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Everything posted by laserguy

  1. OT again but I sincerely hope things pick up for you too,Dev. Whatever the involvement or not of AGW/CO2 etc etc it seems that many of us who have to work for our keep are walking a very fine line,these days. As for now I'm still 'laserguy' but on reduced hours and pay (more time to squabble with the warmers,ha ha!). I think the outcome of your example above was blindingly obvious,unlike CO2 emissions,but that's by the way. Ah well,another shift doth beckon. 'Night all!
  2. Stick them all over the coats of you and your mates and form a Pink Floyd tribute band doing 'Delicate Sound of Thunder' tracks specially adapted for the AGW era.
  3. Thanks. If I return and my username is 'justanotherdrainonsocietybutit'salrightcoswe'refixingtheclimate' instead of 'laserguy',you'll know things haven't gone too well . Right,off to see what's what...
  4. Simple answer: no. The looming energy catastrophe and their complete lack of having a clue as to what to do about it is resulting in this sort of madness. And as far as their use being a tool to 'tackle climate change',tell me when to stop laughing. FWIW,every bulb in chez LG apart from the ones in oven,fridge and microwave is one of those 11W curly things. Keeps my leccy bill to what it was not too long ago when using proper bulbs,I suppose. Oh and as far as the economy goes,today I'll find out if I'm one of the unfortunates at our place who's gonna get laid-off due to plummeting orders as manufacturing goes down the plughole. Ah well,it'll keep those 'carbon' emissions down if nowt else.
  5. Nothing can block the inexorable path of AGW,SC - regardless of what's really going down. You know that as well as I do. Oh it exists alright,in the addled minds of computer programmers and politicians. It must not be allowed to flounder now.
  6. Because WUWT? is a massive thorn in the warmista's soft white underbelly,and they would love to see it slain so that they may carry on regardless without this massive hinderance and font of inconvenient facts in their way. Long live WUWT?- "all it takes for evil to prosper is good men to do nothing",or something like that. WUWT? is far,far from being a lone voice,but is instrumental in the prevention of the whole civilised world falling hook,line and sinker for the great CO2 scam/hoax,or whatever term one cares to apply. People 'like me' are 'holocaust deniers',right? Just what depths of ridiculosity have yet to be plumbed in the death throes of AGW?
  7. By that reckoning,shouldn't Australia's sheep be the size of hamsters :huh: ?
  8. Oh boy,here we go again. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8130907.stm Just the latest example of why 'AGW' is fast becoming my number one source of humour these days. Yeah I know,it's an age thing and don't get out as much as I used to...
  9. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10274412-38.html Here's another one for the pot. I'm resigned to keep saying this until it sinks in - 'AGW' has nothing,but nothing to do with climate - it's politics pure and simple and a front for the need to regulate 'carbon' and the comsumption of 'it' in the face of dwindling supplies and skyrocketing demand. Ok,some have different motives,the enviro-nuts and those who rely on 'it' for a living,but this is the politcs thread so I'll leave it at that.
  10. Yet the climate change posse insist that warming will cause more frequent and intense storms,not to mention floods in general,oh and drought... and everything else you can think of. Handy that,innit?
  11. Very uneasy,but I reckon his increasingly outrageous antics will ultimately be his downfall. Leave him be...
  12. Would that be the Gore/Hansen effect?! Dev me old,please don't be offended but can you possibly find it within yourself to lighten up just a little? I know you take this whole thing very seriously (and I for one ain't knocking you tho' I vehemently disagree) but c'mon,even the Doom-Master himself GW can muster a frequent chuckle and I can't help but warm to him! I'm sure we'd get along much better if you didn't take umbrage so readily,and as a result maybe I'd not be so,er,brusque. No? Ah well,I'll get me coat again.
  13. Quick,before it gets updated and disappears off the page. Any thoughts on the leading article entitled 'The Science Mandate of the IPCC',anyone? http://antigreen.blogspot.com/ Please don't be dissuaded from taking a peek because of the source (tho' I know Dev will be)!
