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Everything posted by Archie_Lewis

  1. WOW.... Heavy/moderate snow falling here in St Albans Must be from the PPN heading in from the NW. As I type... Huge flakes falling
  2. Same here. Im can confirm its snowing in South Herts. Back to the models the front does seem to stall further NW then thought this time yesterday. I really wouldnt read in to it to much though, I would of thought that tomorrow afternoon into the evening will definately be a nowcasting event and it could very well happen that the counties in the SE that have had their advisories will be suprised tomorrow. Its happened so many times, unexpected snowfall. As ever the radar shall have the final say.
  3. Started snowing here in St Albans, SW hertfordshire. Looking good for Snow here tomorrow night too
  4. Tuesday to Wednesday forecast on the national page! Risk of Heavy Snow for SE England also watch the beeb forecasts!
  5. You better go call up the Beeb and Meto guys then! They are forcasting heavy snow for SE and EA Tuesday, go and tell them that they are munipulating the charts to favour the SE and EA in their forecasts!
  6. I admire your confidence! Somehow I don't think you know more than the professonals! Some are taking the -5 uppers as a must, it can snow heavily with -2 uppers with heavy ppn/right conditions, although the north looks colder it's the SE that have the chance of prolonged snowfall due to the front stalling, thickness will play a big part here and combination of a stalling front - average uppers around -4, will mean one thing = some where in EA the SE and East midlands will have heavy snowfall Tuesday! Where and how much? Nowcasting I would think!
  7. so why are the beeb and sky news going on about heavy snow for SE and EA Tuesday? Even the met office going for it! What's being said on this forum is the complete opposite to TV forecasts and Meto! Who will be right?
  8. very wise words! Snow is always 5 days or more away! No point what so ever talking about next week snow I remember last week members going for inches of snow this week - well look what's happening... East Kent gets it not the whole of our region and NE England as well like the charts had us believe! 12hrs away then I would start to feel confident on snow amounts I know we should all have our fun and discuss, but talking snow detail for a week away is a mind kidder, great once in a blue moon but when it's happening to often during cold spells ... Looking for snow 5 days + away everyday is just stupid
  9. Been snowing here since 8am! Not settled! Looks like dry and partly sunny weather up until Friday, even Fridays PPN looks 50/50
  10. So it's looking dry the rest of the week then away from Kent and sussex? Bit different from the country tracks forecast yesterday.....
  11. Snowing here on and off all morning! Heavy at times latest beeb forecast for tomorrow! Dry and sunny with a high of 5C or 6C.... Mmm - bit different from country tracks forecast yesterday!
  12. Great post TEITS However compared to the last cold spell, the cold next week could be dominated by high pressure, less chance for convection, troth developing etc. The last cold spell had the high further north of course.
  13. I agree to a point Nick. Yes a big disappointment to those who followed the charts yesterday afternoon. I however was very cautious and realistic and knew from past model watching that anything along them lines that was showing (SNOWFEST), had to be taken with a pinch of salt until the reliable timeframe. I have just breifly checled the GFS 00hrs and once AGAIN... The snowfest is in FI LA LA LAND. Yes it looks cold next week but as massive prozac session this morning for members that just get to carried away.
  14. 168hr - thats more like it BUT, ITS FI ill go with up to 120hrs, it shows the cold air in place, thats fine by me. Even looking to 120hrs is risky.
  15. This is why you must never never look past 120hr Its a skill in itself to be able to this.
  16. Come on Steve that's nearly 10 days away! Upto 120hrs is looking spot on from all the big three! I will not look any further than that because I'm 99.9% sure anything after that will change! What a turn around from the models! Great stuff
  17. Too true..... To much scatter if you ask me. Things could still go very wrong. Alot of caution needed up until Saturday afternoon at the very earliest Once again Members getting far to carried away far to early..........
  18. Better looking agreement now from the charts. However I will not be confident until Saturday afternoon. There is absolutely no point looking at snow detail/potential now, lets get the cold here first! I know members are just predicting/having fun on where it will snow ... But this has no relevance really does it? Snow forecasts will change 4hrs beforehand. Whereas TREND does have relevance.... And it seems the TREND is there for a VERY COLD AND SNOWY week next week
  19. I dont think it will snow Snowman. Im in NE Herts/cambridge border at the moment for work. And its RAINING
  20. Snowing lightly here in nw London/ herts border! Got a real good feeling about tomorrow morning :-)
  21. Latest beeb weather graphics on news24 @ 17:27 with Dan Corbett have increased the SNOW for our area.
  22. New update from meto! Interesting.... Could we be looking at further upgrades tomorrow? THIS IS AN ADVANCED WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW FOR WALES AND SW ENGLAND IN PARTICULAR FROM TUESDAY PM AND DURING WEDNESDAY MORNING During Tuesday afternoon, an Atlantic frontal system will move slowly northeast bringing heavy snow inland across SW England and southern half of Wales then spreading further NE across the rest of Wales, N. Ireland and across the parts of Midlands and central southern England overnight into Wednesday morning before slowly dying out in the afternoon/evening, up to 5-15cm of fresh snowfall can be expected widely, over higher ground of SW England and Wales further fresh snowfall accumulations of 15-25cm are possible. The northern and eastern extent of the heaviest snow during Wednesday is still a little uncertain, but at the moment areas south and west of a line roughly from Liverpool to Eastbourne are likely to see the heaviest of snowfall. Outside of this area maybe a couple of cm of fresh snow can be expected during Wednesday as the front continues slowly northeast across central and eastern areas. Away from these areas, further snowfall is possible across the Highlands of Scotland and over the mountains of N England and N. Ireland bringing further accumulations.
  23. Latest BBC London weather: now going with 2-5cm across London and Homecounties! Tuesday night late into Weds morning! Good enough for me considering I thought nothing would reach here
  24. I know these guys credibility is pretty poor but ITV London Tonight regional weather going for up to 2cm Wednesday morning across London and South east
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