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Everything posted by Glaswegianblizzard

  1. This forecast leaves me very disappointed. It's like there's a little finger along the clyde that will get no snow whatsoever, whereas much of the rest of Scotland will get something. Feel picked upon. Ordinarily I would be quite enjoying what we have, but given whats on offer, then it's a big let down. Hope you folks saying it's short term pain for long term gain are proven right. Of course, being from Glasgow, I should maybe just be thankful it's not raining. It's not going to rain, is it?
  2. Make the most of these jokes while the goings good.
  3. The weather channel are predicting temp not to rise above -1c in Glasgow next wed to fri. To say I'm excited is an understatement.
  4. So it seems were looking good for some snow in Glasgow on Friday. Just hope it doesn't revert to the rapid thaw we normally get when anything arrives from the west.
  5. Absolutely no precipitation in central Glasgow, despite the weather channel reporting snow for about 2 hours now.
  6. So, just rain expected for Glasgow tonight? That's what the weather channel are predicting: temp rise then rain in the morning.
  7. You say you and the neighbours all get on well, you forget to mention the late night raves you were all having together.
  8. So do I, again not sure why. Don't mind the mid summer nights too, where it's not dark until after 10pm, but there's something about the midwinter. Might be reminders of the cosyness of being indoors on an autumn or winters day. Kind of like the Danish concept of hygge.
  9. Usually tend to accept the weather fir what it is, but crikey! Is it possible to get SAD in the summer months? Don't think I've been exposed to direct sunlight for over a week. Having read that the poor weather were getting is due to the jet stream having dived south, who normally gets this awful muck for weeks On end? Is this what Norway has to suffer each June and July?!
  10. Hey all. Not often we get advance warning big thunderstorms in Glasgow. Could be interested watching tomorrow. Wonder how it will compare to the impressive electrical storms I've seen abroad. Heavy rain here now. Might have seen a couple of flickers of sheet lightning but that might just be my imagination.
  11. My calendar must be wrong, keeps talking me it's March, not June!
  12. Very scary sounding storm in Glasgow at the moment. Central train station has been shut. Temps dropped from 10c to 5c in last cpl of hours.
  13. Can finally say it has calmed down in Glasgow. Thought this a few times today but I can say it with more certainty now.
  14. Radio Scotland giving this a bit of coverage. Apparently Scottish Cabinet Ministers now meeting to discuss contingency plans. Already advising people to leave work early. Don't think I've ever known this here. Either this storm is the worst we've known, or they are just being exceptionally prepared after they were caught out by the snow last winter,
  15. Glasgow City Council has suspended festive celebrations in the City Centre tomorrow. http://glasgowloveschristmas.com/Pages/default.aspx?page=glasgow-on-ice
  16. Glasgow city council has announced it has suspended festive events in the city centre tomorrow.
  17. I remember a story a fewyears ago about a footballer in Denmark who was struck by lightning during a match, and the medical treatment afterwards involved cooling his body temp down to induce a coma. Anyone know more about this?
  18. Think someone mentioned 80-90mph in the central belt? Seriously?? That is quite concerning.
  19. Heavy rain here, following on from rain throughout this afternoon which made the pavements treacherous following last nights low temps. Will probably get rid of the snow tonight and into early tomorrow if this keeps up. Seems to be a lot of talk about this low coming in on Thursday. Glasgow to get a bit of this then?
  20. Raining now here. That's what that dark cloud delivered.
  21. Clouding over here in Glasgow but no snow falling yet. Been out for a wander in the snow, about 1cm, not much. If this big grey cloud delivers we might get topped up.
  22. Well I'm maybe overdoing that. An inch or something. Nice though.
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