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mackerel sky

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Posts posted by mackerel sky

  1. Had some soft hail and sleet earlier, plunged the temperature down to 3C from 8C in about 15 minutes, then it bounced back to 6C and the sun nearly got out. Next set of showers weren't very heavy, pushed the temperature down to 4C but of the very much wet variety. 


    Currently 3.6C and overcast. If we do get any precipitation of significance, then it will be a lampost watch. Someone is going to get a surprise tonight.


    Did see snow last week, but I was in Norway.

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  2. I couldn't care two hoots about Villa. I don't have any feeling for them whatsoever. Don't ever get me started on Leeds United.I think my wife has a cousin who used to play for Blackpool and is now at Birmingham City though. Haven't really been following his progress. He is a starter, number 4 - centre back and Welsh. Scored a couple of goals for Blackpool in the prem, launched one from 30 yards out against Everton.


    Here - 1.7C, light rain. Nothing to get terribly excited about.

  3. But surely out of the reliable ensemble window, once the cold has left Scandinavia and we are back into default mode. We aren't going to get an easterly. Not this month. If you look at the ensembles for Berlin... nothing particularly cold is a shoe in there? I love a ramp, but there is nothing I can see on the horizon for the next 10-14 days.Give it up.

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  4. Groundhog day again. Zonality might get a little colder I suppose to deliver some winteryness in the west away from high ground as we enter FI. If we see the milder sectors squeezed into greens then I'm sure the Scottish Ski centres will have a fabulous season. Not much in the way for eastern parts of England as it stands, even in FI. Today was the first day this winter some frost persisted in the shade all day. And its nearly January. Piffle. Bloody weeds are still growing.

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  5. Other than a few spits and spots mostly dry here, but disappointingly overcast since mid-afternoon. It got up to 26C at 1pm, then fell to 22C by 3pm under the cloud. Could have been a very warm late August day otherwise.

    Something would have to come alive on the radar, and I can't see it. BBQ on tomorrow I reckon. Models and forecasts have struggled with this, nowcast says to me it might be mostly dry tomorrow afternoon. Still potential for convergence, sitting over Coventry - but nothing happening. If in the morning the winds are westerly and its dry, I think the BBQ is on!

  6. I think from what I saw the most active storms were around Ashbourne, Coventry and Rugby. Active probably not the right word, the most "half decent" storms.

    Earlier on ~ 7pm when we had the 50p splodges of rain on and off I was very optimistic. That stopped and we had basic rain. However we got away with a rather nice day, stupidly humid of course. And we might get a decent day tomorrow.
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