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Everything posted by laserguy

  1. BB,they're all as mad as hatters and I don't know why 'we' put up with these morons. After a lengthy 'cooling off' spell inside I'd make sure they had no access to mains electricity. Oh and here's another 'it's only weather and not climate' moment - http://mapcenter.ham...ds/7day/us.html
  2. http://fourwinds10.c...hp?q=1255539831
  3. Be patient Pete,itsa coming!
  4. Ah,we're all biased one way or the other Pete,no matter how much we argue to the contrary! The thing with Watts is that he's invariably right. Do I sound biased?! Too right I am. The more 'stuff' I hear in defence(?) of AGW,the more pity I feel for the proponents,and all the more repulsion at the absolute transparency of their motives which have nothing to do with climate at all. Their nakedness is shameful. Er,um,yes,sorry,Arctic ice... do carry on!
  5. On the other hand..... http://wattsupwithth...ted/#more-11702 Anthony Watts in scintillating form on this one!
  6. Evenin' all! Just got up after a fitful sleep (filled with nightmarish visions of calving ice and submerged cities etc),had a peek at every AGW type's fave WUWT and lo and behold what do I see? http://wattsupwithth...n-snow-already/ I'm not going to add what I think because I'm tired and fractious and not relishing the night ahead. But I do wonder what those affected will make of it in light of the warming they are 'supposed' to be experiencing?
  7. You have got to be joking WE! The sheer number of long-standing low temperature records being broken (and in a huge number of cases by a very substantial margin) is far,far beyond my patience to collate. And I'm not just talking about the US! Take a look around while I go sleep off my night-shift. Ah it's just weather again and nothing of note in these times of AGW,and the usual suspects will come up with the usual spiel about how warm it's actually been globally and all these good folks must really be imagining the cold. Oh and how's the Arctic recovering these days? And isn't Antarctic ice at record levels (ignoring the odd ice-cube which breaks off that the AGW pushers love to show us)? How's those sea-levels doing,these days? I could go on...and on...and on. And all the while CO2 goes up...and up...and up.It's like knowing you've nowt in the bank but the manager telling you you're a millionaire! (Or something like that)! Anyway,'tis good (and fully expected by moi) that the blatant public face of AGW had to crack sooner or later. Get ready for the dam to rupture. 'Night all!
  8. I've no doubt it will,according to some people. That will be a little hard to swallow for those caught in the reality of what's going down. We'll see in due course,anyway. And it'll all be our fault - that you can bank on.
  9. Aw c'mon BB. You know it's only weather and not climate. GISS will soon be telling us that the period you refer to was the warmest in the NH since blah blah...
  10. Yep,I was right,it was indeed mentioned. And the brief article has only reinforced further my hardline denier stance. I'm surprised that you say it's drivel,Pete. Were you saying that when Paul the weatherguy was in full warm-ramping mode? I live in his broadcast area and I can assure you hardly a week went by when 'global warming' wasn't banged on about. This is a move in the right direction.
  11. Hot on the heels of this,just heard an announcement on BBC Radio 2 that Jeremy Vine has a climate expert and two sceptics in live debate on today's show! No idea who the participants actually are,tho'. Quick,tune in,it's just started (though the topic in question is towards the end of the show from what I can gather). I've got a sneaky feeling it's a reaction to cover up the 'damage' caused by the above item....
  12. Don't fret yourself GW,the world as we know it will have long ceased to be,by then. Your time and mine will almost certainly be up,and as for our offspring,will they be experiencing the twaddle and lies and half-baked guesses which are being foisted upon us lot right now? Probably,but under a different guise,who knows. As the mighty Neil Young once shrewdly observed, "it's over". A difficult beast to slay,for sure. But it is all over 'bar the shouting'. Hah,that's what we are here for !!
  13. They're at it again! http://news.bbc.co.u...ics/8301586.stm Personally,I'd put razor wire over all descent routes for a coupla days.... don't know what they're moaning about anyway,the coming energy price hikes and devastation will see to emission reductions and the 'saving' of their beloved climate,won't it? When folk are jobless,cold,hungry and desperate,I'm sure the warm rosy glow of righteousness will help. Still,the polar bears will love us for it. Sigh,etc. Bring on the nukes(not for the protesters,for power!!!).
