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Everything posted by dvdfjojo

  1. Woohoo, snow at last! Looks like the band has narrowed now so should only last for about half an hour or so. Might get about a cm or so from it. Still, lovely to finally get a miniscule share of the snowfest
  2. Just light rain here for me at the moment. Temp on my weather station is -0.6 and dewpoint is -1.4. Hope we get snow when the more intensive band reaches me in an hour or two.
  3. I've still got the reminas of that 10 minute 'blizzard' last Thursday lunchtime on my garden and skating rink paving slabs - do you reckon that'll melt before the precipation hits? I've been forecast to go above freezing several times over the last few days but it's not melted yet. Unless it gets warm fast, I can't imagine rain hitting that and doing anything but freezing at the moment. Could it be dangerous on Christmas Eve if so?
  4. the nmm model has been perfect the last couple of days for where the snow will fall - absolutely spot on. I'm due about 0.75cm of snow judging by that and at this late stage, i'd believe that. Just gotta hope that when the breakdown does occur, that that's when we get our proper dumping. I'm off to Northwich in Cheshire tomorrow afternoon and overnight - perhaps I might get some there
  5. Man's eye? :lol: More like about 8!!!! Pretty impressive though :lol:
  6. Wonder if Rob McElwee will do the BBC one again tonight - hope so!!!!!
  7. Oh wow, love all the pics, especially the washing line one :-) Looking at those, I reckon 4-5 inches is about what fell in the south east - you lucky guys!!!! Hopefully I'll be able to post a few of my own come Sunday :lol:
  8. And me as well - I think maybe people are just staying within their own location threads and aren't looking at the main board for topics any more. Hopefully, we'll get some snow pics in here when there's a gap in their snowfests
  9. Okay so it's not getting closer at all I'm off to bed now in disgrace. Fingers crossed for tomorrow night.
  10. I've thrown in my postcode to the NW radar and the main precip band is now showing on my postcode square - it's getting closer that's fore sure, it's just how far it will go. Here it is now and I'll post again in an hour.
  11. I've thrown in my postcode to the NW radar and the main precip band is now showing on my postcode square - it's getting closer that's fore sure, it's just how far it will go. Here it is now and I'll post again in an hour.
  12. Shameless plug for the netweather radar - it's brilliant and well worth the money when we're coming up to a cold or stormy spell. I've got the full package but i believe the radar only is only a few quid for the month. Please go and purchase it for the month as it's one of the important things that keep the forum going (for just the price of a pint!). You can zoom into your postcode to see where the precipation is coming from, you can put all sorts of things there, temps, dewpoints, precipation type, 850s, 500s, wind vectors, CAPE for the storms, etc. I don't mind posting the odd one but it'd be great if this cold spell could bring a bit more income to the site if you're able to - it'll be a couple of quid worth spending, I promise you - you'll seem like Mystic Meg to your mates/family/colleagues. I was at work at lunch time and said there'll be a heavy snow shower in about 20 minutes and lo and behold it appeared, ha ha!
  13. That is so brilliant - thanks for posting! The way he talks about Monday with that huge grin on his face - this man's a serious snow ramper, he's ace!!!!!
  14. I'd love to see more snowy pics as we're a little bit bare on the Midlands thread and there's not much chance of more yet. Looking at the radar, it looks like some people are getting loads of the white stuff so can we see all the pics on one thread. You'll need to put your location though as I don't think the location within our profiles is working at the moment - a small price to pay for us having the forums back :-) Hope this is in the right place. Please feel free to move to snow reports if not, mods, it'd just be nice to see everything on the front page of the main forum at the mo. Get posting piccies everyone - can't wait to see them. Jo
  15. My weather station is saying -2.1 temp and -4.3 dewpoint so anything that falls here is gonna be snow (I'm in Polesworth, Nr Tamworth, Staffs) - just gotta get those showers to last the journey now. They keep blummin' fizzling out just before they get here though.
  16. I say whiteout - it certainly wasn't/isn't deep but it came down so fast and the wind was howling, it seemed to cover everything in seconds. It's only left on the grass now, the paths are clear. The wind was that strong, visibility was reduced to about 75 yards. Could definitely cope with a couple of hours of that - shame it was only a brief shower, albeit a fun one!
  17. Wow, that was cool - really windy and a whiteout in minutes. Just stopped now, hope that's not it for the day.
  18. Thanks jimben - got it going again but only by putting the indoor bit right in front of the window in order to get a signal (so it's not hooked up to the computer and my software). I keep dashing over to look at it, t'is keeping me fit.
  19. My temp is 3.5 and dewpoint is 2.7 - slowly coming down, very slowly
  20. It always just seems to be out of reach for us, doesn't it, always temptingly being shown more than 2 days away and then, ping, disappearing when we're 24 hours away. Sorry for the whinging - was really looking forward to some snow tomorrow night. Will be back on form and excited about Saturday in a bit.
  21. Yuk to the 12z so far - looks like Thurs/Fri's snow has gone. The 12z charts so far fit totally in line with the METO's warnings issued yesterday. I hope it's not going to be so near and yet so far for us here.
  22. I'm loving the Thurs Night/Fri morning charts - low, low 850s and snow for the Midlands.
  23. Hi everyone - hows the 12z GFS and UKMO looking! My weather station has picked today to pack up so no temps and dewpoints from me until I can get it fixed. Hope we all get lots and lots of the white stuff - see you for a bit of lamp-post-watching tomorrow night hopefully!!!!!!
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