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Everything posted by IanR

  1. Time for a moan, Why is it southern central/eastern england always gets the best of any potentially exciting weather , its not just thundery stuff but wind and major rain events too, and they get the best of any heat too, want to move from the NW now , it really is a no mans land of weather voidness
  2. it really is damp squib here as expected, just some typical moderate rain earlier, and some leaves rustling, unless it all kicks off later, (unlikely much will happen) very still now , no rain and just plain old overcast,
  3. the word supercell is a little annoying, back in the 70 's and 80's, when we got proper long lasting thunderstorms even here I might add , they where called 'thunderstorms' and thats it, the term seems to be used more now because of the growing popularity of storm chase vidoes in the states ,
  4. rain getting a bit heavier now, leaves started to rustle
  5. does look interesting that , but as most of the time, I feel it will be just an overcast rainy day here,with a stiff wnw breeze picking up later as the low moves over , like a typical autumnal depression, any notable thunderstorms will form in the usual areas if they do Not getting too excited, learned my lesson over the years from these hyped up situations
  6. widespead across central and eastern parts more like , the NW was supposed to be good area today, but just odd rumbles over manchester way, its been all about the east again cant complain too much, had a couple of decent thunder days this year, but still not on par with the ninties
  7. I do too, but I think we have to realise nothing thundery will happen here this evening, I suspect the activity thats been happening to the east of manchester and into yorkshire was the main event area,
  8. feels cooler now and we have moderate rain, game over!
  9. its been disappointing in the NW of England, despite looking promising with large towers and a warm humid feel,not even heard one distant rumble,
  10. ah well missed last night, but this was much better from a couple of weeks ago, very frequent lightning and I was awake to see it, well it woke me up lol *not my vid*
  11. shame I decided to go to bed at 1015 last night, i normally only go about 1145, I would have seen this little show from my west facing window if I had stayed up , damn
  12. never mind feeling the effect of bertha, is anyone feeling the effects of the jet stream BOILING us
  13. frequent rumbles every 30 seconds from that for about 15 minutes then it all just stopped as quick as it came , they cant seem to keep going , very nice looking storm cloud though against the evening sky, the rain shaft was orange and brown
  14. few rumbles heard here not that loud though, from the merseyside cell earlier , and about an hour later from the manchester cell,only one flash of forked IC lighning observed,not particualy strong storms at all, but nice to have nontheless
  15. a few torrential bursts here today, but not sferical in nature
  16. Well will know now for sure what will happen, I think they do it on purpose to put on a jinx
  17. comments like that and the lack of post says it all, a most deflated end to a hot spell patchy light rain it is then, sod this, I am off to pour some merlot and put the hifi on
  18. looked 'slightly ' promising here early, temps around 28.c and some large cumulus growing to the west, they have now fragmented to nothing, milky skies now, maybe a few spots of light rain later is the most to hope for, what a dud squib to end a decent heatwave
  19. happened a few times here in the eighties and ninties, the only recent time was october last year, 3 days I think must have been making up for the lack of thunder in the months before,
  20. 10c would be classed a mild in december or january, 50c sounds like hell to me
  21. having to endure and work in this awful heat then not have the reward of thunderstorms is hard to swallow, maybe october we will get another
  22. 'Stormy Saturday' hoho was a massively overhyped event in the NW , the local beeb forcasters where especially annoying, they where still going on about TORRential downpours, frequent lightning, hail gusty winds, DONT TRAVEL IF YOU DONT HAVE TOO aRHHHHHH shut the ***** up we all knew it was turning into an overcast drizzle fest
  23. I had a feeling today would pan out like this, the forcast for multiple widespread thunderstorms sounded too good to be true, we are not in the eighties anymore ;-)
  24. they were better and bigger here in the 70's and 80's without any doubt , stuff the meto with their stats hehe
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