  14. I'd advise all AGW proponents to jump ship now,right now,save a lot of embarrassment somewhere down the line. Go on,do it. You know it makes sense. Delay now will only increase the pain.
  15. I agree with you fully TWS (and I'm a dad!),and would defend you to the hilt with your choice! Moving on.... Been busy and/or trying to get some kip in last 24 hours,but the few bits of news I've picked up on are saying something about huge energy price hikes over coming years,and with the inevitable (though not the only) excuse of reducing carbon footprints. Is this really just a way to make less enlightened folk grudgingly accept such increases ("hey we're saving the planet so it's alright"),though the real reason is increasing demand by an increasing population placed upon a resource which is on the brink of collapse?
  16. Anyways,as I was saying.... http://greeninc.blog...-carbon-impact/
  17. I know what's coming,they know what's coming. Warming,cooling,whatever,it can all be blamed on CO2. http://www.wnd.com/i...p?pageId=112317 Starting to 'get it' yet,anyone? I love 'change'. The missus says it's because I'm a gemini. Can't sit still,get bored with routine in the blink of an eye. But let's not confuse the need to change with manipulating global climate. These people must think we were all born yesterday. Really,they were hoping we weren't born at all.
  18. More commentary on this - http://www.spectator...-scam-ctd.thtml If I'm really quick I might just catch it on the 1 o' clock news,right after the 'Ms Spears falls over outside nightclub' lead story...
  19. Something probably borne out of best intentions and motives but got quickly overtaken by politics and ideologies,and now the things which keep it 'afloat' are... politics,ideologies,fiddled statistics,personal egos and funding cheques and the sheer weight of everything (and that's an awful,awful lot!) now invested in it as a movement.
  20. Madness! When the trunk of that innocent tree breaks it'll bring AGW crashing down with it,hopefully. Incredible to think of how much 'weight' it's having to bear. Marvellous! As for Briffa,the impression I get from just one glance is of a tofu chomping,sandal wearing tree-hugger type (he picked the wrong one!) who can't be anything other than a rabid warmist! Sorry Jethro,I know you had a go at SC for using 'that' term earlier. I don't mean to offend by it's use,as I'm sure SC doesn't either,so if you or anyone else can suggest one word which describes those who believe CO2-enhanced warming has/is happening without raising hackles,I'll gladly use it! Mind you,I've gotten quite fond of the 'denier' tag,it'll be all the rage soon and everyone's (well,nearly) gonna want to hop aboard my bus! Be quick,or there'll be standing room only.
  21. Um,no,never heard of it Pete! Let me guess,it's the latest luvvie-fest from Hollywood drawing attention to the 'cause',or propagandist mockumentary from the BBC? Either way,I don't like the sound of it !
  22. Excerpt:Major governments of developing and industrialised nations are committed to a deal that would keep the global temperature rise to 2C, which many regard as a threshold for "dangerous" climate change. Things are getting serious now - no ambiguosity in that statement. Good luck to them,anyway.
  23. 2012 eh? Isn't that the year the world ends ? BB will read those links later,just come back from a night-shift from hell,27 hours straight now without kip and I'm almost bouncing off the walls.
  24. I'm all for nuclear,and yes they can put a reactor IMBY if they want to! Mind you,I support nuclear as a means of averting the coming energy apocalypse,not the fictitious climate one. Fiddling about with wind turbines and the like is precisely that,like expecting new spark plugs to make a car with a knackered big end to run well. Then there'll be all those eco-friendly (ha ha ha) electric cars to charge up. Policymakers are reluctant to think beyond carbon dioxide because there's no money to be made out of it. I really can't understand why so many folk can't grasp what's going down.
  25. Nice to see CO2 not mentioned there,GW. As to the answer,well there's three. 1). Go nuclear full-on. 2). Pack it all up and go back to Stone Age living. 3). Sit tight and mess around with wind farms and other toys whilst waiting for someone to press the reset button on the ever growing human race.
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