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Everything posted by Upgrade

  1. Someone is going to have egg on their faces on Friday. If the Met keep on with Friday's storm when the others are backing away then i would expect the Met Office to reflect this in their next update. Mind you - they have been on their own before and been proved correct! i'm at 993
  2. Friday may be a non event , or it may be the storm of the century, lots of variability in the models for the track and intensity of Fridays storm. So unfortunately its impossible to say what will happen at the moment. The worries over the potential for this week's winds have arisen because the particular atmospheric conditions which lead to short notice, extreme windstorm events (bomb cyclogenesis) are present and aimed squarely towards us. So the possibility for an extreme event is there. However it is a possibility, rather than a certainty - and no one can say for sure whether this will happen. It's a bit like Russian Roulette at the moment! Everyone's hoping for a blank (ok , apart from on here) , but the uk could be in line for the bullet. I would say there's a one in 6 chance of an extreme windstorm hitting the south - they do from time to time. Although, if my memory serves me correctly , the last full gale we experienced in London was in about 2002 or 2003. so they havent been common in the last few years. we are probably overdue a gale. I do like a good blow!
  3. that looks like the exact same track of the 87 storm. scary stuff.
  4. it means you should panic and protect yourself from imminent doom!
  5. finally put it on last night . 4 dec . record late switch on for me!
  6. i wouldnt sit in my coat and a hat in the lounge. but i think its fair to expect to wear wolly jumpers and thick socks inside in the winter - can never understand why some people want to walk around in shorts and t shirt in December and heat their house to 25 degrees as i know many do. No wonder their bills are sky high.
  7. Looks like the high in the atlantic may link to Greenland, and with low pressure to the north east, we'll be in a screaming northerly with tons of snow for everyone before Christmas !
  8. sorry if i offended anyone, i thought it a fair analysis of the consequence of that chart verifying. It is only 6 days away, and given all the other signals looks like there may well be cause for concern. appreciate GFS overcooks lows but this looks more likely than not to come off , in my opinion.
  9. GFS shows about 9 different low pressure centres / events crossing the UK in the next 14 days!
  10. coastal flooding and widespread destruction and deaths could result if that verified.
  11. ours is still not on - was chilly this morning but really the days are still so mild . reckon it will be december this year before we switch on.
  12. heating definitely not on yet. most years it comes on by early / mid Nov . latest in the last 5 years is 17 November (2006) Wonder whether this year will beat that record!
  13. Given that 2 days ago i was still sleeping in the back bedroom to stay cool, with the fan on , it seems bizarre to talk about switching the heating on. I live in a well insulated flat which faces south. The heating won't be on until probably mid November, in all honesty. 22.5 degrees in the flat at the mo, having peaked at 25 on Sunday evening. Heating is only really required here about 4 months of the year in balmy London .
  14. EVERYTHING is in place for 30 degrees on Saturday. Truly astonishing!
  15. Peter Cockcroft just said we could reach 30 degrees in London on Friday...... looking at October records threatened on Saturday!
  16. like each of the preceding 3 summers, 2011 went downhill later on . August has been pretty rubbish these last few years - quite noticable how poor it has become as a summer month since 2006/7. not a great summer, but overall in the south east mixed enough, with some sunny, some showery days, such that we can't say it was a complete write off. some quite warms days, including a few good weekends, too. not exactly stunning though.
  17. i see where my folks live in yorks it has been only 12 degrees today! Appalling.
  18. cold wet and horrible today. really not at all summery.
  19. Bizarre weather today, extremely heavy, thundery showers all day, with clear slots in between.
  20. has it really been a cold summer? doesnt feel like it here .
  21. in 2007 we had a few days in july and august in london where the temps were no higher than 16 degrees. But this is unusual. This coming Saturday temperatures are not forecast to get above 18 degrees. I expect if the rain is as heavy as expected and the winds strong, we may well have a 16 degree day.
  22. it's been about 18 degrees on wednesday here . cool for summer - but we still got some sun, winds were very light , and no rain.
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