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Everything posted by katemart

  1. Had a gust of over 53mph this morning - strongest since March 2016. Glad I'm working from bed
  2. Well that was the most intense storm I have ever seen. Like a really intense squall but lasted about an hour. Quite frankly I hope that's it for tonight because I was enjoying walking on the grass for a day or two before that lot.
  3. Your koi have their own house?! Lucky things Sounds like a very professional set-up. I never knew when somebody offered to bring me a bucket of pond water to "start it off" that those tiddlers would end up costing me more than a dog and three cats put together lol! Right we have incoming and my daughter is going to the Common to meet some friends so I am going to walk as far as the park with her. I may not be gone very long at all!
  4. Welcome, lostinthewoods. Where is the pumped water going? My first experience of a frozen pond was 2010 - the fountain pumped all the water out and there was only about 2 inches left by the time I found out! Just a big gap under the ice. They all survived, though - tough as old boots, my goldfish.
  5. Buggerit, I've given up even pretending to work from home now. This is too rare an event to miss.
  6. I've got a plastic band and a rubber band I can lend you? Seriously, though, there's hardly anybody out there playing today. rest up and hope you heal quickly. x
  7. Getting more like real snow here, too. Goddamit now I have to and go and sit in the conservatory to watch it properly (and hear it patter on the roof)
  8. I wouldn't call it decent - you could still see grass and tarmac everywhere except where the snow had drifted. I think it is quite localised as well. We only had a couple of tiny flurries where I work near the SGH on Weds but when I came back over the river a couple of hours later there was a lot more laying snow. Proper snowing now, although still small flakes.
  9. It's where the Auld Fella and I had our first kiss! (Under the Castle, not the station.) Max temp today -3.4C.
  10. Wind chill record gone again - now -13c! Air temp -5c. Wind ESE with a gust overnight of 22mph. Icing sugar settling.
  11. If anybody's feeling a bit wobbly tonight, check out steveinsussex's recent post in the MAD thread (p40). Hirlam charts are ??? for Thurs and fri. Just wish boy wasn't being minibussed to pompey early in the morning... I won't be able to enjoy anything until he's safely home.
  12. SouthamptonWeather.co.uk has registered a record wind chill tonight of -12.7c. DP currently -12.6c (also a record as far as I can see) and still dropping. Temp -4.2c and humidity 52%. Bar 1005mbp and falling. No snow today (unless it fell this morning before I got up).
  13. Bless you, jethro. Hopefully he will see sense and come indoors to make himself at home in front of the fire - until spring comes, at least. I've failed to home a feral Tom myself and i know how hard it is to see them refuse the home comforts our domestic moggies expect as their due... ?
  14. And if it's not followed by rain that would be just peachy, thanks. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've been waiting all my life...
  15. Yup, OH (MOT tester) confirms rear wiper is not testable. And he's a b*****d! x
  16. Just had quite a beefy shower which left a light dusting but all gone now. Sky is blue again - definitely not enough to leave work early
  17. Seeing a few flakes here on the west side of Southampton. Thanks for sharing the amber alert, guys: all my colleagues are driving around to appointments in Wessex and the West country on Thursday so it's been great to give them fair warning. XXX
  18. http://www.southamptonweather.co.uk/rainradar.php Meteoradar seems to be missing the same frames...?
  19. Showers maintaining intensity on the front edge and heading straight for Portsmouth and Southampton! COME TO MAMA! (*Must remember how misleading the radar can be...*)
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