fairly sunny and not too much cloud....One last gasp of summer before I can settle down and look forward to seeing those charts with blue coloured 850 temp profiles and the hopefully ever increasing prospects of the 'S' word!
  3. The planet that is bright in the eastern skies is Jupiter....A member bought this up in one of the comet Elenin 'doomsday' threads in another part of the forum, but I can confirm that it's definitely Jupiter!
  4. Hi Dave...actually at the time I posted that, for some odd reason, it cut off the rest of my post, so it seemed a bit abrupt...sorry about that! I went on to post quite a long piece about m-theory and the hypothesized 'Alcubierre' drive but 'Summer Blizzard' has already posted about it so I won't repeat the post word for word..For anyone interested on FTL travel, I recommend getting hold of a copy of the book 'Physics of the Impossible' by Michio Kaku...Hard-core astrophysics in layman's english!.....there's also a very good wiki entry which is factually very accurate at http://en.wikipedia....lcubierre_drive ......Anyhoos, good thread Dave, my favourite topic!
  5. well, it's certainly bad luck for the spider!...lol The eating 97 spiders thing is also correct, I prefer mine on a slice of wholegrain bread, with salad and a drop of worcester sauce...I used to go for battered spiders but I'm on a health kick now...! (I am joking, of course!)
  6. just reposting what I posted in the LHC thread yesterday Although not actually part of the LHC experiments, the following link describes an interesting experiment at CERN, the results of which suggest the detection of Neutrinos (near-massless particles) traveling at superluminal (faster-than-light) speeds.. http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-15017484 Whilst newsworthy, it should be added that the BBC article is factually innacurate in that it states that superluminal velocities violate the theories of relativity as written by Einstein...This is incorrect because superluminal velocities do not violate special relativity as special relativity theories that the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) is not constant in all places....Worth baring in mind that Physicists have long theorised the existance of sub-atomic particles called Tachyons, which according to physical law can only travel at superluminal speeds, if they do indeed exist....Fascinating stuff though! also worth mentioning that there are numerous physicists who believe the big bang theory is old hat, the 'in' theory is M-theory, which after months researching seems more plausible to me
  7. There is already a thread on this!!!!.....I
  8. Although not actually part of the LHC experiments, the following link describes an interesting experiment at CERN, the results of which suggest the detection of Neutrinos (near-massless particles) traveling at superluminal (faster-than-light) speeds.. http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-15017484 Whilst newsworthy, it should be added that the BBC article is factually innacurate in that it states that superluminal velocities violate the theories of relativity as written by Einstein...This is incorrect because superluminal velocities do not violate special relativity as special relativity theories that the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) is not constant in all places....Worth baring in mind that Physicists have long theorised the existance of sub-atomic particles called Tachyons, which according to physical law can only travel at superluminal speeds, if they do indeed exist....Fascinating stuff though!
  9. plenty of daddy longlegs in the house the past few days, growing in numbers, certainly keeping the spiders well fed!.....On the topic of spiders, the past couple of weeks have brought some absolute monsters into the house, I mean seriously big....I caught one mutant with a leg span almost the same size as my palm crawling up the wall on the sunday! It was a feisty little git as well, took some getting rid of....Finally used the old pint glass and piece of cardboard trick and flung it out of the front door...The funny thing was, was that about a minute later the front door bell rang, I almost dared not answer it just in case it was the spider demanding entrance for round 2 !...lol
  10. ...... (These 2 emoticons say it much better then words....lol) Righty O then, NASA have come out with a little gem this stating that they've narrowed down the possible impact points with pin-point accuracy...They're 100% sure that the satellite will impact somewhere in the world between 57 degrees north and 57 degrees south....so thats 99.5% of the worlds population in the firing line currently, and they don't know what day it will happen either!.....No wonder the US government have cut their funding!....lol
  11. you should be put down for bad jokes like that!....lol
  12. Apparently the satellite is in allignment with Mars, Jupiter, Comet Elenin & Nibiru and even though it only weighs a few tons, the gravitational tug will cause the earth's poles to reverse, mega-tsunamis to wash over the continents, megaquakes, crustal plate displacements, and has been directly linked to global warming....I got this from an incredibly well-sourced youtube video linked to a web site...can't remember the actual website but it's something like www.talkingabsolutegarbage.com
  13. No, I refuse to put the heating on until the big six (eon/british gas/npower et al) cut their prices and stop lining their filthy foreign pockets with our hard earned money, I'd rather freeze to death than allow them to fleece me any more!.....end of rant!
  14. just had a look at the winter discussion thread archive...I had 2 cm's...lol.....as I said, a nondescript year!
  15. May 6th was an elevated storm, ok, but nothing spectacular.....jog my memory...what happened Jan 7th Mark?
  16. I know ....totally pants today, one piddly shower around lunchtime and that was all she wrote....Basically another nondescript day in this very nondescript year for weather... (may 9th the exception of course!)
  17. So close, but so far.....diddly squat here as there has been all day, as there has been all summer....*sigh*
  18. Things are starting to get going for folks further south than me...Nice train of thundery showers from Hereford towards Gloucester...a few strikes now being detected...Jane may yet get her storm
  19. Someone phoned up the Midlands Met Office today to say they heard there was a thunderstorm on the way....Don't worry, there isn't!
  20. Just been searching through the radar imagery for that time period (NW Extra UK radar & V5 radar) and picked out two particular grabs for the correct time period (1710-1720 hours)...tale tell signs of a hook signature in the SE quadrant of that cell?
  21. Very interesting discovery.....which begs the rather tongue-in-cheek question...I wonder if Luke Skywalker lives there??....lol Worth noting to mods that there is a thread already open on exoplanets.....might be worth merging http://forum.netweat...kepler-mission/
  22. Aye up all...Just got home from work...Spotted a funnel a couple of miles NW of Duffield on the A6 between Derby & Matlock around 1700hrs....Quite fortunate as I had deliveries in the area and had been following this cell from Penkridge (it gave a brief torrential downpour in Penkridge just before I left there at 1530 hrs)...Ii looked initially to be a low topped Cu Congestus, so didn't really pay much attention, but as I approached Derby on the A38, it had produced a noticable anvil when visibility allowed for viewing (there was a lot of mid-level crud in the way)...As I got to Duffield I observed visible low level rotation from a underhang of cloud from the base and it spawned a funnel that reached 1/3rd way to the ground...After a couple of mins, viewing became difficult due to the hilly terrain, so I called it a day...(and besides it was getting near dinner time...lol)....No pics I'm afraid as I didn't have my camera with me (that'll teach me! )
  23. Ah, the Met office Netweather Member Severe Suicide Watch ™ will almost certainly be back for the (lack of) snow season
  24. What?...the idea of Coast being off the forum for a couple of days, or the chance of storms in the west?
  25. It's got me thinking, I wonder if topography has made a difference....Penkridge is actually in a basin, surrounded by higher ground to the North (Wildwood) to the south (the Brimingham Plateau) to the east (Cannock Chase) and to the west (The Wrekin hills)
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