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Everything posted by WhiteXmas

  1. I will indeed snowy owl I'll try get a picture up too.
  2. I can confirm that it has started snowing here albeit very lightly
  3. I'm considering setting up a webcam at the front of my house soon. Would be great for snow watching and it shows on to the main carriageway which used to be the main route from Glasgow to the airport before the motorways Also it will show right on to Barshaw park so plenty of picturesque scenes to be captured hopefully Of anyone has any ideas on the best place to get one to link up with the laptop and host on a website please let me know
  4. It's a nice idea Mike. It would be great if the app could display symbols to signify the type of weather etc. For example a tornado icon displayed on the map which you could press on and it would then open up information on the particular area and the historical weather events. Just a thought!
  5. So would this app purely be for historical benefit and not to accompany anything that may be for a forecast?
  6. That's quite clearly a sub zero alien mothership. Don't even try and cover it up with your reverse psychology. And after 6 years on Netweather there's my 1,000th post
  7. Oh! It seems my posts are now accumulating once more. Netweather you big troll! EDIT: Thank you Stuart
  8. Please move back to Kilma Catch, who's gong to update me of fast approaching fronts from the west now !! That should be a major factor in your decision for moving back
  9. I think there is a problem with the post count. I have been stuck on the same number of posts for quite a while now despite adding more posts in. Just as I was nearing 1,000 as well typical! Anyone know if there's an issue with this? Thanks
  10. I've lost some weight since last winter. Here's a before picture....... And here's after....
  11. Hello guys! Woke up at 11.30 (I really am a lazy begger ) and was wondering what all this talk of cold was about? 11c, blue skies and sun in September....I'm off out sunbathing now
  12. A rather mucky day today. Autumn is well and truly set in stone now anyway! 9c currently and very dull. A brief respite from the rain makes a nice change though! It's pretty quiet in this part of the forum these days! Where are you all hiding?
  13. Think we got that not so long ago. It has now cleared up and is as if it wasn't raining at all!
  14. Haha well I suppose that's true Good thanks mate I'm a busy boy these days How's things with you?
  15. I can safely say there will be no snow on Xmas day 2012 as the world ends on the 21st
  16. I'm happy with cold as long as we get some nice high pressure for a while bringing some brightness. What I can't stand is that windy, rainy guff it's too depressing!
  17. Nice day today isn't it? Makes a change for once! How is everyone?
  18. Thanks for clearing that up! I'm walking about Glasgow City Centre tomorrow selling to businesses so I'm hoping I don't get soaked like I did last week! :lol: In saying that if worst comes to worst I can always take shelter in a nearby coffee shop/hotel and setup office there
  19. According to the Radio station it was Stonehaven!
  20. And here's a close up of the foam! http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/398250_10151035150166793_882370357_n.jpg
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