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Alpine glow

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Everything posted by Alpine glow

  1. You're laughable. I'm tired of people belittling others just because they post their views on the what the models are showing at that time. At the end of the day people only comment on what they see. I'm sure nobody actually wants you to feel sorry for them - it's only the weather, mother nature will do what she will do and any adult should know that. I fed the troll but the level of idiocy is sometimes overwhelming.
  2. Morning all. Woke up to an inch or so in Brighton this morning.. yep. Many schools are closed, my son's is not one of them, I made him go and only 9 people turned up in his class so I won't be winning any mum of the year rewards in his eyes. Still snowing! Albeit very light. Looking on the radar, we are still in todays streamer. How is it looking for today, is it just a case of seeing what pops up? Is it due to die down?
  3. Looks like the low for Friday has shifted South a bit on the ICON and GFS. Could be back in the game, it's looking more positive for the cold to remain here in the South, ergo BLIZZARD!!. Caveat: I'm really brave to say that!
  4. Well if it lands here first - which is should given the direction !! - I won't hold my breath, i'll blow towards Worthing
  5. I hear ya! Keep forgetting that we were not forecast snow for today I think because Met Office had it so close, I was hopecasting. Still am!
  6. Tell me about it! Scanning the radar and i'm just not sure for us in Brighton and Worthing grrrr - even though we are coastal we do usually do ok from this kind of set up. Fingers crossed!
  7. Very light covering here in Brighton. I’m surprised. Lovely to see but not sure how long it will last..& I’m up high so may be just up here and not on sea level
  8. The trajectory of the blob haha i do love weather geek talk ? ps - even Brighton?! I see you are seeing some of the white stuff, loving the fact we are in with at least some action again
  9. My weather app says that we in Brighton has 30% chance of snow at 3am ? blow north of the region members! All huff and puff towards Brighton ?
  10. Brighton balancing on the periphery once again! No snow laid here last night nor today but it did try!
  11. I’m really curious. Don’t know which way it’s going to go! Fingers crossed for even just a little dusting for us Brightonians ?
  12. Brighton does appear to be in on some of the action then. Just! What it falls as though is still up In the air. Literally
  13. Yep. Those were the days. We are still waiting. I’d probably kill myself if I bombed it down a hill on a tray now though ? edit: confused current tense with past. Don’t ask
  14. That’s probably a good thing. met office tells me that there’s a chance of daily snow up until Thursday in Brighton. Nothing too heavy though, if it gets past sleet
  15. Yes! I took my son to a charity boxing match. Joe Weller vs KSI for those who are down with the kids.
  16. My favourite season, my favourite place to be! Just reading all the posts on Train back from London. All I can report is that it’s freeeezing cold! Brrrrr i live at the highest point in Brighton so I hope we see some of the white stuff tonight ?
  17. Blowing a hoolie and snowing high up in Brighton. It seems to have changed between rain sleet and snow on and off over the past hour. My boyfriend is driving to oxford in an hour or so. Not sure if he’ll make it. Wrap up warm kids!
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