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Everything posted by milkmaid

  1. i enjoy the power ,but tend to use this as an information forum ,it's great for that i need to know what's coming to stay safe , i've had a lot of damage done over the last few years due to the wind ,and as it's happening i hate it ,gives you a horrible sick feeling in the pit of your stomach ,there is no reason not to enjoy it ,i know cookie does and he's experienced the same storms as we have ,i like being out in it ,it's the damage i don't like,and the noise and house shaking and to be honest it does dismay me a bit when the metoffice doesn't warn us ,we had a neighbor and several other people phone them not long ago and they up graded us to an amber , life here tends to go on as normal up to about 90 mph and you can walk in it ,just a bit of an angle and watching for flying objects i do feel for people in poorer areas of the world ,who don't have access to the computer and have to rely on official warnings as they normally are far short except in certain areas
  2. merry christmas everyone it can stop now if it wants yesterday wasn't to bad here ,none stop wind most of the day ,and again today i'm worried about that wed storm coming in daughter is meant to be going to uist for a funeral wed cannot see that happening , i wish the snow and frost was back
  3. damage from yesterday ,a couple of chicks killed , the poly tunnel is at a 90 degree angle from were it was as it was going to lift off i had to slash it to be honest gutted next doors tree down
  4. poly has gone with chicks in it,it has rotated around couldn't work out first of all why the table that was at one end was at another ,it's pretty lethal out there still managed to slash some of the plastic in the hope of saving the frame ,tyhink the chicks might be goners ,but we'll look tomorrow morning
  5. don't have to go till 21 .00 ,i wasn't sure if i should head out a little while ago thank you for the advice so i'll stay put till 8.30 it's rough out there ,just been outside to fix something down ,
  6. we have just hit 101.3 mph whole house is now shaking in the gusts
  7. stuck at work isn't the problem getting there is a lot of elderly people
  8. no it's been still here ,started about half an hour ago as the center moved away it's getting bad out there now not sure what to do about work ,as in do i leave early gusts of 79.2 now and we have reached a 12
  9. it's just arrived wind speed in ness isle of lewis 58 miles an hour ok change that 73 mph gust http://www.eoropaidh.co.uk/
  10. we are already at 55.5 mph ,in eoropie ness and it looks nasty for the next week according to the data on here
  11. if you haven't seen it, i've just watched this filmed around bangkok,it's very moving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir26BUr-TWc&feature=related
  12. it's very calm calm here wind is at 16mph and gusting to 22.2mph pressure is sitting at 978.3 not raining right off to work
  13. i've just managed to get my roof back on ,it's now strapped down with metal as well , our local council have issued a statement about it just a pic to remind people what happened in a normalish storm for us so i'm watching this one carefully also has anybody any ideas about tornado's with this one i saw 2 on tue over the moor ,cookie missed them trying to find as many updates as i can , seems we are amber
  14. not sure how long this will work http://www.surfchex.com/topsail-island-web-cam.php waves are big
  15. we heard yesterday ours is safe there has been lots of work involved ,
  16. jon's blog is confusing at the moment strange things are going on in iceland ,there has been a flood nobody quite knows where from as katla was not involved i do hope it's not a big bang ,having a freind over there who is a vet ,she says they are struggling with livestock and feed ,things in some areas are not growing as they should ,after the last lot,
  17. i have one that's working http://www.ruv.is/katla
  18. katla had a bit of action again last night
  19. i've always been a supporter of gm , there are a lot of things that need looking at ,and the chap is saying it needs looking at before anything more is reliesed ,but some of the finding from this particaler gm crop might be a problem and needs looking at , unfortunatly ,it's pretty specialized ,agronomy is something i'm interested in ,not good at but interested in :blush:
  20. i've tried this in a couple of places to see if people have an opion they don't seem to or it's heavy fairly reading, thought i'd try it here as well ,see if anyone has any ideas or thoughts ,i'm not sure what to think and have an open mind about it ,it takes some carefull reading ,and is quite complicated , http://www.acresusa.com/toolbox/reprints/May2011_Huber.pdf there is a video and a letter to the eu about it as well http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/dr_hubers_warning/#who this is the companies release i think http://www.btny.purdue.edu/weedscience/2011/GlyphosatesImpact11.pdf so if your bored ,
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