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Thursday 24th March 2005


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  • Location: Near Matlock, Derbyshire
  • Location: Near Matlock, Derbyshire

Please place your current conditions reports here. Thanks.

Currently at 06:40:


Some brightness.

Current temperature: 8.8C

Wind: Southeasterly 11MPH

Pressure: 1011mb Falling

  • Replies 20
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  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Dry with cloud moving east, 9.1C.

  • Location: Bournemouth, Dorset
  • Location: Bournemouth, Dorset

Temperature: 48F

Feels like: 48F

Humidity: 100%

Dew Point: 48F

Wind: 3 mph SSE

UV Index: 0 Low

Visibility: 1.5 miles

Pressure: 29.85 in and steady

Sunrise: 6:01 AM

Sunset: 6:27 PM

As reported at Bournemouth, United Kingdom last updated 3/24/05 7:50 AM Local Time

Cloudy but wet after last night's rain. It cleared through here between midnight and 1, there may have been the odd flash of lightning too.

  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL
  • Location: Derby - 46m (151ft) ASL

Temperature - 10oC

Feels Like - 10oC

Wind - 2mph variable

Dew Point - 8oC

Humidity - 87%

Barometer - 1010.2mb

Conditions - Cloudy/hazey

  • Location: Up North like
  • Location: Up North like

9c started grey and drizzly but the sun is now breaking through :D

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks


still cloudy after some rain around 0600, temp now 9c after falling to 7c

  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire
  • Location: Newhall South Derbyshire

Dull overcast showers overnight.

Current Weather Conditions

As of:24/03/05 8:30

Temperature: 10.3 °C Wind Chill: 10.3 °C

Humidity: 91 % Heat Index: 10.4 °C

Wind: S at 3.0 mph Dewpoint: 8.9 °C

Barometer: 1007.7 mb Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr

Todays Rain: 1.0 mm Monthly Rain: 10.2 mm

Storm Total: 1.0 mm Yearly Rain: 66.3 mm

High Temperature: 11.8°C 0:30 Low Temperature: 9.1°C 6:40

High Humidity: 93% 7:21 Low Humidity: 68% 0:26

High Dewpoint: 8.9°C 7:55 Low Dewpoint: 5.6°C 1:14

High Wind: 18.0mph 0:24 Low Wind Chill: 7.8°C 3:33

High Barometer: 1008.4mb 1:44 Low Barometer: 1006.2mb 4:44

High Rain Rate: 2.0mm/hr 3:01 High Heat Index: 11.7°C 0:00

  • Location: Cheddar, Somerset
  • Location: Cheddar, Somerset

slight breeze with sunny spells. warm in the sun. i think it's probably going to be a day of sunshine and showers.

  • Location: Preston lancashire
  • Location: Preston lancashire

Current High Low Average

Temperature 56.3 °F / 13.5 °C 56.3 °F / 13.5 °C 51.8 °F / 11.0 °C 54.0 °F / 12.2 °C

Dew Point 46.6 °F / 8.1 °C 47.7 °F / 8.7 °C 36.9 °F / 2.7 °C 42.3 °F / 5.7 °C

Humidity 70% 81% 49% 68%

Wind Speed 8mph / 12.9km/h 13.0mph / 20.9km/h - 7.2mph / 11.6km/h

Wind Gust 14mph / 22.5km/h 21.0mph / 33.8km/h - -

Wind SSE - - SSE

Pressure 29.82in / 1009.7hPa 29.82in / 1009.7hPa 29.79in / 1008.7hPa -

Precipitation 0.00in / 0mm

  • Location: Swansea (West)
  • Weather Preferences: Snow, Thunderstorms, Hot Summer days
  • Location: Swansea (West)

Sunny 15°c at the moment

68% RH and 0.0mm of rain in previous 1hr.

  • Location: Grimsby uk
  • Location: Grimsby uk

Had some rain across noon.

Wind ............. SSW 12 mph ......... Pressure 1011 mb ......... Temp 14c .......... Cloud 7 octas ............. Rain none at presant ............ Humidity 82%

  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Dry with sunny spells after a little morning rain, 15.0C...

  • Location: Heswall, Wirral
  • Weather Preferences: Summer: warm, humid, thundery. Winter: mild, stormy, some snow.
  • Location: Heswall, Wirral

light rain shower - 18°C

  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

After last night's excitement it has been a lovely sunny day :)

Also some nearby showers earlier in the afternoon and currently can see some shower clouds to the N.

Quite a brisk SW breeze and temp 15c tops, 14c now.

  • Location: Canterbury, Kent
  • Location: Canterbury, Kent

Weather clear and starry :)

temperature 8c (46f)

wind 5mph SSW


  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
  • Location: Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire

The morning started off dull and overcast with light rain but by midday this died out and the cloud thinned a little allowing some short periods of sunshine. Once again it was another mild day, following on from a mild night. This meant my March average hit the 7°C mark as expected. Although the next few days are forecast to be cooler, it looks very unlikely it will drop to below this figure. Another well above average March looks to be on the cards now.

Current Temp: 7.6°C

Max Temp: 15.2°C (at 14:13)

Min Temp: 6.4°C (at 04:24)

Humidity: 90%

Pressure: 1012.6hPa (Rising)

Dewpoint: 6.1°C

Wind: SW (4mph)

My March average currently stands at 7.0°C (+0.7°C Above the 1971-2000 average).

  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey
  • Location: Pollard's Hill, Surrey

Report for Thursday 24th March 2005: Pollards Hill, Surrey

Current Conditions: (Recordings taken at 12.0 Midnite)

Partly Cloudy

Temp: 9.1c

Humidity: 87%

Barometer Reading: 1017 Rising

Wind: SW/7mph

Past 24 Hours Recordings

Rain am, Sunny Intervals pm

Max Temp: 17.2c

Min Temp: 9.1c

Rainfall: 1mm

The Month So Far....

Max Temp Avg: 11.46c

Min Temp Avg: 4.14c

Mean Temp Avg: 7.8c

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 19.8c on the 19th

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 3.2c on the 2nd

Highest Night Min Temp: 11.1c on the 16th

Lowest Night Min Temp: -3.3c on the 4th

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 7mm on the 2nd

Total March Rainfall: 20mm

The Year So Far.....

Highest Daytime Max Temp: 19.8c on 19th March

Lowest Daytime Max Temp: 2.9c on 24th February

Highest Night Min Temp: 11.3c on 7th January

Lowest Night Min Temp: -4.7c on 28th February

Highest 24 Hours Rainfall: 7mm on 2nd March

Total Year Rainfall: 72mm

Driest Month: 25mm...February

Wettest Month: 27mm...January

  • Location: Preston lancashire
  • Location: Preston lancashire

Current High Low Average

Temperature 49.6 °F / 9.8 °C 51.4 °F / 10.8 °C 49.5 °F / 9.7 °C 50.5 °F / 10.2 °C

Dew Point 47.7 °F / 8.7 °C 47.7 °F / 8.7 °C 44.1 °F / 6.7 °C 45.9 °F / 7.7 °C

Humidity 93% 93% 78% 82%

Wind Speed 1mph / 1.6km/h 4.0mph / 6.4km/h - 1.9mph / 3.0km/h

Wind Gust 7mph / 11.3km/h 11.0mph / 17.7km/h - -

Wind West - - SSW

Pressure 30.00in / 1015.8hPa 30.00in / 1015.8hPa 29.91in / 1012.8hPa -

Precipitation 0.04in / 1mm


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