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Everything posted by SilverWolf

  1. Light snow started on dog walk here, really is light but i noticed any snow grains that landed ain't going anywhere! Precip radar looks to hold massive potential, especially if its projected to intensify as it heads this way. Gonna be an interesting day - I'm supposed to be putting up a fence today! Really looking forward to hole digging...
  2. I find all this talk of SE and E bias on other threads highly amusing - lets face facts,these areas often have colder and much snowier weather in the winter. And the models are continually suggesting and hinting that!! Maybe the snow's bias too - it hangs out there more most winters. If people are that jealous maybe move away from the less cold, less snowy south west! Most of the experienced members from that area were putting a lot of effort trying to predict our snow event yesterday as well, if you read their posts. Maybe it's their fault that didn't happen as well!!
  3. Rain with sleet here now...Hope it all comes south again soon, SLOWLY would be good!
  4. Moderate wet snow here now, big flakes, all 50p size (the old ones)Out of town and the commens must be good right now!.
  5. Massive flakes mixed in the sleet here! Some must be pushing 3 inches! Quite a lot of them too....
  6. Trying really hard in town! Snow one minute then sleet and occasionally rain! Radar shows more to come, a narrow band but going slow compared to earlier. See what happens....
  7. Fair enough, but that's the models changing, not the interpreters! Interpretation of models can only only really be as effective as the model itself - weather is a mentally chaotic system, especially for the UK.
  8. I'm not missing out at all! As much as I like snow, I also like the weather generally! I've been on the ride since I was little kid, presumably like you. Hope the snow comes for all of us, me you and everyone today, or the day after...
  9. Couldn't agree more! Blaming others for the weather and not predicting it right like yesterday? My God it's snow, very hard to predict, its above 2c nearly everywhere! There's snow in the rain in places, so good prediction yeah! If you don't like the ride, maybe don't get on.
  10. To put things in perspective, the day isn't done, synoptics do not guarentee results, snow is the hardest thing to predict especially down here, and we've had the coldest december since te early 80's!! Hell I want blizzards and 12" snow, but we've only done a third of winter! It may be a let down today, but it really is the best start to winter for over 20 years! Remember this, or get some tranquilizers, lol!
  11. You've got poor visibility, heavy and strong winds? Congrats!Send some this way, moderate sleet here...
  12. Heaviest ppn is still 15mins away from Stroud area according to radar - it's very heavy as well!!
  13. If this ppn fell as snow and settled quickly in Stroud, would that help lower temps further, for more snow falls later as well, say from showers following?
  14. Thanks Ian, really appreciate the professional input. Feeling like interesting times here in Stroud! It can snow at the top of town and not the bottom here, unfortunately i'm at the bottom!
  15. I'm on Slad Road, town end, and the ppn keeps alternating between rain/sleet. A touch colder and I reckon Rodborough/Minchinhampton will have loads later. Still knife edge here but I've got a quiet confidence we'll see at least something later. Good luck! Oh, not worried by it being very wet - couple years ago we had 6 hours heavy rain, then 1 hour snow that gave an inch!
  16. Precip radar has changed from sleet to rain here, which is great as the rain has become increasingly sleety, only in bursts but it's definately changed in the last 30 mins. Hopeful for later - reverse psychology thing 'there's no way it'll happen here!' doesn't work for me. Reckon positivity more likely to work - but then I do live in Stroud.....
  17. We've got heavy 'sideways' rain here, falling in streaks - it LOOKS like snow falling, but not a flake in sight! Very frustrating especially as it freezing cold, we have a strong easterly wind and the sky is exactly the right colour!
  18. Awoke to heavy rain in Stroud, been out to get wood for burner - intermittent heavy rain, no sign of sleet, but strong NE wind and feels about as cold as it can with rain! on the 5 min radar there is a second aread of heavy ppn following this initial one - maybe that'll come this way in a few hours with this predicted drop of temp? It wont matter if ground is wet, snow will always settle if cold enough.
  19. Not so sure about this - I don't understand a lot of the models tbh, but these differences don't strike me as that unusual with 3 days to go. Perhaps we're all personalising the affect 200 miles can have! Trust me I've been guilty of that with regards to snow many times
  20. Anyone getting disheartened by our little mild spell ( if a couple of degrees above freezing counts as that!) should have a read of the general model output discussion. There's a possibility of major snow around this area next Tuesday, depending on that ever crucial dividing line between cold/milder air. Looks likes Sunday and Monday going to be busy on Netweather.
  21. What you've experienced today represents an unusual event, especially given your location, for the last15-20 years. Here in Glos the same can be said to be honest. I do remember similar when I was 18, 15 years ago, when trying to do a walk home from the pub on a saturday night - stayed at a friends house!! Even then it was considered unsual compared to the previous 5-10 years. A lot of discussion has been had regarding sun activity (sun spots I think) and so called 'global warming' in this country and the world, most of which is beyond my simplisitic intellect, but reading between the lines there is a suggestion that these activities have lead to hot summers/mild winters from the late 80's to the early/mid 2000's (whatever they're called), and the reduction in these activities is now resulting to a 'normal' with regards to our living memories. Hopefully more to come, for me it's like being a kid again!!
  22. Ok my apologies if there have been any accidents or casualties - perhaps we have all forgotten what it's like when it's bad in winter. I have myself said it's unusual weather for recent years, and I was a child last time it happened for me.
  23. Apparently people have been 'rescued' around Stroud this evening!! I'm curious really if that's from the Chavs or the Hippies? No disrespect but even if there was a very temporary whiteout earlier up on the commons anyone needing rescuing, presumably from vehicles, shouldn't be driving anyway!We have become soft it seems in the last 20 years- if there is nasty ice or devilish snow check your forecasts (even the BBC) and stay at home! Have some vino and put the heating up.... Thank you Dogs32 - I saw him too. He has a cold heart apparently.
  24. Interesting evening! Since 4 o'clock seen it all here in Stroud - rain brief heavy snow heavy sleet. Just been out (bearing in mind I'm near town centre) and there's a layer of slush on all pavements, and remaining ice and snow still from this week. My friends driveway froze in the 10 minutes I was there. The 5 min radar is hinting at some heavy showers coming this way still - rain or snow who knows, but either has potential to cause real problems away from major roads. Classic early 80's as I remember, although I was only 4 in 1980. (He says realising he ain't 25 no more..)
  25. Just with regards to the radar, February was a little different in that the band that gave the most snowfall (the second one if I remember right!) was less broken up than the one on the radar now, and more intense. However it wasn't as cold, and it was also considered marginal in terms of prediction. I guess the band coming our way hasn't properly made land yet as there is more out to sea so here's hoping. If you haven't got the 5 min radar, get a months subscription it's only £4! well worth it.
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