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Everything posted by SnOwFeSt

  1. Based on another topic and not wanting to hijack it, I was wondering what the biggest diurnal (e.g. night min to day max) range ever recorded has been? I would imagine it is somewhere in Siberia in spring time? Also, what was the biggest dirunal range recorded in the uk?
  2. cool - frequent depressions, WNW airflow - 13.4
  3. It looks like things could get hairy up in the north east of England today - heavy rain forecast for at least the next 10 hours. Currently overcast and damp here in stoke, but feeling surprisingly humid.
  4. Been watching the cumulus develop into cumulonimbus as the day has worn on - currently thundering with very heavy rain. It is very reminiscent of tropics type weather, with sunny weather this morning, developing into convective showers later
  5. Hi mate, as a fellow hayfever sufferer I can identify with the horror that is hayfever - blocked noses that stream like water, not being able to sleep and itching eyes that you want to scratch out make this time of year intolerable for many. After suffering badly for years trying various types of tablets, I have found the best formula is a nasal spray, sprayed twice into each nostril in the morning and evening. I use beconase hayfever relief, and it is a godsend - it prevents nasal swelling at the source and stops it from running constantly. This obviously gives you a better nights sleep! I also use sodium cromogilate eyedrops twice daily, or as required. This helps reduce the sore, itching eyes and both products get to work in a few minutes. Ive found these products work so well, I don't need to bother with tablets. Hayfever has gone from something that severly disrupted my live for 2 months every year, to just a minor inconvenience now! I hope these things work for you. NB: none of the folk remedies have worked for me (vaseline, showering before bed, not opening windows, drying clothes indoors, herbal tablets etc), but good look with trying these should you chose these options.
  6. Hi, I'll be heading up ben nevis a week on saturday. Could anyone who has been up there recently let me know the chances that I will see some snow up there? I know it snowed there last weekend, but I imagine this will have melted away by next weekend. Are there still quite a few patches from winter left in this area? Thanks.
  7. 11.6 for me. High pressure will dominate, giving sunny, dry conditions and temps in the high teens during the day. Cooler nights (4's to 6's) due to clear skies will keep the average down to marginally above average.
  8. with a very cold looking start forecast and a potential reload/ blocked scenario I rekon it will be a cool one 3.1 for me please
  9. weird... forecast to be about -2 in stoke on trent at the moment, but it is all damp and above freezing and feels quite mild outside!
  10. What does SATSIGS stand for? I've always wondered
  11. A light covering (about 1cm) in stoke on trent - hardly anything to write home about!
  12. Thanks, wow, so if an extra million is quickly added over the coming week (as it may do if there is sustained cold forecast), then we could be looking at having the highest ice extent since 2002 - would take the extent very quickly from the current 10.714 million, to about 11.7 million. not bad considering how much we were below average over summer
  13. How much does Hudson usually add on? It will be interesting to see how much the graph will ‘jump’ when Hudson (hopefully) freezes over this week. A few days of -25 should see it freezing over pretty quick I would have thought?
  14. Another hopeful prediction for me (I just can't predict average or above!) 4.3 for me please
  15. -1.4 in stoke-on-trent currently. Foggy, but not as foggy as I'd expected. Got to do some fencing this morning, not relishing the thought tbh!
  16. Remarkably, my hayfever is the best it has ever been this year (for some odd reason!) Although I'm still needing nasal spray + eye drops, I've laid off the tablets + I'm getting undisturbed sleep, not suffering from lungs/ nasal passages swollen + full of phlem (as is usual at this time of year) etc! Might just be my immune system (finally) seeing sense rather than weather conditions though!
  17. the beeb are forecasting 3-5cm snow at lower levels, 10-15 at higher levels over the coming days for much of the east/ south east, so I feel things have switched from the wrong side of marginal to the right side over the last 24 hours
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