  14. I'm going to make 10 gallons of fine English Ale today. You ought to hear the CO2 bubbling off that stuff when it's in full swing. My houseplants are going berserka. I think that's why the UK has been on a binge drinking epidemic of late - folk trying to blot out the constant AGW yammer every which way,as well as other modern-day horrors. More beer,more CO2,more global warming...not
  15. I distinctly remember it,too. I'm sure a little fuss was made of it at the time but I too have failed in fairly recent efforts to find any mention. Hmm...
  16. Sorry,all. I do try,but it's hard to conceal my forthright stance which many find disagreeable (and I'm sure some are even entertained by it!!). Also find it hard,nay impossible,to be 'nice' when constantly confronted with the utter nonsense of CO2-driven 'AGW'. Will try to try harder in my slowly diminishing comments,which will be less and less necessary as the dawning reality does the talking from here on in. Which,I might add,will give me no sense of pleasure or 'victory' of any kind.
  17. I like your style tundra,and the fact that you're absolutely right! Notice how the latest round of desperado scaremongering twaddle is projected for a time period when practically all of us reading now will be pushing up the daisies? Seriously,try to envisage the world in 70ish years (you can't),and marvel at how climate then could possibly be contemplated (let alone influenced by us!) amidst all the unforeseen and unimaginable changes elsewhere which are to come. Meanwhile,this is good,very good, (and slightly OT but what the hell ),but some of you will beg to differ. Tough. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/06/lie..._bbc_clima.html
  18. Roo,are you still reading? Came across this today - you're going to love it!! :lol: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/artic...#When:00:15:00Z
  19. I'm with Dev (!!!!) here - he is indeed a fine scientist,but his ball has ended up in a field where it does not belong. Meanwhile,I hope my lad's school gets a guy like this in: http://icecap.us/images/uploads/Report_from_the_field.pdf The day he comes home from school repeating the sort of c**p us adults have to endure,I'll be up there for a few words with the headmaster. Ain't happened yet,I'm surprised at that 'cos we all know it's better to catch them young...
  20. Glad y'all liked it,one way or another. The much vaunted 'tipping point' that the AGW types so yearn for is approaching,as the weight of nonsense threatens to throw the lot over the cliff-edge. Bring it right on. Seen your posts elsewhere TWS - keep trying. Unfortunately I have to depart for work right now. See ya.
  21. http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/s...Rush_on_Chu.pdf Let's resurrect this moribund thread. Found this quite amusing,and possibly the latest example of the utter nonsense which is now taken for granted in the whacky world of AGW.
  22. Anyway.....the basis of the article is that GW deniers/sceptics MUST DIE for their beliefs.
  23. Best thing I ever bought was a £2 packet of bacca seeds off eBay - saved me thousands already! I wish this dang GW would hurry up though,mebbe I could get a 20% higher yield.
  24. Oi! HS is the guy behind this: http://www.ilovemycarbondioxide.com/ ....in case anyone didn't know. Extremist or not,he's barking up the right tree and how anyone of sane mind can pay more attention and give more credence to the ramblings of Hansen 'n' Gore is unfathomable. No really,it is. Roo,you still reading? Don't remind me of whatsisface,y'know,the guy behind the SSRC or whatever it was! Wonder what became of him? I'm an extremist too - I like extremely hot vindaloo curries and extremely loud heavy metal music,but I'm harmless really . Think I must've died and gone to smiley heaven.
  25. I'd happily buy a car that does significantly more than,say 100mpg and was restricted to,say 50mph. It'd do the job and the sense of being bled dry by the tax-man wouldn't sting so much. I walk much anyway,but occasionally feel the need to get the rip-snorting,gas-guzzling motorbike out just to pull wheelies and burn rubber doughnuts into the tarmac outside Ossie's house :lol: .
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