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Everything posted by winterfreak

  1. I think the snow's a good reason to put that extraction off chris.....
  2. That's the best feeling for a snow lover eh idle? Good on ya!!!
  3. I know! 5 minutes between curtain twitches makes all the difference!
  4. Scratch that, hammering down again now............. Oh Yeah baby, barreling down again!!! :wub:
  5. Easing off here in Tonbridge now.......Here's to more for all
  6. I suppose and Rob thinks he's on with Kaddy maybe... That would explain the grin
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00pgps6/BBC_Weather_16_12_2009/ Just what is Mr McElwee alluding to with regards to Monday??? :lol:
  8. In case i'm being thick is 1 the highest chance with 5 being the lowest.....?
  9. Just joining Netweather on the cusp of this amazing model run, it has completely engulfed me this last two weeks. The rollercoaster of emotions of the model runs (even if i'm not too sure what you are all going on about), rows with the wife because i'm riveted to this bloody pc, kids nipping at my heels, talk of classic winters including (insert those particular years here), remembering vividly 1987 and 1991 on top of the North downs, wanting sooo much to have some snow at Christmas i don't mind admiting i'm mentally pooped. So although optimistic about this snow, i'm also a realist and, like the England football team, whilst so much has been promised, so very little has ever really been produced. I am hoping for some winter weather over this Christmas period to cheer ALL winter lovers up! However.........
  10. Thanks Steve. Superb technical analysis and explanation (which means i understood very little of it!) However, much appreciated you took the time and the more tech members will be able to understand better what you've detailed.
  11. I've got a dewpoint now of -0.7°c. That would be enough wouldn't it (seeing as we're 'warmer' than progged for the next few days?)
  12. It's still looking good for snowfall in our neck of the woods then? Model output seems to suggest we may have rain
  13. Steve, temp here is -1.7°c with a -3.4°c dew point. Both falling in last 15 minutes or so.....
  14. I think you're confusing Gravesend Hill for Wrotham Hill and I think you mean Fairseat, not Fairlight!!!
  15. I think it might have something to do with phrases like 'classic winter' '1947/1963/1981/1987/1991' etc when really it seems like it'll be a minor event at best....only my opinion and i'm happy to be proved wrong however.
  16. Why is it that this mornings 06z gfs run was being lauded from the rooftops and within the space of an hour or so it's now just 'cold' (not very) and very little snow apart from the North?:huh:
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