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Everything posted by WhiteXmas

  1. Anyone seen that picture of Stonehaven Harbour? http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/564852_10151035240226793_855107555_n.jpg And this too! http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/397239_10151035095256793_1724634675_n.jpg
  2. I knew it was a bit early on a Sunday to start
  3. Suppose it depends on how many whiskeys I've had
  4. Yeah probably, as long as it's some form of easterly then it's good for Edinburgh and bad for Glasgow :lol: I don't know about everyone else but I'd much rather cold and sunny than mild and rainy muck any day! The air seems much fresher too, means I can do my TRX in the back garden :lol:
  5. Apparently when we see stars that initially remain still then shoot along the skyline it is actually our eyes playing tricks due to the movement of the earth or something along those lines as after all nothing remains stationary in space I guess!
  6. I would say Edinburgh probably benefits most from a good NE'ly for the most accumulative snow but then again that all depends on each individual weather system. Thoughts?
  7. What I also thought was very odd was that I was looking at what I thought was a star earlier. It was very bright and then it went from bright to almost non-existent in a matter of about 5 seconds. Very odd!
  8. Hey guys. absolutely awful weather here today so far! Torrential rain most of the day. Sadly no lightning though
  9. Have a look on Argos. They usually have some good weather stations. I got one a few years ago from there and it was very good.
  10. Hey guys, Haven't been on here for a while! Can't believe that it's coming up for 6 years that I've been a member on this forum!! Time flies when you're having fun Lovely day here today, hopefully the beginning of some warmer weather now as this bitter air is getting a bit old Nice to be back, WX
  11. Definitely picking up there's been much stronger gusts in the last 30 minutes or so. My mate from uni is home in Northern Ireland just now and he's keeping me updated too with anything worthwhile. Think the worst of it will be this evening possibly.
  12. Haha Liz invite him to join in the hilarity ....Sometimes I think the forum should have a time lock as the conversation does tend to go a bit silly sometimes ....in saying that that's usually only when I'm here...funny coincidence that
  13. The old gal will be used to left-hand drive let's give her some slack.
  14. Can't rule anything out though Andy as the models aren't capable of forseeing a dramatic change ala 1987. These are more of a nowcasting situation.
  15. That is true Raidan and I won't lie it does seem exciting but the wider perspective needs to be taken sometimes I feel.
  16. And as if that wasn't bad enough no doubt they will have an EXCLUSIVE update that the anti-christ is also going to rise and smite us all
  17. Sorry to seem like a killjoy but I really dislike it when people wish for something "big" or "special" from one of these events. That in my opinion is quite naiive as this type of weather can cause a lot of people a lot of hassle and even worse injuries, fatalities. I think we should just hope that no one is hurt by any of what is expected tomorrow. Apologies for the mini-rant
  18. Does cyclogenesis not mean the likelihood of tornadoes is increased?
  19. Surely we won't see tornadoes?? I'm not very clued up on cyclogensis so would it be possible for an idea of what this development means in more detail? Apologies for my ignorance!
  20. I don't remember exactly what my forecast was :lol: but I'm pretty sure that I was along the right lines. Just realised my forecast is on the first page oops! :lol:
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