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Everything posted by Carl46Wrexham

  1. Pretty sure it was debris from French storms that kiboshed us last time round.
  2. 20 seconds of rainfall received. Drops the size of 20p coins. Very refreshing.
  3. Does anyone have too much sun at their location and want some cloudy relief? I have ample cloud cover, and will swap you.
  4. It'll probably be one of those mini ones. Get low to the ground, you might just hear it squeaking along!
  5. A lot of cloud in North East Wales as well...felt like it was going to be an absolute scorcher earlier on, not now though.
  6. A lot of cloud here as well. The rapid temperature rise of earlier has well and truly halted.
  7. That Biscay storm is not exactly in a hurry to move is it? It just wants to sit there awhile.
  8. Careful..you may get strapped to a gun carriage (along with Ms Humdinger) and dragged through the streets of Aberdeen or wherever by angry no storm club members if nature decides on throwing the odd spanner in the works. Can't make definitive calls on these events this far out.
  9. I don't think anyone living on the Western side of the UK has forgotten the night of July 3rd/4th 2001. Haven't witnessed anything like the Lightning frequency from a storm since that night..Excess of 81 strikes per minute.
  10. No...no..and no "thundery" rain thank you very much! I would sooner have hot sunshine than heavy rain with the odd rumble.
  11. This post is for Gordon Webb : No doubt you are already starting to get a bit anxious about the coming week, I can sympathise as I used to feel the same way about thundery weather. What I can say is that there is absolutely no guarantee that where you live will see anything, it is possible that storms occur 10 miles down the road from you, and you are left wondering what the fuss was all about. Storms are funny like that.
  12. Yep and she precedes it with "This one's for Chris K in Gloucestershire"! Arf. Instead of flipping your TV over Chris, just put your foot through it and send her the bill.
  13. Bad news Chris, she is in front of her bathroom mirror right now...doing her voice exercises...in a sort of sing-songy way "hum-hum-hum-hum-hummmmm...dingers"!
  14. Just keep a lid on things eh chaps? There is one key..nay crucial factor being overlooked here. No matter how interesting/alarming (depending on your viewpoint) the charts may appear, the aforementioned factor must be mentioned, as it is all too relevant here. The Carol Kirkwood factor. Think I'm jesting here? Look what happens EVERY single time the admittedly lovely lady blurts out the word "humdingers"....and you can bet your bottom dollar the word will be said this week. Don't be in the least bit surprised if there is a forecast when the word is said, but nothing happens because of left over clag stubbornly refuses to go, with inevitable results.
  15. You might get away with them going either side of you, result being you hearing distant rumbles north and south of your location. It would a bold call to say to was guaranteed though.
  16. Dry here at the moment, met office app (for what it's worth!) shows hail showers in the next hour. Radar does show showers to my north and north west.
  17. If there is one weather event I could have repeated it would be the July 1/2 1968 one. The first weather event I have any memory of. The daytime darkness, and I mean really dark! Brown streaked rain (dust from the Sahara mixed in with the rain apparently) Our greenhouse getting smashed by big hailstones. My poor mum, who was terrified of thunder, having to endure one thunderstorm after another. She was convinced it was the same storm stopping in its tracks then coming back again!! Most vivid memory though was of the electricity substation which was just a couple of hundred yards away from the row of houses where I was living taking a direct hit from a thunderbolt....the deafening thunder and the substation blowing up...always stayed in the memory!
  18. There almost always seems to be the issue of storms dying over the Channel before reaching our shores as a big wet mess. Years gone by, as we all remember, large thunderstorms would cross the Channel without any bother, then track northwards giving much of the UK spectacular pyrotechnic displays. I also clearly recall that prior to the storms noisy arrivals, there would be a period of lightning flashes which seemed to light up everywhere outside but no thunder would be heard.
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