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Everything posted by laserguy

  1. Blimey...I agree with you,Dev! But y'know me,from a purely climate perspective I feel there's no reason to curb emissions in the first place.
  2. Remind me what the actual percentage figure of anthro CO2 makes up the almost infinitesimally small total... I take time out from this fraught arena only to return to find (expectedly),that the squabbles rage on elsewhere. May as well argue about the existence of God or fairies at the bottom of the garden. It ain't worth one more moment of my time,though it's still fun and frustrating in equal measure to look in. Our CO2 is as much responsible for the ever-changing climate as my cats are for causing hurricane Katrina. You'll learn... Mind you,the AGW mob will somehow find a link between the rising feline population and 'climate change',given half a chance. The key to everything (bar the odd volcano) is (probably) smiling down from a sky near you right now.
  3. I'm sure I've got an old 'quo album kicking around somewhere,could dig that out for you?
  4. Actually,I can. I hate summer,warmth,sunshine,dry days,overlong hours of daylight - the whole caboodle. It has absolutely nothing going for it as far as I'm concerned. Sorry an' all that. I so wish I could invent a time machine and take me back to the heady days of June 2007 - permanently. Terminal Moraine would understand.
  5. NASA would go up in my estimations considerably if they came out straight and said "we don't know",instead of an endless stream of predictions which count for nought in subsequent,seemingly inevitable revisions. Just sayin'.
  6. http://www.telegraph...cord-highs.html That'll be this,then? The whole sorry saga has become an endless round of guesses and revisions. No one really knows what's going down. If you believe the opposite of what you're told by the warmista,you'll not go far wrong. In any case,if ol' sol does explode into a phase of heightened activity and cause further warming (not CO2,mind),there's much more to fear from the probable effects on our technologically-dependant world. One belch in the right direction could have us back in the stone-age within weeks.
  7. Anyone else spot the key-word in there? Ok,I'll give you a clue...
  8. In the fullness of time (not much time now,actually),you'll find that the 'conspirators' consist of all shades of the warmista spectrum which comprise the AGW movement.
  9. Nope,you want an ecological disaster to somehow shore up the AGW theory (it won't) and because you're the Doom Master General - it's in your blood! Personally,I'm waiting for Betelgeuse or Antares to go supernova and take us all out in a massive GRB. Hey,whatever floats your boat... As all us devout deniers are well aware,the Arctic and the atmosphere has done,is doing and always will do whatever it's 'supposed' to do - with or without us being here. We've just got to live with it...or not.
  10. What I object to is having one penny of my taxes over the years being diverted to anyone investigating an entirely natural process,and all the while trying to kid everyone that they've found a villain in CO2,and by changing everything about the way we live our lives they can solve this non-problem. In all seriousness,I want a refund. All that money that could have been put to good use - wasted.
  11. What's the time of year got to do with it? You are kidding,right? If a similar number of record high temps were being observed in mid-winter (or even high summer,fercrissake),are you telling me that 'global warming' would not be shoved down the necks of US citizens at every corner? As for the week to date, seven hundred and eleven record cold temps have fallen,Stateside,against a pitiful one hundred and eighty one records for heat. Any records being broken when temps are at their expected peak and in the era of 'global warming' *should* not be low ones. I must be missing something,ahh it's only the US and it's weather,not climate. Let's see how winter pans out. I'll fully concur on one thing - it is indeed all a bit silly. The notion of global warming that is,man-made or otherwise. As has been pointed out by others,it would probably take a rerun of the Younger Dryas before some folk might get the feeling that the numbers don't add up.
  12. Long time since this thread's seen the light of day.... Ossie will be along subsequently to point out the error of my ways but here goes. http://mapcenter.hamweather.com/records/7d...mp,mintemp,snow Five hundred and five (say it quickly and it still sounds a lot) record cold temperatures broken in the past week alone in what is presumably the USA's warmest time of year,and in the era of... Global Warming? Ha ha ha ha ha.
  13. J07,I want to live where you live - looks magnificent,wind turbines an' all!
  14. Hey Ice,are you a secret millionaire?
  15. You'll not be saying that when there's about twenty million of them all over the place,Pete,and we're still fumbling around in the dark. Or are we going to use our god-like power to 'change the climate' and make the wind blow 24/7? And what on Earth is wrong with bashing socialists? Sheesh!
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-...went-heads.html Expecting the usual C.Booker assault,yawn.
  17. It's actually a huge black hole,with a wispy filligree of (man-made!) fibres surrounding it.
  18. I'll be worm food - and missing out on all that horrible AGW. Shucks.
  19. Yes very good WE! But they're still on the ball re 'AGW'. Here's another one. http://www.heartland.org/_images/Advertising/mute.pdf
  20. My garden's had it 'cos of the absence of the 'bbq summer' . As for 2050,ignore it. Just more warmist twaddle to keep 'AGW' and it's attendant baggage on the radar. We'll be frozen to death by then.
  21. One,just one single substantiated case where one person has suffered/died due to anthro CO2-inspired 'climate change',please. You cannot,and will not ever find it. I'm sorry but I have to say that I think AGW 'believers' - and that is all they are because the evidence/science/observations are in complete contradiction - are truly stark,staring bonkers and will soon be observed howling at the moon. Now if we want to talk about the very real suffering and death being dealt out as the world's most desperate unfortunates starve due to food acreage being handed over to bio-fuel crop production in order to 'tackle' a non-existant man-made climate change...
  22. Ha! I'm looking on with bemusement right now and have been for a long while,as to how so many folk were/are still being duped! As you rightly point out,not long before the hammer drops.
  23. Bingo! Except the bit about 'AGW'. And I'm not so sure about the 'abuse' of Earth's resources,unless that translates as too many of us drinking from a cup which is almost down to the dregs. Oh yes,something almighty has got to give pretty soon. Meanwhile.... 'Read all about it - carbon dioxide causes cooling. Stop those emissions right now to tackle the incoming Ice Age'!! http://icecap.us/images/uploads/8YearTemps.jpg
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