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Everything posted by 4wd

  1. Cooling is infinitely more damaging than warming. We are already much cooler than long periods of earth's history. A reduced period between last and first frosts would lead to considerable shrinking in viable food producing areas. As little as a 1C reduction would be enough to trigger small glaciers in Scotland were it to continue for a number of years. Essentially this is how a new Ice Age would begin. A real cause for concern - unlike the invented spectre of catastrophic warming.
  2. Chilly autumnal day today, it was fairly sunny through morning and there's still ground frost in the shade but a layer of high cloud has spread over. 5.3C at the moment.
  3. 4wd

    In The News

    Basically AGW must have a hand in a cold spell which hasn't happened yet - and if it doesn't happen as per predictions, a failed cold spell is due to AGW too. Good to get all possible retaliations in first.
  4. Light rain most of the night but suddenly cleared out soon after 10am 7.6C at the moment and will soon be heading down rapidly so a frost is likely.
  5. Average for November is 85mm which seems most unlikely to be reached with chilly anticyclones on the cards
  6. Year so far is on 777mm here which is about 30mm below average. November has been very dry with only 7.5mm. You would hardly know it though as little drying occurs and numerous days have had some rain.
  7. High of 6.2C here today with fog persisting all day.
  8. http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/hurdat/ Not that it will do any good, I am an unbeliever and must be ignored.
  9. Hardly any difference there's many weeks of deep freeze ahead between now and May.
  10. I wonder if it's to do with the camera being 'clever' enough to auto rotate. These automated settings can be retained when resized, then mis-read by less clever things like the uploader here. However it would be unusual for that to go more than 90° unless it somehow got doubled along the way.
  11. Really no evidence to back up that rant, as others have said hurricane activity is not increasing and an argument can be made that hurricanes could actually be less intense in a warmer world. Obviously desiring to back up the irreversible changes and destruction ideas promoted in your sig this is not what you want to hear I suppose we will just have to put up with a chorus of posts claiming warming has made every normal weather event worse or even caused it outright. Rational people with a less naive outlook can see through such nonsense easily enough. .
  12. 4wd

    In The News

    Predicted temperature rises versus reality.
  13. You really can't hold up a few summer rainstorms or whatever as evidence of some significant shift in climate patterns. That post is a prime example of carefully worded prose designed to imply there is evidence when there is not. Extreme weather has always been something that happens from time to time and by its very nature a few places will see conditions worse than anyone remembers - but to leap from that to declaring some terrible irreversible change must be afoot is naive and frankly ridiculous. It's plain from your signature that your prime purpose for posting in weather forums is to advance this catastrophist viewpoint.
  14. 4wd

    In The News

    No they don't, that's what the story is about - a decision that the 'science is settled' as far as BBC was concerned and there is no need to cover alternative views and evidence - just keep rattling out stories the half-baked 'consequences' of all the warming [we have not had] - still ongoing in the 'news' thread.
  15. Practically every year about now you will find some source predicting an extreme winter, it wouldn't be news if they said an average winter with some cold snowy spells and some mild periods - but anyone predicting that would be far more accurate.
  16. 5.4C here, it will edge up this week I expect.
  17. He's been fantastic but I think there's no need to have him wheeled on like this, it almost hints that when he can't do it the programme will end? It must be stressful travelling to London and spending most of a day at least doing it.
  18. Indeed, I do wonder what is the purpose of these ridiculous 'worst case scenario' tales of woe. It seems like the ancient soothsayers warning the end is nigh. The apparent need to have imminent catastrophe looming is a symptom of a deep problems with some parts of society today.
  19. Was this the Feb with 2 or 3 really quite warm days touching 20C quite widely? I remember it being about 17C and sunny for a couple of days here.
  20. Chilly with ground frost on the roof but it doesn't seem to want to go below 3C. Must say we've had the driest spell since March with only 8mm in the last 14 days.
  21. 25th November 2010. It's not that unusual to have a significant snow event towards the end of November but this one just went on and on. There was almost a foot of snow by the end of the month with further snowy spells and increasing cold until after Christmas.
  22. In summer, but a few overwinter and emerge on sunny days in march.
  23. Yes it will be best in a dry sheltered spot, an unheated garage or shed would be ideal. It won't want any food once it goes into the torpid state below about 10C
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