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Thundery wintry showers

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Blog Comments posted by Thundery wintry showers

  1. Just think, if you keep giving up smoking you'll accumulate enough extra money that could be used to buy numerous extra presents for the kids, computer games, a better car or second car, the list goes on. Much better ways to spend the money than fuelling a rather negative habit!
  2. After the arguments I've been involved in in the climate area I can understand where you might have got that impression. But in reality it originally stemmed from me trying to make much the same point [i]("opinions without evidence to support them are worthless")[/i]. What those climate change threads need is people discussing the science and deriving conclusions from it, and all too often we see people forming "opinions" and fitting the evidence around them. (This is where my repeated "circular reasoning" allegations come from- a conclusion is of no use if the premises behind it assume the conclusion as a given). I ended up getting caught up in the "sceptic vs believer" nonsense by attacking that approach head-on (as I'd got fed up with it) and it precipitated a huge argument.

    Actually, I don't 'guess' based on 'opinions' - as a PhD student in climate science I've read a large number of peer-reviewed papers, including many sections of the IPCC report. The problem is, so many of them are subscription-only that it's hard to find any (other than the IPCC report) that can be posted to the main forum. Having read all of those papers I still think things are a lot more uncertain than many sources (including the IPCC's summary for policymakers) make out, with many forcings being poorly understood, and climate models having their limitations. But that said, I'm yet to see any compelling evidence to suggest that the IPCC's conclusions don't represent the most likely range of outcomes- nor to suggest that we aren't still in a long-term warming phase.

    Philip Eden (whose views on climate change are similar to mine) had a section near the end of his book ("A Change in the Weather") where he highlighted the political axes grinding at both "sides" of the debate and the lack of room, in many places, for objective and constructive discussion- he gets so-called "believers" and "sceptics" alike both praising him for giving their "side" consideration, and slating him for being at the other "side", and very few praising him for trying to be objective.
    [quote]Climate deniers often have some agenda in the background – e.g. they have financial support from big corporations whose motivation is profit.[/quote]
    Many of the articles we see links to in those threads bear out that point exactly.
  3. Just be careful of, some days (maybe even months) into the smoking-free period, being tempted by a fag and thinking "just one fag should be OK..." Some people can get away with that, but not usually if they were previously addicted.

    Best of luck with it all!

  4. I empathise with your position. One of the main rants I have about childcare is that parents (especially mothers) are pressurised into the extremes of having either the career or the children, with nothing in between.

    It seems that most people who want better childcare are fixed on the idea that we should go back to the old family values, where one parent stays at home and the other goes to work. Some will be happy with that, but many others won't be, and I believe that in addition, the possibility of job/child sharing should be explored as an alternative. Flexible and part-time work options for young parents would provide a beneficial balance for many, I think.

    Sadly, the 'social inertia' I mention in the environment threads- the reluctance to try anything new- results in people either wanting things to stay as they are, or go back to how they were, with the job/child sharing option remaining neglected as a result.

  5. Have you ever tried doom edit...or deep sea for doom the original..level construction...I have realy good but I dont get much time any more..Havent tried to create levels for doom 3 ,must be more difficult

    I've had a long history of changing engines and starting from scratch, much like the infamous Duke Nukem Forever:

    Late 1990s- tried Doom 1 mapping with WadED, gave up as it crashed constantly

    2000-03- tried Half-Life mapping, created several maps for HL (including 3 multiplayer maps) but didn't get very far with my planned episode

    2004- created 8 Doom 2 levels with DoomBuilder while waiting for Doom 3 to come out. I did try DeepSea beforehand but was put off by the fact you have to pay to get all the features.

    Since then I've been sticking with the Doom 3 engine and am determined to get the episode finished. Doom 3 editing is much harder than Doom 1/2 editing and the maps take much longer to create- but there is a lot more you can do with them, especially scripted stuff and architecture.

    And thanks for the good wishes from Katie.

  6. The headmaster of his new school spoke to me the other day and said that although Little Man had only been with them two weeks it was very evident that he processed information differently to any of the other children and he was "not a normal boy"

    I'm not sure what that means either, but from reading this blog, it sounds to me as if he's probably a bit 'different' to the norm for people his age (not many kids do things like the Macmillan runs for example) and thus stands out from the crowd. It seems that's quite common for people connected to those who use this forum regularly.

    Similar things were sometimes said of me when I was at school, and it was usually because I stood out through not fitting in and doing/thinking the way everyone else did.

    However, that's only a guess...

    I don't like the sound of that cold and dieting problem- I can only hope things get better on that front.

  7. Contrary to popular belief, some light-heartedness in moderation isn't a bad thing for work- if people are trying to be ultra-serious, it can make them depressed, and work less productively. It's all very well someone looking as if they are busy and working all the time, but if their work rate declines in the process, they don't necessarily get any more work done.

    Most business people don't seem to factor things like that into consideration, but I believe there to be a lot of truth in it.

  8. I think some of the stuff you mention is related to how interested people are in the weather.

    In general, people with little or no interest would prefer it if there was no weather at all and they could just ignore it- so if the weather impacts on their lives they remember it, and if not, they ignore it.

    Those with some interest (and that doesn't just include NW-level interest, it could include a relevant passing interest) are more likely to remember fine weekends as they do rainy weekends.

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