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Everything posted by laserguy

  1. You're right.... they are all every bit as bent as each other.
  2. TB wants a slice of the action eh? If that doesn't give the game away for y'all you really,really,really are a lost cause.
  3. Um,sorry been busy all day knocking up another batch of fine English ale (another facet of my inherant green-ness you eco warriors can but marvel at!) so I've missed lots - but what's AIDS got to do with climate change?! VP - I can't see anything wrong with approaching Exxon,or anyone else for that matter for funding your research - except for the inevitable labels which you would have to bear. You won't get any from the mob who largely fund those who are determined at all cost to finger CO2 as the cause of all our woes and the key to solving all the world's problems,I'm sure!
  4. Me too,wholeheartedly. And I don't drive a 4X4 and I despise McD's,P*psi etc etc etc. What's that got to do,anything at all to with AGW being a total crock of ***?
  5. More cracking stuff! Meanwhile here in the UK,the nights are very long and it's getting cold. Funny how that happens at this time of year,regular as clockwork! Demand for heating and lighting is peaking. Trouble is,there's little or no wind. There could be a wind turbine for every square metre in this now not-so-green and not very pleasant land and we'd still be in the dark and cold when the enviro-vandals have trashed the last of the FF power stations and got what they want. Has the world been saved yet,btw? GB is doing his bit I see (without asking us first),by pledging so many billions to 'developing nations' and putting the final nails in our own coffin. The future's so bright I gotta... etc.
  6. Do yourself a favour and don't bother! I caught the last ten minutes or so quite by chance (I didn't know it was on) and all I heard was a garbled stream of 'ifs,buts and maybes' and rises of 3C wiping us all out. Or summat! Bog standard alarmist fare,really. Complete tosh,of course. SC - think I'll chuck my telly out the window (when it's wide open!),too. There is absolutely nothing on (and the missus insists we have three million channels) except Spongebob,and they're all repeats. Look,if we wanna talk about sustainability,resource depletion,overpopulation,pollution etc etc,that's fine. Leave out the 'AGW' bit though - it's wearing tenuously thin and I think most folk can see it's a catch-all for the aforementioned concerns,as well as other things....
  7. Very good,I like that! Be funny to watch on 'News at When' all the bozos being airlifted out of Copenhagen with frostbite and pending starvation when supply lines of their posh nosh are disrupted,and all the while babbling incoherantly about global warming. Roger J Smith - wish you would post more frequently on these threads!
  8. Don't y'all get it?? The world simply has to keep on warming,at least on paper. Otherwise,where's the AGW train going to go? Sheesh. Said it before,I'll say it again - only a full-blown ice-age will be enough (maybe) to quench the warming fever.
  9. I wouldn't take you seriously,that's for sure. Hmm,only one pack a day?.... I can do that before breakfast,but have always felt I'm not long for this world. Still hanging on in there! Perhaps smoking (like carbon dioxide) is good for you!
  10. These people are so far gone that it hasn't even occured to them what they are doing and how blatantly phoney they are proving without doubt the whole AGW thing really is. Good,let them proceed - it'll register in even the most sluggard minds eventually. Teleconferencing sounds like a good idea initially, 'til you consider the 'carbon footprint' of delivering all that champagne and all those canapes to the individual clusters of delegates around the world. Maybe that's the deal? It's like having a doctor who smokes 5000 fags a day telling you that it's bad for you,whilst proclaiming that he loves live and has every intention of living to a ripe old age. By some quirk of fate and more than a little arcane chicanery,I hope all these clowns end up on the dole where they can consider cutting their personal CO2 emissions to their heart's content.
