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Bethany C

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Everything posted by Bethany C

  1. Filton. But it was only a few flakes and there isn't anything else now.
  2. After a nice couple of hours of sun it has started again in Bristol with hail and rain. Not looking forward to going out later.
  3. It's a bit fresh here, with bright blue skies. It was damp this morning so it must have rained during the night.
  4. Nice to see the first white pixels over scotland on the latest image (18th)! And a blob in east Bulgaria
  5. Starting to get quite exciting, especially with the ice on the north east russion coast starting to grow and reach out. Looking at the last three diagrams together there has been some big growths!
  6. Abit of a misty but generally dry start, cool but not cold (although I am wearing two pairs of tights).
  7. Chilly start, though with very little wind and a gorgeous orange and pink sunrise. Broken cloud around but they are dark grey and quite angry looking in some places.
  8. Started the morning with broken cloud but it was blustery so it took the temperatures right down. Now the cloud has completely gone, but the temperatures are struggling.
  9. A damp morning, so it must have rained in the early morning. Broken cloud and chilly as well, so I think there is a change on the way.
  10. Chilly and quite cloudy here in Bristol this morning. Definitely not T-shirt weather, but not thick coat and scarf either.
  11. Chilly start at 7am, but by 9 it has become seriously warm. Again wall to wall sunshine. I'm bored of it already.
  12. It is quite easy to get up. I managed to get a little bit of cleaning done before I went to work aswell! Anyway, back on topic, after a warm night I woke up to another cloudless blue sky. No breeze, so if you stay in one place too long you will definitely feel the sun.
  13. As long as it's warm enough for me to put my washing out, I really don't mind. I'm not looking forward to the global warming supporters saying that three days of nice weather means we are all doomed though.
  14. I hate spiders and there was one in my bathroom the other day. However I didn't notice it until I had sat down (which ironically was a good place to be). I had to slide along the wall to get round it to get out, and then I got my OH to put it outside as thankfully he was round. Not looking forward to any other creepy crawlies being in the house, as this one had huge legs and was a real hairy one (the spider that is, not the OH).
  15. I have loads of daddy spiders in my loo anyway, but there have been a couple of craneflies floating about in the last week. Lots caught in webs in the garden aswell.
  16. I know, I think I've just become a bit grouchy with tabloids. On that note, here is the daily mail's try: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2039418/Britain-hit-snow-October--forecasters-predict-early-winter-way.html
  17. For once, as a snow lover, I'm actually rolling my eyes at this article. I like how they spend a good half of the article talking about snow and widespread cold, and then in one tiny paragraph it is mentioned that winter may be 'exceptionally dry'! And they said 'swirly' again...
  18. Damp, cloudy, grey and depressing start to the day. But at least it wasn't actually raining this morning.
  19. Patchy cloud here this morning, not as much sun as yesterday and still chilly. It was nice to hear the birds this morning though.
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