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Everything posted by suffolkboy_

  1. On the back tail of this band over us which is currently over France and Belgium it's looking pretty good, bright radar echoes and lots of sferics
  2. I was dubious about the amount of electrical activity we were going to get, so that was only ever going to be a bonus. However, the rain isn't even anything to write home about, heavy, yes, torrential, no.
  3. It's been developing/growing quite well over the past few hours. I understand this is the area which is to develop and affect us.
  4. Some the of the images on this link as well look incredible! http://www.keraunos.org/actualites/fil-infos/2013/juillet/orages-26-juillet-2013-france-grele-rafales-inondations-suivi-alerte-temps-reel.html
  5. Radar now showing a couple of strikes just north of Luton.....that rash of showers is turning electrical and going nowhere fast.
  6. Couple of lightning stikes now showing on the radar just north of Luton....going electrical
  7. Colchester looks like it's getting a pasting at the moment, bit of a streamer feeding in right across there. Anyone in Colchester report what it's like there at the moment?
  8. Showers off the east coast of Suffolk/Essex forming into more pronounced 'lines' now. Looks like I'm going to be stuck just north of one of them. Colchester could get a good covering between now and midnight by the look of the radar.....and I have to get down there for 7.30am tomorrow. The drift at the top of my road will have to be ploughed out of the way first.
  9. Haven't seen drifts like this around here since 1995. The snow is only an inch or so deep, but alongside some large fields drifts are as deep as 3 feet. If the snow plough doesn't come though overnight, i'm stranded tomorrow! Snow showers still coming in one after another, and the wind is staying a steady 20mph, and getting really gusty around the showers. Any chance these showers off the North Sea will keep feeding in through the night and stay as heavy as they are?
  10. 0.1C here with dark clouds all around, had very light snow on and off here most of the day. We had around 4cm of snow last night, and due to the extensive flooding around here many roads went un-gritted, and where they were the grit was washed off my all the surface water. About 2cm remains at the moment on the grass. Looks like some decent showers now starting to pep up in the North Sea.
  11. Been snowing here since 5pm. The snow has started settling since 8.30pm, now got a cm or so covering on everything, including the roads. Temperature now -0.6C
  12. Nice one plover! I will be driving past your part of the world tomorrow morning up the Otley road.....could be interesting. I presume the gritters will be out with the ploughs first thing to clear the way for the school/college buses
  13. Coming to a stop here, just the odd bit of snizzle and I can see the moon. The radar really has been playing a lot of tricks today. Not expecting much more now
  14. I've got to get to Colchester....about 14 miles through country roads to get to Claydon, then A14 and the dreaded A12......fun!
  15. Snow now coming down at its heaviest, about 2cm an hour or so. Just been out in the 4x4 and I only saw about 4 cars over 15 miles. The snow is sitting on the road 3 inches deep in places. WHY O WHY have the MetOffice not upgraded the warning for EA and the 3 counties today. There is going to be major disruption tomorrow morning across much of the east. The warning states 2-5cm, with perhaps 8cm for the east. Many on here reporting much more than this, with 6 inches in some places, some reports of drifting in areas as well! Hope this continues for a while, got about 12cm now in total (including previous snow fall). I expect that I will still be expected to be at work tomorrow, and will be moaned at the rest of the week if I don't. I live in a rural location with no gritted roads for 3 miles in any direction. The 'townies' I work with have it relatively easy.
  16. I would imagine that all the main roads will be well clear by 10am tomorrow, first thing may be tricky. Will little significant snow forecast after tonight it should all be clear. Back roads on the other hand will still be icy come the end of the week...with only a very gentle thaw this coming week!
  17. Sunday evenings are always quiet on the roads, but tonight everyone is staying in and it's dead out there! The gritters hate this as it means the grit won't work. Tomorrow morning may be interesting.....going to be on A14 and A12 at 6am....going to be leaving early! Saying that, if the snow keeps coming like it is, i'm not going to be able to even get to the A14.....shovel is in the boot ready!
  18. You're not all that far from me! I can be in Diss in 20 minutes. We have had about 4cm now, been snowing properly since about 2pm. Very fine snow but building nicely even on the road. Not a soul to be seen this evening!
  19. Only really had light stuff here, giving a total of around 2cm. Thought I was in one of the best placed spots....hoping for some heavier stuff soon!!
  20. Which radar are you using? Many of the UK ones don't show the back edge of the band as it's out of their range. If you are using the NetWeather one swich to Euro view and you can see it in all its glory! Saying that, I still haven't seen a single flake, despite the radar saying otherwise!
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