  11. Very good,Noggin! Many is the time when I've pondered just who the politicians are addressing when they say we must do this and must do that. Do they mean me? I am comfortable in the knowledge that I lead a far 'greener' life that even the most fervent purveyors of such a lifestyle. That's partly down to a personal desire to eke out my meagre income in this now ruined country,and partly down to the mentality I possess anyway. The family is out,and I'm alone without a lit bulb (they're all eco-friendly ones,have been for years),all the heating is off so I'm wearing a thick sweater. I feel the cold more quickly in my advancing years y'know! I recycle everything and 'waste' is a very dirty word. I'm on early shift this week,which means I'll be leaving the house at 4.30am to walk to work,while our ageing(though well-maintained,small car stays at home). So when G.Brown or whoever starts spouting about wicked,wasteful ways,what further am I supposed to do? Nothing really - I guess I'm exempt! If everyone in the country,nay the developed world were to follow my example whether through choice or not,what changes would we expect to see in global climate,and how would we know that the changes were a result of our new-found green ways? Answer - we would not,though some folk may fancy otherwise. I have absolutely nothing to gain by denying/rejecting AGW (a point I strive,but consistently fail to make),but do so for no other reason that it is utterly wrong. Let's go ahead and save the planet (or the inhabitants of it),but move on and leave out the preposterous CO2 driven climate apocalypse and address the real matters at hand. The money wasted on 'AGW research' alone so far,could have 'saved the world' several times over if used wisely,I'm sure! Now if Al Gore was to sign up for a three bed council semi and turn over all his ill-gotten gains to sustainability projects I might just turn an ear in the alarmist's direction,but don't bank on it.
  12. As I've been saying all along,as the more astute amongst you will have observed. Good to see it's all coming out now. Those who are a little slow on the uptake should around now be getting that knot in the stomach you would feel if you sent off a wedge of dosh to a mail-order company that's gone bust,and there's no chance of getting your money back.
  13. There'll be more than enough of that going around at Copenhagen. Why can't we join in the fun ?
  14. Ok fair point - I had to sacrifice 20 seconds of my life to post that,plus a few minutes reading the preceeding (see what I did there ?)! Anyway,what 'science' are you referring to - all that that's 'in the bin' after it had been requested? I take it you've seen this on WUWT? Don't shoot the messenger..... http://wattsupwithth...ent-of-clarity/
  15. No time to post on here - I'm far too distracted and having way too much fun elsewhere,watching AGW (All Gone Wrong) implode to squabble about the definition of 'terrorist'.
  16. It,along with the whole AGW 'thing' is 100% scam. As for your last sentence.... we can but hope. Noggin,I think Hansen should retreat gracefully and tend roses,play golf or something.
  17. Aw lighten up PP and Ossie! Disregard the subject matter for a mo and it was funny the way they both went off! More of this type of nonsense on News at Ten (or whenever it's on) would go down a treat with me !
  18. Watch this for a laugh! Got my Monday off to a fun start,this has! http://www.youtube.c...from=PL&index=5
  19. Within the CC threads,someone called Pingo has impacted like a bomb! Don't know you are our where you're from Pingo,but your style reminds me of a uber warmist who used to frequent these pages. Sure you're not SF who's come back under a new guise with a new appraisal of things after coming to the awful realisation that CO2-inspired AGW is utter fantasy? Others will understand...
  20. Ye that's me,or would be if me mobike wasn't still busted! Still saving up the pennies after all this time but there's always something more important (eh??) that crops up family-wise. And everyone thinks I'm a loaded denier! Dunno what,if anything will be 'achieved' at Copenhagen,but you can rest assured it won't be un the interests of influencing the climate of the planet,GW!
  21. Hey VP,completely OT but an opportunity for a little relief - did you lift that line from this ? True visionaries - how could they have foreseen 'Copenhagen' way back in the 70's,and at the height of the next ice-age scare,at that?! A great tune from the finest rock band ever,too!
  22. Me too. What I completely fail to understand is the number of people (the figure we'll never know,but there's a good few on here!),ordinary people,who not only believe in the whole AGW sham but defend it to the hilt and get very upset when it is questioned. What's in it for them,and why can't they see that they're tightening the noose around their own necks?
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