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Posts posted by swales

  1. Is it me, or does that precipitation coming out of Brittany look a long way west? Is it this that's supposed to give tonight's snow to central southern England? If I didn't know better, I'd say that was going to affect areas further west than previously thought. Any thoughts?

    I thought that. I hope it continues north before edging East so then there is chance of a dumping here :D

  2. For my elevation and the amount of snow faliling and the temp this is really iritating. We have heavy snow. The snow on the fields is acumilating well but the roads and pavements nothing, It's getting annoying. Gone colder though so that's good and flakes bigger it accumilated earlier then thawd a little and now starting to accumilate again.

    Same here as your aware, very frustrating.

  3. Been snowing here since 8 this morning nothing stickin on roads or pavements but the fields etc are getting deeper the mountains above look really coated. Where has this come from?

    Nice of you to join us Adam :doh:

    Likewise here, not sticking to gritted roads and pavements. Sticking well to the frozen snow and slush and other paths and walls. Back roads around here up higher elevation have a good covering since they haven't been gritted.

  4. There is still a few flakes blowing about. I'm impressed but the development over sea before the showers hit Swansea area. This is a good thing, let's hope more development through the night. Would be great to see better showers reaching here from down south.

    If the snow was heavy now it would easily stick, it started to stick in the moderate snow early.

    Good night.

  5. Os rydyn ni'n moyn bwrw eira yn y gorllewin heno, dwi'n gobeithio eich bod chi'n iawn! ;-)

    I think nowcasting is definately the best solution, all sorts of problems with the radar, ppn showing when there is none, sleet where there is snow. Here in South Pembrokeshire we had a hefty snow shower at 7pm, and since then the temperature has dropped by about 3 degrees, so i'm fairly certain that any ppn that will fall overnight will be as snow, here's hoping that the low pressure spins some our way in the first place!

    I hope we get a battering. But the precip type is very marginal. And for the non existent PPN, that's just weird because only the heavier parts actually give us ppn. So it's not all too cock, only the lighter echoes are not going to give anything.

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