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Posts posted by BornFromTheVoid

  1. The gulf stream has a major impact on our weather.


    Temps on average would be 5c cooler each winter if it stopped






    Why ?


    In need the IPCC and the Telegraph are at it again. Best to ignore




    Britain could cool if  the gulf stream slows. A bit different to the winter being cold because the gulf stream is fragmenting.

  2. With the minimum of 5.2C and maxima in the 15s, a drop to 13.1C is very likely tomorrow.


    With the 12z GFS, the CET is then around


    13.2C to the 25th (14.5)

    13.2C to the 26th (14.3)

    13.1C to the 27th (11.6)

    13.1C to the 28th (10.8]

    12.9C to the 29th (7.8]

    12.8C to the 30th (9.5)

    12.7C to the 31st (11.8]


    Chances of a 10 top month growing slimmer.

    • Like 1
  3. Just for balance Knocker when you read the blog you would get this from the comments 


    Wotts, having the opportunity to read Pielke’s views in a fuller context, I withdraw my earlier claim that he has made a mistake. Rather, I have been misinterpreting him as talking about feedback to the temperature response of a giving forcing, whereas he has been talking about the feedback in radiative terms to a given forcing.


    So please read fully before posting!!!


    And if you continue reading, you can see that they've not fully decided whether the blog post is incorrect or not (not a good position to be in when your dishing out criticism for sure, but that's never stopped WUWT before!).


    But it does seem that both WottsUWT and WattsUWT should have put a little more thought into their blogs post before publishing them!

  4. Direct response to Dev comment " """"I don't regard money spent to help diversifying our energy supply so we less dependant upon dangerous regimes as a waste. etc etc etc"""""


    A lot of people do.


    Very relevant as there is a big 'cost' going down its all 'man made' but the post was taken off so your safe you can ignore the cost. 


    How about the trillions in health costs associated with burning fossil fuels and the cost from environmental damage and cleanups, are we ignoring that too? Or how about the billions in government subsidies for the oil industry?

    • Like 1
  5. Here's the current situation (as of the 22nd of this month) according to the NSIDC extent.




    We're 6th lowest on record and moving close to the 04-08 average (which increases by 124k/day over the next 5 days). We're well above the other 5 lowest years, so no risk of dropping further down the rankings over the next week.

  6. For the period of the 1st to the 22nd, we're currently the 10th warmest on record. Surprisingly, the two warmest for this period, 1921 (14.3) and 1959 (14.0) don't appear in the top 5 for October as a whole, instead finishing the month as (currently) 6th and 8th warmest, with final values of 12.8C and 12.6C respectively.

  7. I agree with remaining on 13.2C tomorrow.


    After that, the 06z GFS op run has the CET at

    13.1C to the 24th (10.5)

    13.2C to the 25th (14.1)

    13.2C to the 26th (13.7)

    13.1C to the 27th (11.8]

    13.1C to the 28th (11.5)

    12.9C to the 29th (8.2)

    12.8C to the 30th (10.2)


    I'd narrow the range before corrections to 12.3C to 13.1C, and so 11.8C to 13.0C after corrections.



    • Like 2
  8. Approximately 61 per cent of all the fresh water on the Earth is held down there and it doesn't get a mentioned.


    Imagine if we had record lows in the Artic how that would be plastered everywhere


    Here is NASA announcement





    Interesting to see what min is reached net year


    Are you commenting that the Antarctic ice sheet is melting and not getting a mention?

  9. How's the CET minimum for this month? Its heading for a record high round here, will beat 2001 and 2005 unless we get a run of cool nights soon....


    Currently at 10.4C, which is 2.7C above the 1st to 22nd average and 0.6C higher than September finished on.

    Don't think it will change too much by the 31st, plenty of very mild nights coming up, which may be offset by cooler nights in the last few days of the month.

  10. I really caught with this month. My composites show the split between above and below average running right across the CET zone, from the north east to the south west. So any slight change in reality compared to the composites will produce an above average or a below average month, while if the composite is very accurate, then an average month will result! My gut tells me it will be more unsettled than the composites suggest though...


    Perhaps I should just stick with the prediction I made in my Autumn forecast, and say 7.8C. I think a mid Atlantic ridge will exert a growing influence during the month.

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