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Everything posted by Glaswegianblizzard

  1. So is it going to snow again today? Radio Scotland reported rain for tomorrow. Surely not?
  2. This has to be the best snow/cold event of my adult life - or so it seems - and i'm in my late twenties. Its fantastic, must be several cms lying in the south of Glasgow. Yesterday's snowfall was brilliant. Now with the temperatures dropping away it should be with us for a while. This is the way winters should be! I'm like a kid again.
  3. Glasgow city centre had nothing but a few flurries and a bit of sleet today. Came back to the suburbs and we've got a fresh covering of snow. Only an inch, but better than nothing! Noticed this morning the pavements were sheet ice as well. Very treacherous.
  4. In Cathcart there's nothing doing - suspect there may have been some rain as only now does there appear to have been a thaw. Can see the clouds to the north giving the snow. To the west it seems clear so the snow might be off for a while now.
  5. So it has! Woohoo! There's been no snow fall here all day but thankfully yesterday's has survived. No thaw at all it seems.
  6. Well, it must be a true cold spell, because today it snowed, in GLASGOW!!! Not only that, it lay! got a dusting out here in the suburbs. Okay, we got a good fall last February, however I was getting a bit sick of finding everywhere in the vicinity getting loads of snow, and Glasgow staying dry (could be worse it could have rained like it normally does). I see we've to get a bit tomorrow as well. Looking forward to it, although not expecting to see a massive amount. When in Glasgow, always expect snow to disappoint!
  7. Its gone a bit mental in Glasgow over the past hour and a half. Very heavy rain and strong gusts. Has this to be on all night? This won't do the ground much good at all.
  8. Just went absolutely wild in Glasgow during the past hour. Similar to Thursday only windier.
  9. Eh, no accurate weather station reports or anything, but I can tell you there's been heavy rain and very windy for the whole day. The Clyde in Glasgow City Centre was very very high... :lol:
  10. Something I am noticing - not my own personal observations but one that I find on a site I visit. When you compare the last few days with the corresponding dates last November, this year is coming out slightly colder in Glasgow (or Bishopton, where the weather station is). Just find this interesting regarding a very mild winter some people seem to be predicting. On this basis, although we are getting few sub zero lows at night, the day time temperatures are not really suggesting anything like it as far as I can see. Would it not take a major shift in weather patterns now to give us either a very mild or very cold winter? Certainly I don't see anything to give up hope of a cold winter, although I would prefer some more crisp, dry mornings than we've had. Suggests to me that one is no more or less likely than the other, and in my own humble opinion, if anything were more likely, it would be average or moderately cold. Interesting to see if we continue to see the gradual lowering of temperatures into December. I would guess at 5-7 degrees being seen a lot if it continues this way here - no more than a hunch.
  11. Dundee United v Rangers just got abandoned because of the rain.
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