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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. quite a nasty little cell about to slide between Amesbury and Andover.
  2. Area has merged into one big long line of rain. Looks like i'm in for a disgustingly wet couple of hours.
  3. that big clump about to move over - incredibly dark to my west.
  4. Second downpour of the day. Stuck in the office so my view is limited, but pretty messy/ragged structure looking out the window.
  5. We still don't get any storms. Yesterday the storms split to the south and north.
  6. Today looks largely similar to yesterday. I think the most potent stuff will skirt along the south coast with another batch around W London due to some sausages of convergence mid afternoon. My eye is drawn to a slightly stronger area of convergence around mid-wales transferring east and also around the humber. BEHOLD My paint job masterpiece.
  7. Pretty garbage here in the end - what’s tomorrow looking like for the corridor of beige?
  8. Cell over Salisbury way looks a bit like a humpback whale breaching
  9. That's a very nicely defined cluster heading for Poole I think that's it now for me - everything seems to be transferring east.
  10. one distant clap of thunder. Guess that technically makes today a thunder day and my first of the year.
  11. a moderate downpour as it passes over - going by the radar, heavier cores to the north and south and i've passed through the gap in the middle typically.
  12. Keeping an eye on this little patch that should slam into me shortly.
  13. That's an absolutely stunning photo. I would give my left arm to ever see anything like that.
  14. Everything with any solid looking structure forming to my north.
  15. Some cells going up now near Andover. Working unfortunately so not a glamorous view from Tesco car park on my lunch break.
  16. Here's my punt for today. Potential more organised storm risk from south wales across to the wash and up to the humber. Hatched area represents the dead zone where nothing ever happens. Red circle for supercell over Liverpool.
  17. Genuinely think it might be a bit warmer come November/December.
  18. Day 974. The endless tapestry of featureless beige cloud has finally began to clear 10 minutes before sunset. I no longer remember a day where I wasn’t cold. When walking the dog earlier, I waded through ankle deep mud bogs which were supposed to be footpaths. The foliage is either bare or looks weak and stunted - even an orange tint to some leaf cover - has autumn arrived in May? Also I was out for an hour with the dog and it did not stop hammering it down the entire time. The missus put gloves on because you know, it’s nearly summer afterall. I’ve seen the volcanic summer in our future and it terrifies me.
  19. Liverpool is one hundred percent the new Lincolnshire. If storms are forecast anywhere in the country, they will happen over Liverpool.
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