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Everything posted by 4wd

  1. Spotting with rain, quite windy but we are still on the cool side for early November really at 8.9C
  2. Another frosty start but wind has picked up from NW and its about 2.6C now. Min was -1.1C
  3. There seems to be gross over-simplification and lack of understanding of what actually happens on real-world coastlines. Beach and dune formations for example will easily change in tandem with sea-levels and many areas will not notice any change just as we haven't noticed much change in the last 100 years which have had a steady upward creep in levels. I see the Maldives mentioned again and these are a good example of islands which will not sink below the sea but rise with it if natural movement of sand and shingle is not interfered with by humans. If you live a stones throw from the beach you have to accept vulnerability to storm damage. A lot of the Sandy damage footage showed relatively lightweight wooden structures built right down to the beach. What else is going to happen sooner or later.
  4. That's a very strange article trying to link floating sea ice losses to sea level changes.
  5. The Vue console can receive a 2nd station for wind only. This could be another Vue - bit odd but an option - or a special anemometer kit from Davis. I picked up a used VP2 "condition unknown" from ebay for about £70 and the anemometer and wireless transmitting box worked fine in this arrangement. Since then I got a replacement temp/humidity for the VP2 - which was found faulty - and am using the full suite on the Vue console as the used VP2 did not come with console - which was why they weren't sure if it was working. The Vue is in storage ready to go as backup when something else fails eventually.
  6. http://blog.chron.com/sciguy/2012/11/there-will-be-fewer-sandy-like-storms-in-the-future/
  7. It's funny the air temp here only went down to +0.1C, but mud and grass is crisply frozen - so ground temp has been lower for longer than in the slight air frosts we had a week or two back.
  8. 4wd

    In The News

    What anxiety, I see plenty of anxiety to try to convince us it must have been somehow made worse or deflected inland [LOL] because of AGW Your own statement makes it clear that a small section of the US east coast was plain unlucky in that a powerful late storm coincided with a very high tide, causing coastal flooding in an area which has historically seen similar events many times before.
  9. 4wd

    In The News

    Sea levels have been rising at a fairly steady rate since anyone started trying to measure them. no idea why there's a sudden flurry of alarmist stuff about accelerating in the trend, it just isn't there - and the most likely explanation for the slow rise is probably that we are still recovering from the last ice age. (could be something to do with capitalising on Sandy footage I suppose) http://ibis.grdl.noaa.gov/SAT/SeaLevelRise/LSA_SLR_timeseries_global.php
  10. 4wd

    In The News

    If it hadn't hit at high tide and unusually high spring tide at that, the sea defences would not have overtopped which was the main problem. Several other storms had higher surges but did not hit at high tide and moved through quickly.
  11. It will be 7.7C here. Last October was 10.9C, and November was 8.7C
  12. Hold down 'alt gr' for é - and some other accents á ó ú The French won't be impressed if it points the wrong way though.
  13. Dry and windy here, just a few spots once or twice.
  14. i had the TFA Nexus, after a year or so the temperature/humidity sensor failed - replaced that then the anemometer started dropping out. Then the anemometer literally flew apart one day with 60mph gusts. Rain bucket tips at 0.7mm which is too large really. Radio link on it is weak and in some conditions it will drop out inexplicably when only a few feet away. Vantage Vue has none of these problems. The only drawback is that you can't separate the anemometer (although you can run a separate anemometer system which the Vue console receives instead) In a good open situation this isn't such a problem, but an enclosed garden you will often wish you could have it higher than is practical bearing in mind you need access to clear the rain bucket and change the battery probably annually. The drawback the Davis does have is cost - the unit itself is reasonable for what you get, but to connect to a computer you are obliged to buy their special logger unit with archaic software which is light years behind weather-display or (free) Cumulus.
  15. Last day above 10C was the 24th, could that be the last one until March?
  16. It's equivalent to a Category 1 hurricane the lowest level, in fact technically it is no longer a hurricane at all because that term describes a storm drawing energy from tropical sea water. This is essentially a very large but not exceptionally deep mid-latitude autumn storm. There have been numerous storms with deeper centres crossing The British Isles for example.
  17. 4wd

    Glowing autumn oaks

    From the album: Other Landscapes

    Leaf colour has been surprisingly good this year, not least because there hasn't really been a gale or even a serious frost to knock them off yet. We have had numerous ground frosts to start them turning and two slight air frosts too.
  18. They're listed on Watts here http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/10/26/brad-johnsons-malfeasance-masquerading-as-idiocy/#more-73141
  19. Would you like a list of October hurricanes/ex-hurricanes, including those which have affected the NE States.It is rather long. Some seem to be unable or unwilling to research anything further back than last week.
  20. Back to sleety hail this morning and combined with melting snow it is very wet. Well past 8mm already.
  21. There was a couple of inches or so lying at midnight but it got rather milder with steady thaw by 5pm, however wind has backed to NNW now and temperature has dropped slightly again. The hills are still very white but green is showing through lower down.
  22. 0.6C with heavy snow showers. http://s6.postimage.org/9yysrgjgh/small_3053.jpg
  23. There's a light covering of 'dry' snow here but moon is out again now. 0.8C
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