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Everything posted by karyo

  1. Drizzly showers here now. It seems we have two areas of interest today: 1) home grown downpours this afternoon which can occur anywhere 2) Massive thunderstorms coming from France (they are developing in Brittany as we speak). It looks like western and southwestern parts of our region have more chance to get these as the southeasterly flow starts to develop preventing them from reaching the whole region. The 6z gfs shows the second area reaching Manchester but that might be optimistic. Will tomorrow's rain coming from the south have some thunder in it? Probably not but either way today is the interesting day.
  2. I have started doing that. My beautiful voice makes the world of difference! lol
  3. I need the rain to be honest. I was too lazy to water the plants earlier.
  4. The thundery rain from the East Midlands is heading our way. Whether it will be thundery when it gets here remains to be seen.
  5. What is more important is the size of the eruptions (in particular how much SO2 is emitted rather than the number of them. For example Etna is erupting several times a year but the eruptions are small and can't be compared to the Pinatumbo or Santorini eruptions.
  6. I woke up to wet surfaces as it seems that one shower affected my area at around dawn. Partly cloudy now and there are a few showers on the way judging by the radar. I am flying to Amsterdam later on. Sunny with 25c today and as high as 31c by Monday.
  7. I love the unpredictability of the northwesterly. Dry as a bone all day and niw I have just caught a hefty shower which came out of nowhere.
  8. Not a single shower here today. Remarkably dry northwesterly for Manchester. So far the 12z models are bringing the low much closer to us early next week. So it should be showery and breezy.
  9. Some amazing looking clouds this evening! Much improved visibility compared to this time yesterday.
  10. Spending an evening with Norah and this song is really fitting to the day. Especially the but that says 'summer days gone too soon'.
  11. I can see a slice of blue sky to my east but also some showers to my south.
  12. Don't despair guys and gwerls, brighter spells are moving in from the Irish sea. You will the sun even for a few minutes...
  13. As we are now t the end of July, I think it is safe to say that this is it for another year.
  14. Showers are coming to life now in the southern parts of our region. I expect a few of those to get to Manchester overnight.
  15. With the super strong El Nino that's what we can expect. Followed perhaps by a chilly spring.
  16. Whether we want it or not it a complete turnaround which is remarkable.
  17. After a very hot start, I wonder if July can finish below average. That would be remarkable!
  18. Showery bits and pieces of rain now here and breezy. No need to water the plants for a few days I think :-)
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