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Top Three All Time Tv Weather Presenters

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  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK

Just thought it might be interesting to see what forum members view as the best presenters. Spanning the decades here is my top 3.

1. JACK SCOTT (good old Jack, anybody else remember him ) Drew his own charts and I tell you what, he was usually spot on. Of the old school, a gentleman and one of the best.

2. IAN McCASKILL..brought humour to the charts. Came up the hard way, working threw the ranks from weather observer to media star ! John Holmes who will vouch for Ian's qualities, having worked along side him ,knows Ian did not have it all rosey in his life but was certainly very entertaining and a good media presenter.

3. HELEN WILLET..the lovely Helen, star quality and the cold rampers Snow Queen. The best of the current lot.


  • Replies 69
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  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire
  • Location: Warminster, Wiltshire

1. Rob McElwee

2. Helen Willetts

3. John Kettley (is a weatherman, a weatherman etc)

  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
Just thought it might be interesting to see what forum members view as the best presenters. Spanning the decades here is my top 3.

1. JACK SCOTT (good old Jack, anybody else remember him ) Drew his own charts and I tell you what, he was usually spot on. Of the old school, a gentleman and one of the best.

2. IAN McCASKILL..brought humour to the charts. Came up the hard way, working threw the ranks from weather observer to media star ! John Holmes who will vouch for Ian's qualities, having worked along side him ,knows Ian did not have it all rosey in his life but was certainly very entertaining and a good media presenter.

3. HELEN WILLET..the lovely Helen, star quality and the cold rampers Snow Queen. The best of the current lot.


I will score 3 points for 1st, 2 for second choice and 1 for third spot and total up at the end of this week to find the all time great ! I am sure the BBC will be interested in the result from a very knowledgable forum.


  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.
  • Weather Preferences: Thunder, snow, heat, sunshine...
  • Location: Beccles, Suffolk.

Bert Foord;

Jack Armstrong;

Michael Hunt...

  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

1. Michael Fish

2. John Kettley

3. Bob Johnson (ITV)

Other good ones include Rob McElwee, Peter Gibbs, Isobel Lang, Richard Edgar, and Ian McGaskill.

  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
1. Michael Fish

2. John Kettley

3. Bob Johnson (ITV)

Other good ones include Rob McElwee, Peter Gibbs, Isobel Lang, Richard Edgar, and Ian McGaskill.

Hi ,

Fishy and Kettley seem to be scoring well !


Bert Foord;

Jack Armstrong;

Michael Hunt...


Bert Foord and Jack Armstrong ! You must be as old as John Holmes !


1. Michael Fish

2. John Kettley

3. Bob Johnson (ITV)

Other good ones include Rob McElwee, Peter Gibbs, Isobel Lang, Richard Edgar, and Ian McGaskill.

Hi TS,

Does Bob Johnson forecast on Yorkshire TV ?


  • Location: Canada
  • Location: Canada

Dr Aidean Nulty Met Eireann :unsure:

Gerard Fleming Met Eireann :D

Evelyn Cusack Met Eireann :D

  • Location: Co Dublin, Ireland
  • Location: Co Dublin, Ireland
Dr Aidean Nulty Met Eireann :unsure:

Gerard Fleming Met Eireann :D

Evelyn Cusack Met Eireann :D

Paddy Mc Hugh :D Legend......

I think Rob Mc-elwee at the UKMO is good aswell.

  • Location: Canada
  • Location: Canada
Paddy Mc Hugh :D Legend......

Is he retired or dead :unsure: , i heard of him but cant put a face to him :D

  • Location: Co Dublin, Ireland
  • Location: Co Dublin, Ireland
Is he retired or dead :blush: , i heard of him but cant put a face to him :doh:

Nope he is not dead, retired. Excellent forcaster, educational and fun to watch :)

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks

for me

Jack Armstrong

Bert Ford

no 3

not sure

Ian Mac or Jack Scott(fog riding u[p on the hills), he also got me in all kinds of trouble by putting my name forward to go on TV.


  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
  • Weather Preferences: Sunshine, convective precipitation, snow, thunderstorms, "episodic" months.
  • Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Hi ,

Fishy and Kettley seem to be scoring well !



Bert Foord and Jack Armstrong ! You must be as old as John Holmes !


Hi TS,

Does Bob Johnson forecast on Yorkshire TV ?


Bob Johnson is on the North East- he has all kinds of personal catch-phrases that nobody else seems to use, like "it's going to be on the driech side" and "down to 5C out in the sticks there".

  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
Bob Johnson is on the North East- he has all kinds of personal catch-phrases that nobody else seems to use, like "it's going to be on the driech side" and "down to 5C out in the sticks there".

Hi ,

I think I saw him when I lived in East Riding. Was he slightly thin on top and heading towards middle age. If so. he was very good.


  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
for me

Jack Armstrong

Bert Ford

no 3

not sure

Ian Mac or Jack Scott(fog riding u[p on the hills), he also got me in all kinds of trouble by putting my name forward to go on TV.


hI johnboy,

Was it Mac or Scotty who put your name forward ? Need a result for your No 3 all time great !



  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
1 Rob McElwee

2 Francis Wilson

3 Dan Corbett (for some humour)

Interesting group. All very laid back. Sir Bob with his "drizzly bits ", Francis with his "fluffy bits " and Dan Corbett

(was he a rag and bone man in Steptoe and Son )


  • Location: Cork City(Southern Ireland)
  • Location: Cork City(Southern Ireland)
Nope he is not dead, retired. Excellent forcaster, educational and fun to watch :doh:

I remember him too.

In fact I think it was his great way of giving forecasts that got me interested in weather.

A true legend for us thirtysomethings and older :blush:

  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion
  • Location: Evesham, Worcs, Albion

Not easy this, but I think I'd go for:-

Michael Fish - Failed to predict a Sting Jet in 1987, because no-one knew such things existed. And loves blizzards.

Rob McElwee - Current favourite of many because of his known enthusiam for severe weather, especially snow.

Kirsty McCabe - Best of the new bunch. She'll go far :D

With an honorary mention going to Francis Wilson for featuring on Jethro Tull's Stormwatch album :D

  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
  • Location: just south of Doncaster, Sth Yorks
hI johnboy,

Was it Mac or Scotty who put your name forward ? Need a result for your No 3 all time great !



Mr Scott, I think he just about shades it into no 3 ahead of Ian, lovable old bugger that he was/well still is.


  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.
  • Weather Preferences: Anything extreme
  • Location: Derbyshire Peak District. 290 mts a.s.l.

Very difficult to reduce the list to 3 but I'll go for

1. Bert Foord

2. Michael Fish

3. Jack Scott


  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
  • Weather Preferences: Northeasterly Blizzard and sub zero temperatures.
  • Location: Ski Amade / Pongau Region. Sometimes UK
Very difficult to reduce the list to 3 but I'll go for

1. Bert Foord

2. Michael Fish

3. Jack Scott


Thanks TM- Old school surging ahead !


  • Location: South Hampshire
  • Location: South Hampshire

Tricky to choose just three. But here goes...

1. Dan Corbett - he's brought a style all of his own to the forecasts, proving that it IS possible to inform AND entertain.

2. Ian McCaskill - a legend of his time and proof, once again, that there is such a thing as infotainment.

3. Michael Fish - almost synonymous with BBC Weather, to the extent that he really has to be in the top 3.


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